My name is Maria Sherista.


Let me speak plainly. It’s an a.s.sumed name.


My real name is Maria Ree Chérie.


Currently it’s developed into a large company, I was born as the youngest daughter of the Ree Chérie company, then upon encountering misfortune I ended up with a lifestyle as the proprietress of a restaurant in the royal capital Laurelia. The destinies of humans can be such marvels.


My father who controls the Ree Chérie company disinherited me when I left, and then lost contact with me.


Since then 32 years have pa.s.sed.


Nowadays I’m a splendid auntie who owns a restaurant.


[It’s been a while huh, brother. It gladdens me that you look well.]


After home lost contact with me, I didn’t try to contact them myself however, a few years earlier my older brother who managed to find me has been periodically visiting me.


Brother carried a big box in his hands, that he put on the top of my desk.


[I’m glad you’re well as well. This is the object I was entrusted with.]

[Brother, thank you as always. How are they doing nowadays?]

[From listening to the one in charge, they seem happy. I wonder who they took after, they’re so softhearted that they make me worry for them.]

[Ufufu, I’m happy to hear that. That’s an awfully big box. I’m looking forward to opening it.]


I open the box as if it was a treasure box, slowly lifting the lid.

In it tools I’ve never seen before are bundled together with paper and a letter.


[Brother, what’s this?]

[It seems to be an large amount of tools. Maria, how about you read the letter?]


That’s true, from the box I take the letter, opening it.


In it were the letters written by the son I had no choice but to leave.


Mother, it’s been a while.

I had the company look after the letter for me.

As always I’m happy that you’re well.

That’s not to say that you should destroy your health by straining yourself.

Recently, my wife has been feeling unwell and has been bedridden.

My worried cute angel decided to help with the housework for the sake of her mother.

In particular, she became amazingly engrossed in cooking.

She told me to make tools I’d never heard of before, and when I did I was told they were cookware.

Immediately, she together with the head chef begun making food with the cookware.

Because it was made by our cute angel we resolved to eat everything even if it was unappetizing.

Then, even though I still consider moms food the best, our angels food tasted so wonderfully delicious, we forgot to praise her and just ate it with full concentration.

It seems she resembles mom in that she is very skilled with food.

Not only my wife and I, our serfs and our servants all became moved by the food, and we declared that this is food worthy of being served at the dining tables of the G.o.ds.


The serfs of our fief are because of this superb cooking striving greater than ever in cultivating the fields, and the end result is that they are greatly enjoying it.


When the servants have free time they go to the kitchen in order to be taught about the cooking.

In order for their families to taste the food worthy of the G.o.ds, they almost become frantic to learn it.

Upon learning of these circ.u.mstances, our angel decided to give the servants recipes and cookware.

As thanks that their faithful work.

A recipe is a written record of how to prepare the food, apparently anyone can create delicious food simply by following the instructions.


Since I wanted mom to also be able to taste the cooking, I put the cookwares and recipes in the box.

My angel also told me she wanted a four toothed fork, so I tried to make it.

Please try it, and tell me of your impressions.

Also, I also told you that my wife’s physical health was bad, right?

On our angels birthday, my wife gave us the greatest present possible.

Apparently she was with child and Liliana is going to get a brother or sister.

Next year we’re going to get another angel, and we’re going to have two angels.

I want for mom to also someday be able to see our two angels.


When I finished reading, brother handed me a handkerchief.

When I read the letters of my son, I always start to cry.


[You’re always such a crybaby.]

[Ah, these are tears of joy so there’s nothing wrong with it. A wonderful thing is happening, apparently next year the number of angels is increasing by one.]

[So someone’s going to be born. That’s a happy event. Maria, isn’t it okay for you to meet them now? The circ.u.mstances right now are different from then.]


While wiping my tears, I shake my head.


[I must not. Because I couldn’t protect them till the end, I don’t deserve to meet them. They can’t be known to share blood with someone with common blood like me. Originally, I wasn’t even supposed to be exchanging letters with him…]


My connection to them can’t be made known.


Yet, my son and my brother are spoiling me, allowing me to have a small connection which is making me feel miserable with myself.


[By the way, what are those tools, Maria?]


Brother sensed that he couldn’t make me change my opinion on this, so to avoid the heavy atmosphere he changed the topic.


Well, he was probably interested in them to start with too.

The sorrowful nature of a merchant.


[These tools are cookwares, and the paper is something called a recipe which supposedly is an instruction of how to make food. Apparently their angel came up with these things. If prepared according to the instructions, it’s possible to replicate the flavor the angel came up with.]

[So this is cookware huh. But, isn’t it something a child came up with?]

[Brother, are you making light of this? Apparently my sons employees and serfs praised the food so much that they called it food worthy of being on the dinner table of the G.o.ds.]

[Oh, that was rude of me. Maria, by using that recipe, can you make something for me to try?]

[Hah, I guess I’ve got no choice, huh.]


From the doc.u.ments produced by the angel I took out a recipe named [vegetable tempura].


Since he likes vegetables it’s a good match, and with this I can make it with the ingredients I have here currently.


The trick for it to taste delicious is to not coat it with just water, but also by gently applying egg as the finisher.

I should also before heating the foodstuff make sure that the water and egg of the coating is cold and then slowly heat it.

In order to replicate the flavor of the angels cooking, I faithfully follow the recipe.

After finishing the preparation, I take the food that I have prepared on a plate, and place the plate in front of my brother.

Then I leave the four toothed fork that the angel came up with next to the plate.


[This is brothers share. Let us thank the forest for this harvest.]

[It’s got a yellow fluffy appearance yet, it’s surprisingly crispy. Let us thank the forest for this harvest.]


Brother has bad table manners, he took the fork and stabbed the tempura, then he took the cleanly stabbed tempura and carried to his mouth.


I also wanted to quickly taste the flavors of the angel, so I also brought it inside my mouth.

The moment it reached our mouths, we both froze for a moment, then exclaimed loudly.



[Hey, Maria. This is without question food worthy of the G.o.ds! This is the first time I eat something this delicious!

[This is the benevolence of the G.o.ds! There’s no mistaking that this is the food bestowed upon us by an angel!!]


They were overcome with emotion because of the texture and deliciousness of the crunchy tempura after tasting it for the first time.


[If we follow the recipe, we will eat nothing but food this delicious, did I understand this right?]

[According to the letter, that’s what’s going to happen.]

[This cooking is going to spread throughout the kingdom. As long as we have these recipes and these cookwares, we can create this flavor, how wonderful. Moreover, this four toothed fork, after stabbing the food with it it’s easier to support the food with it. ]

[That’s true. This simple thing, why has noone thought of it so far? The four toothed fork has great utility value.]


With my right hand I held the fork with a feeling of wonder, fixedly watching it.


[Maria, this fork, these cookwares and these recipes, I’d love for our company to sell them.]


Brothers spirit as a merchant had apparently been ignited.

Well, anyone can make these dishes with these tools, so it will certainly sell.


My sons letters never carried anything except happy tidings.


However, I know the rumors.

That his fiefdom was in financial straits, and that it wasn’t always a dance on roses.


I asked for my sons approval after the fact, but I gave brother the right to sell it.

Of course half the profits were sent to his territory, according to our agreement.

Even if I’ve turned rusty, I’m still the daughter of a merchant.


After that my brother moved quickly.

After borrowing the recipe and cookware from me, he immediately started producing them.

As expected of the man who established the Ree Chérie company as the leading business in the kingdom.


The recipes were sold as [The angels gift] together with the cookware.

Because the food was already sold in restaurants affiliated with the company, on the day of the release, it was immediately sold out.


Even though the recipes and cookwares were ma.s.s produced they couldn’t keep up with demand, and the foods fame kept rising.


After a while, the food had penetrated the whole kingdom, and even the royal palace was supplied by the company.

After tasting the food, visitors from other countries spread the fame of the food even further.

The four toothed fork was used by the n.o.bility, who used it to eat pasta that quickly turned into an extremely popular dish after a short time.

My restaurant is also selling the recipes taught by the angel in our store, and from the store exclamations of deep emotion keep coming.


Then, the guests without exception say this to me.


[Maria, I’ve never eaten anything better tasting than this!]

[Of course, because a cute angel thought of this.]

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