Durarara!! X Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens

Chapter 7: WANTED – The Wild Bunch Group

Chapter 7: WANTED – The Wild Bunch Group

As soon as Enokida started researching the group up he confirmed the access point of the post was from within Ikebukuro. The address was Ikebukuro 2 Choume 60 Banchi, the first floor of a three story building. The computer terminal set up in there was where the post pretending to be the NPB was.

He attached the address and a map in an e-mail and sent it to Lin.

Soon after he received a reply from him. [Do you know a place that lends weapons around this area?] It said. Banba was probably unarmed, so they thought he would need a weapon when they infiltrate the enemy"s hideout.

" – Hey, Wyatt."

Enokida spoke to Wyatt as he was working in front of the wall. He was just about to put up a bounty for the Wild Bunch Company.

"An acquaintance of mine is searching for a shop that can supply them with weapons around Ikebukuro. Do you know any places?" Thinking a local would know more about the area Enokida decided to ask him. "They don"t seem to have money, so it"d be more ideal if they could borrow them for free. Or pay later."

Hm, Wyatt nodded and then provided an answer. "Then I think they should go to Hugo"s place."


"He is a Mexican weapon sales guy. He has a shop in Ikebukuro. If you have them give my name he"ll help them out."

He wrote down the address of the store Wyatt had told him and sent it to Lin. Soon after he received a call. He hit the b.u.t.ton to accept the call. "h.e.l.lo?"

He thought it was Lin but it was not.

[ – Enokida, it"s me.]

The caller was his teammate José Martinez.

[I need your help.]

"What"s wrong?"

[Please hack into my cell phone.]

"What?" Enokida tilted his head to the side. "Did you lose it or something?"

[No,] Martinez laughed bitterly. [Although I should be old enough to know better, I got myself lost.]


[I don"t know where I am. And I can"t get a taxi.]

"What were you doing?"

[Just please find my current location with your hacking skills and lead me to the nearest train station. Like tell me "now turn left in another 30 meters" or something.]

"I"m not a car navigation system."

Despite telling him this, Enokida reluctantly agreed to it.

"I"ll look it up now, so don"t move."

Enokida got onto his laptop and started to trace the call. Not even a few minutes later and the results came in. Martinez"s current location was displayed on a map on his screen. And somehow he was also not in f.u.kuoka but Tokyo. So he came ahead of time.

The address of where he was at was Ikebukuro 2 Chome 60 Banchi – Enokida came to a realization as he read silently.

"This place is -"

He muttered unconsciously.

There was no mistake. It was the exact same address as the IP address of that post. This was far past a mere coincidence.

"……Ah, head to the right. And turn left at the second corner ahead."

[Ohh, alright.]

Martinez seemed to have started walking as the mark on the map began to move as well.

" – By the way." Enokida asked him while providing navigation. "Maru-san, why are you in Ikebukuro?"

[Ahh, it was for work. I was asked to torture someone.]

"By whom?"

[A company called the Wild Bunch.]

– The Wild Bunch.

He recalled that name.

Quickly looking up Enokida spotted the bulletin post. He saw the wanted poster Wyatt just put up: WANTED The Wild Bunch Group. Rabito and Tora were bickering over something as he looked at the poster. These two would likely dispute over which team to go for.

The bounty price for the leader of the group and the head of the Wild Bunch Company, John Wayne"s, is 1,000,000 yen. For his right-hand man Wilson and the eight subordinates it is 200,000 yen. The other team underlings are 40,000 yen each. The total bounty for them is 3,000,000.

"……M-hm." Enokida grins. This looks like it will be a good source of revenue. "Tell me the whole thing."

Once he heard what Martinez had to say in regards to his job, he had a general idea of what was going on from Banba and Lin"s actions. Coincidentally the person Martinez tortured was the same man Banba and Lin had captured.

Lin and Banba encountered the novice bounty hunters from Dodge City in the middle of capturing the man. And the nefarious people who did not pay up to Lin and Banba were also the ones who hired Martinez, the Wild Bunch Group. And they should be trying to infiltrate their base soon.

At the same time, Tora and Rabito seemed to be looking at the Wild Bunch Company as well. At this rate if they go they would end up battling with Lin and Banba again.

"……Now then, what to do."

In contrast to his conflicted statement Enokida had a smile on his face.

" – Say, Maru-san."

[What is it?]

"In exchange for me telling you the way back I have a favor for you to do."

[Oh, that"s alright. Tell me.]

He glanced around the facility briefly, "I can"t say it here. I"ll send you an e-mail later."

After he told Martinez the last of the directions Enokida dropped the call.

He had Enokida locate the cowards that tricked them and had them work for free. All that was left was to infiltrate their hideout, catch the culprits and have them pay up, but they had one problem. Banba did not have a weapon.

They came to Tokyo for baseball in the first place. They did not consider they would end up facing against an underground organization. Unlike Lin who had already been walking around with his specialty knife pistol for self-defense, Banba"s weapon, a j.a.panese sword, was at their home in f.u.kuoka. The only object that could be used as a weapon is his beloved baseball bat, but he despised hurting anyone with his sacred baseball equipment. And so they had to be provided with a weapon from somewhere.

He asked Enokida to look into it and he mentioned a weapons shop in Ikebukuro. Really he"s a guy who knows everything.

According to the message there is an acquaintance of Enokida"s called Wyatt, and it was that friend of Wyatt"s who ran the smuggled goods store.

Lin and Banba decided to head over and check the place out. When they opened the heavy doors on the third floor of the tenant building in Ikebukuro, they heard joyous, Latin music was playing. The store was not particularly s.p.a.cious, and the s.p.a.ce was cluttered. There were various furnishings and miscellaneous goods set up in disarray.


A suspicious looking foreign man greeted them.

He was likely the owner of this store. After he examined Lin and Banba"s faces he told them, "You"re new faces. Nice meeting you. Mucho gusto," and held out his hand to them.

Hesitantly they shook his hand.

"My name is Hugo. Spelled H.U.G.O. You don"t p.r.o.nounce the H." The man introduced himself.

This was the second time hearing broken j.a.panese. Lin thought to himself. He recalled the black man they encountered at the sushi restaurant.

The owner of this store was also an unusual foreigner. He was in a sombrero hat and poncho and had strong facial features. And then he had a Spanish name – in all probability he was likely Mexican.

"We came under Wyatt"s referral."

When Lin told him this Hugo clasped his hands together.

"Ohh, the sheriff? Sí, sí."

He did not know anything about a sheriff, but he seemed to have understood. "I give you a service, amigo. Which do you want?" Hugo asked Lin.

Banba answered him in his place. "We"re lookin" for a j.a.panese sword."

"j.a.panese sword?"

At that moment Hugo"s expression lighted up.

"Hugo has got a nice katana."

After he told them that he headed further inside the store. After a while Hugo returned holding a black case.

"How is this?"

In the case was a magnificent j.a.panese sword. It looks like a high priced item from one glance at it, so Lin quickly added. "Actually, we don"t have money."

Banba next to him desperately tried to tell him in English, "no money, no money." Though Hugo only nodded multiple times, "sí, sí."

"It"s fine." Hugo told them with a smile. "If you"re amigo of Wyatt, I give for free. Take it. This katana is amazing. Was made by skilled blacksmith."


"It is an article he poured his heart into and forged when he held himself up in a mountain for three years and washed his mind and body against the waves each day."

"……That seems shady."

Half pressed to take it, Banba accepted the case.

Hugo gave them a thumbs up with his right hand and said to them as the two left in Spanish, "¡Hasta la vista, amigos!"

Banba had received a shady j.a.panese sword from a shady weapons dealer, but his expression was not cheerful. He appeared to be puzzled over something. He tilted his head in wonder with the case in hand. "……I wonder if it"s really alright to get to for free."

"Isn"t it fine? You got something for free." Lin spurted out a laugh. "Especially since we don"t have any money."

"Well, that"s true." He whispered and dropped his gaze down to the case in his hand. "But to hand out a magnificent sword such as this……Dontcha reckon" it"s a bit fishy?"

Lin agreed with Banba"s statement. That"s true. Maybe there is more to it than it appears, he could not help but suspect. But they had no other means. They had to accept it.

"More than that, let"s get going."

They finished their preparations. All that was left is to infiltrate the enemy base. Lin took out his smartphone and brought up the map.

"So it"s "bout ten minutes from here." Banba whispered while peeking over to look at the screen.

"Don"t know who the h.e.l.l they are, but we"re getting our 300,000 yen." Lin gave a smirk, recalling the man"s face. "We"re coming for you."

In the western bar Dodge City, Wyatt was devoting himself to his work. He was bringing out alcohol and food for guests and managing the wanted posters they received from the NPB. He did not have time to rest.

Enokida also appeared to be working where he was at the end of the table, typing swiftly on his keyboard while gulping down his gla.s.s.

Tora and Rabito were sitting down facing each other on the other side of the table and were continuing their bickering.

" – And for some reason you are the only one with no talent for shooting." Tora told him while he was st.i.tching up the hole in his hat with a needle and thread. "Even though you call yourself a bounty hunter."

"But in place of that G.o.d has bestowed onto me these beautiful looks. Amen." Rabito made the sign of the cross across his chest while still reclined back in his seat.

"What amen?" Tora snorted. He bit off the thread with his teeth and fixed his temporarily repaired hat on his head. "You fake priest."

"And you"re not a native of Osaka. Even though you"re a Hanshin fan."

"I especially despise guys who judge someone"s patronage team based on their birth place."

"Don"t you copy me."

After Rabito and Tora glared at each other, they turned away with a snort. They then both got up and headed towards the bulletin board.

"Now then, who should I go for next?"

He looked at the wanted posters on the wall, standing in front of Rabito.

"Hey, I can"t see. Move. And while you"re at it shrink down a bit." His ma.s.sive size at 193 centimeters easily pushed aside Tora. "It"s because you"re so ma.s.sive that you"re in the way, you giant. You Giants fan."

"That has nothing to do with me being a Giants fan."

While the two fired insults at each other they carefully looked through the wanted posters on there.

Rabito"s gaze landed on one paper among them.

"……The Wild Bunch Group?"

It was still new. It was just put up by Wyatt a few moments ago.

"Ahh, that." Wyatt spoke up. "That just came in. Seems the Awakusu Group put that bounty out for them."

"I see." Tora groaned. "That"s the Awakusu Group for you. They pay the big bucks."

"All together they"re 3,000,000? That"s not bad."

Tora glared at the grinning Rabito. "……Hey."

"What are you getting at? These guys are my prey."

"Haa? I spotted them first."

"You can"t do it. You"ll be rained down with bullets."

"And you"ll be beaten to a pulp."

"I"ll mention it for good measure," Wyatt frowned at Tora and Rabito beginning to fight again. "Wouldn"t it be better if you two teamed up?"

He would be thankful if they did that.

Rabito was Wyatt"s nephew, but he was also like his own son to him. And it was the same for Tora. Wyatt had been looking after him since he was a minor.

Wyatt was worried. He did not want them to head into the outlaw"s den individually no matter the amount of the bounty.

Tora was skilled at shooting. Rabito was physically strong. If these two teamed up and helped each other out it would be rea.s.suring on his part. They would have to split the pay, but then the number of enemies could be divided in half for them. Then he could send them to the battlefield with a little bit more relief.

Though they would not comprehend his parental love. Once they heard the words "team up" the two visibly made a disgusted look and raised their voices, "blegh."

"Don"t joke around, uncle."

"No kidding. Give us a break, Wyatt."

"But." Wyatt drived into them. "No matter the amount it"ll be too much for one of you to capture twenty men."

They had to bring all of them back alive. Naturally they would need help.

Rabito grimaced at Wyatt"s words. "That"s true." Tora also admitted hesitantly, "what you say is right."

One more push.
" – Then how about this." Wyatt suggested. "How about you compete instead of working together."


"That"s right. There are roughly twenty enemies. You"ll compete in numbers for how many you defeat."

"That sounds great." Rabito exclaimed excitingly. His smile was beaming. "Let"s have a match, wild tiger-chan."

Tora was also a man who hated to lose. There was no way he would say no here.

"Fine with me."

The two looked each other in the eye. Their gazes clashed and sparks flew.

"Now that has been decided, let"s go infiltrate their hideout."

Rabito turned around and addressed Enokida relaxing at the table. "Hey, you over there."

Enokida lifted his face up from his laptop and tilted his head. "What is it?"

"You"re an informant, right?"

"Yeah, and?"

"You can look anything up?"

"Pretty much."

"Alright then." Rabito pointed to the group"s wanted poster with his thumb. "Look up these guys" location."

"Why do you ask me? There"s an excellent informant in Shinjuku. And he helps you two out, right?"

Why do you know that? Tora had that sort of shocked expression. And then he inclined his head in questioning. "Hm? ……Wait, you two? So I"m not the only one using that man -"

"Hey, hey. What"s the meaning of this?" Rabito scowled. "I receive information from him too."

Tora and Rabito look at each other and raised their voices and the same time. "Haa?"

"You too?! Stop copying me, you gorilla!"

"That"s my line! Don"t you copy me!"

It seemed the two did not know they both have used the same informant.

"……So that informant stayed quiet on purpose."

"No kidding. What the h.e.l.l."

Tora and Rabito frowned in resentment. These two hardly get along to the point one would wonder if there was some connection to a previous life. These two realizing they used the same informant did not sit well with them at all. "I won"t use that guy anymore," the two decided.

Rabito turned back to Enokida and said, "well that"s it, so please look into it."

He clasped his hands in front of his place in pleading, please. At that the mushroom haired informant readily consented. "Well, I don"t really care. I already know the hideout of the Wild Bunch anyway."

Rabito"s eyes widened at Enokida"s words. "You serious?"

"Hey, is that true?" Tora bent forward as well.

"A friend of mine said he has been to their office before."

"Tell us the place of that office. I"ll cover the alcohol expenses from here free for you."

Wyatt frowned at Tora"s statement. "Hey now, don"t decide that on your own." He whispered to himself in his mind he would deduct it from his wages.

Enokida took out a note and wrote down the address to the hideout. "Alright, here you go," he sad and handed it over to Tora.

Peeking over at the paper Rabito muttered, "Ikebukuro 2-Chome, huh."

"Let"s get going." Tora urges on while fixing the hat on top of his head. "Hurry up and get ready."

"Will you follow directions?"

Rabito took out a gun from somewhere and counts the remaining bullets. Seeing that Tora warned him sharply. "Hey, leave the gun."

"Haa?" Rabito frowned. "Are you saying I should go in unarmed?"

"You got your stupid strength your so proud of, right? Bambino."

Rabito grinned at that, "Ahh, I guess that"s right."

"You feel like you"re going to lose to me, so you"re saying that."

"No." Tora turned down with a harsh tone and pointed to the st.i.tched up hole in his hat. "I"m saying I don"t want to be shot."

"Well, whatever. I"ll give you this much of a handicap, Trinity."

"What handicap. You"re overconfident as usual."

Tora made an exasperated face and sighed.

"I"ll break that nose you hold up so high today."

"Don"t be jealous because you have a flat face, You pure j.a.panese."

"Shut it, you half-j.a.panese gorilla."

Seeing the two leave the bar while bickering, Enokida said sarcastically, "they sure are getting along well."

It only increased Wyatt"s anxiety. "……Will those two be alright?"

Ill.u.s.tration provided by Soutenkyuu on Tumblr.

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