Chapter 5: UNINVITED

The wedding ceremony and reception had finished, and as the place of the event was going to change and the garden party where the celebs would gather, Enokida exited the internet cafe he concealed himself in. The time was already past the evening, and the city of Ikebukuro wss dyed in an orange color.

" – So you really were here."

Suddenly being called out in front of the building, Enokida came to a halt. When he turned around, a slim, elderly gentleman stood there.


Enokida winced. He terribly recalled who the man dressed up nice the same as him was.


This man – Yagi – was a servant of Enokida"s family. He was a man who would follow any of his father"s orders and had looked after Enokida during his childhood. It was also him who had informed him of Miyoko"s wedding.

Who knew he would have been found even though he had undergone the lengths to outwit this man by hiding in an internet cafe like this.

"……How did you figure it out?"

When Enokida glared at him suspiciously,

"I can foresee the young master"s thoughts."

Yagi said and narrowed his eyes.

"I can guess your thoughts too."

Enokida ultimately decided to not sneak into the party. It was because among the wedding ceremony attendants he had seen that man (his father). And so he grasped Yagi"s true motive: why he had notified him of Miyoko"s marriage in the first place.

"You used Miyoko-sensei as an excuse to call me out to Tokyo and planned to have me meet with that man, but it won"t happen."

"My now, you figured it out?"

Yagi chuckled calmly.

This man had the tendency of wanting to get him and his father to reunite. He wanted to improve the discord between their parent and child relationship.

More than that, Enokida changed the topic.

"Why are you here?"

"Will you not go?"

"I don"t have to be next to that man then?"

"No. The master has a bodyguard with him."

"……That"s right. He became the Minister of Justice."

"You were aware? So you really do have your father on your mind."

"This is in the field of general common knowledge."

This spring Enokida"s father, Kazuo Matsuda, had accomplished entering the cabinet ministers. Right now as the Minister of Justice he was thoroughly engrossed in his work. And that was why he did not think he would be attending Miyoko-sensei"s ceremony.

"Even though he"s busy, he comes out for that person"s ceremony. And even for the second party too."

"Miyoko-san is beloved by the master as well. Like a true daughter."

"Ah, is that right."

Enokida curtly replied back and shrugged his shoulders.

" – Young master." Yagi inquired as Enokida turning on his heel. "Where will you be going now? You must be tired from the long travel, so how about resting at your home? I have a car waiting as well."

"I won"t take up the offer."

Enokida snorted. As if I would go back to that house.

"I"m going to hang out at an acquaintance"s place now." Enokida turned back around and grinned. "I came all the way to Tokyo, so I got a job to do."
After departing with Yagi, Enokida flagged down a taxi and headed to Shinjuku. The place he visited was a western bar called "Dodge City," and it was a shop an acquaintance of his runs.

As the name suggested the interior decorations were a Western theme. When he pushed the sliding door open and entered inside, the owner turned around. Seeing Enokida, he gave a broad smile, "this is a rare guest."

"It"s been awhile, Wyatt." Enokida raised one of his hands and responded.

The man"s name was Wyatt Westwood. He was an employee of the NPB, the Nippon Professional Bounty Hunter Organization, and he was also the captain of the gra.s.s-lot baseball team the Tokyo Sukiyaki Westerns they would be playing against in the next practice game.

Wyatt was one of Enokida"s clients, and even now they have exchanged information over the phone on occasion, but it had been awhile since they met directly.

"What"s up, Enokida? You here to observe your enemy"s positions before the game?"

"That"s not it," Enokida shook his head. "Just in the mood for a drink."

"Is that right?" Wyatt smiled. "Well then, take a seat. I"ll bring out some alcohol and snacks. What would you like?"

"Hmm, I guess a beer first."

"If that"s the case then should we do fried potatoes? Or should we do a platter of Vienna? …..Ahh, we also have chicken."

"Potatoes. And bring out chopsticks."


Just as instructed he toom a seat at one of the table seats.

"By the way," Wyatt recalled. "I heard one of your teammates couldn"t come?"

"Ahh, yeah." Enokida nodded. "Our third-baseman. Seems a job came in."

Their teammate Saeki would always be defending third base, but on sudden notice he became unable to travel with them for the expedition. He was asked an underground job from a long-term client and he could not turn it down. Since Saeki was also the director at the cosmetic surgery clinic he was usually busy anyway.

"Genzo-san said he"s looking for a stand-in right now."

The Ramens was a team of nine. There were nine positions in baseball. Without one, they could not play a game.

"In the worst case scenario, we can have the outfield be protected by an elementary school girl or borrow one of your guys."

Wyatt finished with, "It"d be great if you found someone," and headed to the kitchen.

While he was waiting for him Enokida decided to do some work. He was asked by Lin to look up a certain man.

– Shinta Kasaoka.

When he was looking him up in the internet cafe earlier, he learned Kasaoka was a former employee of Murder Inc. He quit the company about a half a year ago. He infiltrated his cell phone data that was listed in the contract and took a glance over the call history, but all of them were signaling from the center of Tokyo. Why is Lin who should be in f.u.kuoka looking into a man from Tokyo? He was curious, but before he did any unnecessary searches he decided to concentrate on his work first.

As he was hacking into Shinta Kasaoka"s whereabouts, he saw there was frequent movement. Based off the speed he seemed to have used trains, buses, or taxis at random and was on the run with no definite destination. Kasaoka himself was probably aware he was being hunted down.

Will he stop in one place somewhere? Enokida decided to set a trap to push for that moment. The display on the computer screen flashed and was now letting him know the target was making a phone call somewhere.

Attempting to eavesdrop on the conversation Enokida put in earphones in both his ears and clicked on the record b.u.t.ton.

[ – Hey] A man spoke. [Where are you? I"ve called you numerous times already. The Awakusu Group wanted to talk with-]

[I got into trouble. Help me.]

– It was the voice of another man. This one was probably Kasaoka.

[It was let out to John that I"m your guys" spy.]

– Spy?

[If I"m caught, I"ll be killed.]

[Then don"t get caught.]

[Don"t say it like it"s not your problem! It"s all your guys" fault! Since you guys came to me with that deal! That"s why I"m in this mess- ] Kasaoka"s yelling suddenly stopped. After a moment he continued in a quieter voice like a whisper. [If I get caught and tortured, I"ll tell them everything. It"s John. You won"t be let off on it either. You"ll be put out on the streets.]

After a moment of silence, the person on the other side of the call answered, [….Alright.]

[We will protect you.]

[Please do that.]

[Where are you right now?]

[I"m in an abandoned building in Ikebukuro.]

Kasaoka told the other in detail of his location.

[We will come get you later. Don"t move from there.]

– And the call ended there.

Don"t move from there, huh. This is most convenient. Attaching the address of the abandoned building Kasaoka was in and a map, Enokida sent an e-mail to Lin. With this his job was done.

Just as he shut his laptop Wyatt brought in the beer and fried potatoes.

As they were wandering around the city of Ikebukuro at night and killing time an e-mail came in from Enokida. He seemed to have figured out Kasaoka"s location. There was an address and a map attached in the e-mail.

"Says he"s in an abandoned warehouse in Ikebukuro," Lin said while looking at the attached map. "It"s a little ways from here."

Banba and them were in the entertainment district next to the station right now. Their targeted location was rather far, but they did not have the money for a taxi. The two headed towards the abandoned factory on foot.

After walking for a bit, they saw a silhouette. They heard voices disputing. What is it? Lin and Banba"s eyes widened, and they looked at each other. While hiding in the shadows of the building, they peeked around to see what is going on.

In the middle of the street, there were two men. One had dread-locks. The other had blond hair. He was wearing sun so they could not see his face well, but he seemed to be a young man. He was wearing bartender clothes.

"This is problematic for us, not paying for what you bought."

The dread-hair man said with a gentle tone.

The two stood there, blocking the way of a delinquent. For some reason the atmosphere felt restless. Is it money collecting? Lin tilted his head in thought.

"Sh-shuddup!" The hoodlum man raised his voice. "Get the h.e.l.l outta the way, you-"

The next moment, the hoodlum took out a knife from his pocket and swung it.

"Move! Don"t get close to me!"

The tip of the knife grazed the blond man. He barely missed it, but the black vest of his bartender clothes got cut.

"……My clothes……"

The man in the bartender outfit murmured.

One beat later,

"You ruined the clothes I got from him, you bastaarrd-"

In the quiet alleyway, a shout of anger responded.

And then- surprisingly, the man pulled out the "One Hour Parking" sign nearby.


Lin"s eyes popped out of his head. What was even more shocking was that the man gripped the sign with both hands and made a full swing with it. He could not believe it.

-What the h.e.l.l is that man? Is he really human?

Lin was shocked.

"……What is he……a monster…..?!"

The sign he swung clipped the hoodlum. And then his body was shot away easily.

"Ahh~" While watching, the dread hair man, not even surprised, placed a hand on his head and sighed. "Again, huh."

The man in bartender clothes after his rampage approached the dread haired man as though nothing had happened. "……Tom-san."

"You feeling better?"

"Yes." He nodded in honesty. "Let"s go to the next one."

"Put that back in its proper place."

Just as he said, the bartender man thrust the street sign back to its former position. And then he left while calmly conversing with the dread-lock man.

The vicinity returned to being quiet again. What was left here was the hoodlum sunk into the concrete wall and the one hour street sign pierced into the ground slantingly.

Since the storm had pa.s.sed,

"…..H-hey, Banba." Lin called out to the man next to him. "Did you see that just now?"

Gazing at him from the side, Banba was also just as shocked as him. His eyes were wide, and his mouth hung open. "Yeah, I seen it." He answered in a whisper.

"He"s amazing, that fella…..I haven"t a-seen none a smooth swing like that."

"Not that!"

He unconsciously raised his voice.

To others they should be more shocked than anything, yet Banba calmly a.n.a.lyzed the man in the bartender outfit"s batting form. "He done a good swing. The tilt of his body was good, and the orbit of his batting was smooth."

"What he swung wasn"t a bat but a street sign!"

"He could be a perfect slugger." Banba placed his hand of his chin and hummed with a serious expression. "If he could hit a solid ball, I wonder if he could hit the signboard of Yahuoku! Dome……"

"Do you only think of baseball?!"

Lin held his head.

I can"t believe it. That bartender guy and this baseball idiot next to me.

"You reckon" he has an interest in baseball? Which team would he be a part in? Maybe our pinch hitter?"

Banba talked on on the subject with lit-up eyes and tried to go pursue after the bartender man.

"I"m gonna do some scoutin"."

"Stop, idiot!"

He hastily grabbed Banba by the scruff of his neck and pulled him back.

"You can tell he"s dangerous just by watching him, right?! Don"t get involved!"

"There ain"t no one bad who makes such a perfect form and swing."

"Of course there are! You"re way too blind when it comes to baseball!"

Lin sighed heavily and returned to the main topic. "……Besides we"re not in a position to mess around."

They had to go catch that bounty right now. They did not have time to recruit anyone for their gra.s.s-lot baseball team.

"What will we do if he gets picked up by others first?" They could not let their source of income to get away. "I absolutely will not be camping in a park."

Banba reluctantly agreed at Lin"s reasoning.
After roughly five minutes of walking the abandoned building in question came into view. They cautiously stepped inside the dim s.p.a.ce lightened only by the moonlight. Lin went in first with Banba following behind. Their footsteps resounded in the silence of the building.

It was when they took a few more paces.

"You guys were slow getting here!"

They suddenly heard a yell. From the pitch black darkness a man jumped out. It was the same man in the photo – Shinta Kasaoka.

"You made me wait for so -"

Looking between their faces closely, Kasaoka"s breath got caught in his throat.

"Wh-who are you?! You"re not the guys from the company!?"

They did not know who these guys from whatever company were, but Lin and Banba were not part of any company so it was definitely not them. Lin nodded. "Well, that"s about right."

The man braced himself and yelled. "It can"t be; are you John"s lackeys!?"

"……John? Who"s that?"

When Lin tilted his head in question,

"How "bout you take a breather." Banba spoke up next to him. "We don"t gotta kill you. You got a bounty on your head, so we just came to catch you."

Don"t give such a polite explanation, Lin"s shoulders slumped.

Either way it did not change they were his enemies. Kasaoka"s face turned pale.


While crying out he dashed towards the exit.

"Like we"d let you get away!"

Lin moved. He shifted around him and lied in wait for the bounty. He was probably thinking he could break through if it was just some weak girl. The man rushed madly at Lin without dropping any speed.

"Get outta the waaay!"

Kasaoka raised up his arms. It was a simple attack. It was easy to see.

Lin bent over and while dodging the attack he gave in punch in his solar plexus with his fist. "Ugwah," Kasaoka groaned softly. His body bent in on itself, and he crumbled to the ground.

"……You didn"t kill him right?" Banba said while peering at Kasaoka"s face.

"Of course. They said to take him in alive."

That was what was written on the post on

"That was a pleasant job. Just for catching one small fry we"ll get 300,000." Lin narrowed his eyes. "Wonder if I should change careers too."

Now they just had to call the number and get their reward. Lin tried to take out his smartphone, but that was when it happened.

Somewhere they heard humming. The melodramatic melody and the clinking of metal with footsteps were coming closer.

"……Ah? What"s this?"

When they turned around, there was a silhouette at the entrance. A man was standing there. When the man spotted Lin and Banba he spoke, his shoulders slumping.

" – Well this sucks; someone else got here first."

He said and gave a wry smile. It was a young man wearing a hat and in a cowboy getup.

Just who is this person?

Lin stared at him and frowned. "……Who is this cosplaying guy?"

Banba next to him whispered, "Lin-chan can"t say that about others either," but he ignored it.

Having received the information from the informant in Shinjuku, Tora headed to Kasaoka"s hiding place. It was an abandoned building in Ikebukuro. It was a remote place, but it would have to be to hide away in.

That man"s information was accurate. Inside was Kasaoka.

Afterwards he just had to catch the bounty the usual way by threatening him with a gun and hand him over to Wyatt, but the job this time was a bit irregular.

" – Well this sucks; someone else got here first."

Tora whispered out loud.

Inside the abandoned building were people other than Kasaoka. The wanted man he was searching for seems to be unconscious. He was collapsed on the floor, not moving. Next to him stood a man and a woman. It was a pair he did not know.

"You two are unfamiliar faces."

– Are they the same as me?

He did not recall them so they did not seem to be bounty hunters working in Tokyo. Are they some wanderers from elsewhere?

"Who are you?"

When Tora asked that in a stern voice the woman cursed back with, "and just who the h.e.l.l are you, you cosplaying freak." What a foulmouthed woman.

"I"m a bounty hunter." Tora gave a short reply and pointed at the fallen Kasaoka. "And that is my prey."

He a.n.a.lysed the situation once more calmly. There were two opponents against him. He was at a disadvantage in numbers. He reconsidered Wyatt"s warning briefly. Though considering that there was no way he could back down quietly. His income for this month was tight. "Sorry, but I"ll be taking him."

"As if we"d hand him over. Don"t kid with us. We"re the ones who caught him." The woman snorted. "We"re in a tight situation too. We need money."

– Their aim is for the money. Then they do the same profession as me.

It was not rare at all for fellow bounty hunters to run into each other when chasing down the same prey. My luck was bad, Tora tutted.

"I"ll take him by force. I"ll be your opponent." The woman laughed provocatively. She then addressed her male companion. "Hey, Banba. Leave this to me."

I feel like letting lose a bit, she was grinning. What an outrageous woman.

"Take that man and hide somewhere." The woman pointed at Kasaoka while saying that.

"Careful not to get yourself killed now," the man picked up Kasaoka as instructed. "There"s no one I can count on in Tokyo, so it"ll be a pain if you get yourself up and killed."

The man left with that warning and hid himself with Kasaoka behind the drum.

"I know. It"s fine if I go easy, right?" The woman said with a sigh mixed in.

– Go easy, she said?

Isn"t she underestimating me quite a bit?

A smile crept up on his face as he felt the anger rise up at the woman"s words. "I have a principle to not fight with women though."

"Acting all gentleman like," the woman shrugged her shoulders. "Don"t worry, I"m a man."

"That"s right," From behind the drum can the man peeked his head out. "Lin-chan is a boy~"

– A man?

Tora stared at him closely. Then does that mean he is just dressing up as a woman? No matter how I look at him he looks like a woman, but now that he mentioned it I can see his build is more angular.

Either way, if it"s a man that"s fine by me.

"Is that so."

Tora moved both of his hands quickly.

"If that"s the case then without holding back."

– I"ll make the first move.

Tora immediately pulled out his two guns from the holster. He took aim while c.o.c.king them and pulled the triggers of both in his left and right hand at the same time. – It was just under a second.

I got him, he had thought. He planned to hit him in his limbs and prevent him from moving.

However, the cross-dressing man in front of him had vanished.


– Where did he go? Where is he?

Tora"s gaze briskly wandered around the area and searched for him.

" – Don"t look away."

He suddenly heard a voice beside him, and Tora"s breath was caught in his throat. The cross-dresser man brandished his knife and took a swing. He threw out his left hand immediately and blocked the blade with the gun. The metallic sound rang and the impact ran up his arm. This man looked weak, but he had quite a bit of strength. Unable to block it, Tora staggered back.

When he tried to point the gun at the other, holding himself on his right foot, but the cross-dresser man tried to move around to Tora"s backside. He restlessly moved around him as so he could not get a lock on him. Tora turned his body around, held up his guns with both hands and tried to catch his target. He pulled the trigger in both hands once again. However, his opponent was faster. The two shots pierced into the walls of the abandoned building.

d.a.m.n, he cursed. I missed. I wasted two thousand yen.

His opponent"s weapon was a knife. Naturally he would go for a close-combat. If it was that he was at a disadvantage. Tora tried to make some distance from his opponent by firing off a few shots as a threat. He pulled the trigger in his right hand in succession.

" – Don"t you run off."

The cross-dresser man comprehended his objective. As he was retreating he thrust the knife towards Tora trying to point the knife at his throat. Twisting his body, Tora dodged the attack very nearly.

He suddenly realized.

– It can"t be is this man……a killer?

His movements – these were the movements of a killer. He was aiming for a person"s vital points without restraint or hesitation. It was a one-sided defensive battle.

Desperate to not let him get close and just dodge, he could not fix his aim with the revolver. His breathing quickened. "s.h.i.t," he cursed. This man was good.

– So was I the wrong who underestimated him?

After Tora slipped out a wry smile he gritted his teeth.

He did not even have the composure to hold up his guns and pull the trigger. He protected himself with the guns from his opponents relentless attacks. The knife and the gun collided.

This time there was a kick to his left hand. The Colt fell out of Tora"s hand by the impact and drops to the ground. He had aimed for his gun since the beginning. He probably planned to take the weapons from Tora and rob him of his means to attack. What Tora had left was the Colt in his right hand.

At some point he had been cornered against the wall. The man approached him slowly step by step.

" – Stop."

Tora held up his right gun and pointed it at the other"s face. Even so the man did not flinch. He did not stop.

"I"ll shoot." Tora threatened him once again.

"Then shoot," the cross-dresser man smiled. He had a composed expression.  "If you can."

"You"re rather"

"I"ve used those guns in the past."

The man pointed with his chin to Tora"s weapon and grinned.

"You"ve run out of bullets, haven"t you?"

Tora"s eyes nearly popped out at those words.

– He sees through my bluff.

It was as the man had said. The gun in Tora"s right hand was out of bullets. The other noticed that. And so he aimed for the gun in his right hand that had the possibility of still having bullets in his previous attack.

– This man, it can"t be, he figured it out?

The man fully knew how many shots Tora took. He figured it out in this tense sort of situation and in the middle of the fight. What composure. What observational skills. Tora"s eyes were wide.

"Bounty hunters sure are halfhearted."

The man"s eyes narrowed. It was the cold eyes of a murderer.

– This isn"t good. This is really bad.

His heart was pounding hard. He felt sweat under his hat.

I"m going to be killed, he thought.

– It was then.

"I know you"re hiding in here, Kasaoka! How about you come out quietly!"

He heard an outrageous voice as though the world was making fun of him.

"The great Rabito Westwood has come to catch you!"

Rabito Westwood – Tora frowned at the annoying name.

When he moved his gaze towards the entrance, there stood a large man wearing priest clothes.

Rabito, having received the whereabouts of Shinta Kasaoka from the informant, immediately headed to the abandoned warehouse in Ikebukuro.

However that hateful man, Torakichi Nishino, was there already.

d.a.m.n, he got here before me again. It was only a moment he frowned at that. When he looked closer something was off. Tora was standing with his back against the wall. His beloved Colt seems to be out of bullets and he was unarmed. The woman in front of him was holding a knife and was trying to make an attack at Tora. No matter how he thought of it, he was cornered.

– Huh? Isn"t he in quite the pinch?

What the heck, isn"t this interesting?

Rabito grinned,

"What"s this? What"s this now? Isn"t that our little fearsome tiger?"

and he addressed him mockingly.

"My, what a coincidence. Just what are you doing around here?!"

"……And why the h.e.l.l are you here too," Tora replied back in a groaning voice, grinding his molars. He was making a truly resentful expression.

"Could it be, could it be, you had a hard time up against a woman? No waay, your opponent is just one person! Isn"t that harsh?"

"It wasn"t one! It"s two!"

Tora yelled and pointed further within the abandoned building.

And then,

"Ah," from behind the drum can a man poked his head out. "No, go ahead, go ahead. Don"t mind me."

He had ruffled hair and a gentle expression. Huh, he thought. That is a face I feel like I"ve seen before. Where was it? I can"t remember.

Before that right now there was work. Rabito turned back to Tora and stated. "Well, it doesn"t matter how many there are. Shall I have the great Rabito save you? Hm?"

"As if I need you to save me! Leave already!"

Tora bore his teeth and yelled.

"You"re not honest all at."

Rabito shrugged his shoulders a bit forced.

"Well, just hold your horses. I"ll save you right now."

Reaching for his pocket he took out the revolver he swiped from Wyatt. The moment he saw that Tora"s face turned pale.

"Stop it, idiot! Seriously stop!"

Ignoring Tora"s cries for him to stop or to not shoot, Rabito c.o.c.ked the gun, brandished it and aimed it at the woman.


He whispered and pulled the trigger. Immediately after a gunshot resounded in the abandoned building.

– At the same time though,


There was also a yell from Tora.

Just as Rabito pulled the trigger the woman who attacked Tora immediately retreated. The bullet that was meant for the woman greatly veered off and hit the brim of Tora"s hat. His favorite cowboy hat was blown off his head and fell down onto the floor of the abandoned building.

" – Where the h.e.l.l were you aiming, you amateuuuur!"

Tora was beyond furious.

"That was too close! It grazed me!"

"Sorry you were so close to the woman."

"I was far enough away though!?"

Tora"s rage was unsatisfied. "That"s why I said don"t shoot, you s.h.i.tty amateur!" He said and glared at Rabito.

"Sh-shut up."

Rabito was definitely not specialized at shooting.

Rather he was just bad. While he had exceptional, abnormal strength and a sense for upfront combat, he was absolutely hopeless with guns. Even though his father and mother, and his grandfather and his grandmother were all gun experts. Although he was born to a lineage of bounty hunters for some reason only he did not have any talent for shooting. Even his uncle Wyatt had warned him countless times to not use a gun.

For some reason he always. .h.i.t something different than what he was aiming at. And that was one reason he was called someone "with the right hand of the devil." And unfortunately this time as well the bullet Rabito shot did not hit the targeted woman. Instead Tora had received the damage. Or rather the woman was waiting for Rabito"s attack and made distance from him. It did not change of him being saved out of a tight situation. The result was not alright.

"Actually, even though I saved you you"re not going to give me any thanks?"

After Rabito pouted,

"I say this often," Tora sighed and picked up his fallen hat. He said in disdain while putting on the cowboy hat with a burn mark on its f.l.a.n.g.e onto his head. "More than saving me you almost killed me."

Rabito spat back in annoyance. "You p.i.s.s me off as always. You should be glad I didn"t aim at you."

At that Tora pointed at the woman with his thumb. "If you did maybe you"d actually hit the right person."

He could not let that go. Rabito drew near Tora and spat back at his face. "What"s that? You treating me like I"m an idiot?"

"What"s wrong with treating an idiot as an idiot?"

Tora snorted. And then he shrugged his shoulders in exasperation.

"More importantly why is it that every single time you get in my way?"

He could not let that go either. The one getting in his way was him. He was p.i.s.sed.

"Haa? Who is getting in whose way again?" Unyielding Rabito raised his voice looking down at the other in a slightly lower stance. "How about you try and say that again, you indigent."

"Shut up you gorilla rabbit! Shut the h.e.l.l up!"

The next moment Tora threw a first. It splendidly hit Rabito"s right cheek, and he cried out, "fubeh."

"That hurt! You threw another punch at me, huh!" Rabito grasped his cheek and glared at Tora. "And this is why you"re a former delinquent! Your bad upbringing is showing!"

"I don"t you to be told that by a pampered selfish kid like you! You spoiled rich gorilla!"

"What did you say!? You got guts to say that for being an uneducated junior high graduate!!"

"You saying a stupid university student from a stupid private university is so great!? Aahh!?"

Rabito threw the punch this time.

Rabito had abnormal strength as he appeared. With just one punch he had plenty of times he completely knocked out his opponents. And that was also another reason he was called someone "with the right hand of the devil." No matter how much he loathed Torakichi Nishino, if he gave a serious punch the other"s neck may break, so he generally holds back. Just a little bit.

Tora"s body stumbled from the force of being hit in the cheek. However, he did not collapse. Naturally since this man used to be a former delinquent out of a gang he was used to fighting. His physical strength was not poor either. He managed to regain his footing and after wiping the blood dripping from his nose with the back of his hand Tora held up his fists.

"d.a.m.n, you punched me, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!"

Tora also had a fairly tall figure and had good physique, but he was no match against Rabito. However, he came right at a larger opponent than him without faltering. He was such a nasty guy.

Tora"s fist sunk into his body, and Rabito gave a small groan. Even for a tough guy like him he got a little dizzy.

"Weren"t you the one who punched first?!"

It did not matter who threw it first. Rabito once again punched Tora.

It was the same for the other. When he got punched he could only punch back. The chest, the stomach, the solar plexus, and the face. Without either retreating a step away, the simple brawl and bickering continued on.

"You unrefined Hanshin fan!!"

"You Giants fan with no integrity!!"

"What was that!!"

"I"ll kill you!!"

There was a dull sound. Their fists. .h.i.t each other"s cheeks – and still keeping the close encounter the two"s movements came to a halt.


In the dead silent abandoned building Rabito suddenly realized. That in this area there was only the two of them: Rabito and Tora.

"Where"s the bounty?"

There was no one here. At some point that woman disappeared. Tora returned to himself and quickly looked around the area. And then,

"……d.a.m.n it, they got away."

He said in a whisper and held his head.

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