Today, I’m going to be visiting a farming community called Filua.


“Why?", you ask?


Because being enthusiastic is fine, but without knowing where to start you won’t get anywhere...

Also, after such a long time I haven’t actually left my home once.

I’ve played in the neighborhood and explored the surroundings.

However, I’ve not done anything above that.

I’ve been too absorbed in trying to learn how to speak.

Therefore I don’t know the history or circ.u.mstances of this world.


Rather, wouldn’t you say that gaining this knowledge is required?


Because of that, I pleaded with my father to follow him on his inspection.


[Liliana, I’m not going out to play you know?]


At seven years old, I’ve seen through his weaknesses.


Take this, my certain kill technique---!


With tears in my eyes I look up at him, tilting my head slightly, pressing my fingertips together below my chin.

This attack has been unbeatable so far.

Of course, my track record is kept.


I have to say that my future prospects are frightening.


Todays inspection target is the village closest to us.

Because the distance is short, I get to ride on the same horse as father, leisurely proceeding.

Our traveling companion is the knight Ales.

Ales gives of the atmosphere of a aloof from the world older brother, and he also performs the role of fathers aide.

Filua village is a tranquil village surrounded by forest. It’s a small village consisting of around 30 houses.

Among those, we knocked on the door of a house thats larger than the other houses.


[Thank you for coming here today, milord and sir Ales. You sure have a very cute companion today.]


A good-looking cheery man opened the door.


[It’s been a while, village chief Douglas. Today, my daughter Liliana threw a tantrum over wanting to follow me. Lilia, this man is village chief Douglas.]

[I am honored to meet you, village chief Douglas, my name is Liliana. Today, please treat me well.]


The village chief smiled at me.

I was wondering about the relationship between the village chief and father, but it seems I didn’t need to worry.


Well, he is my softhearted father so I guess there’s nothing wrong with being cautious.


[I’m sure the village inspection will be boring for the young lady. Wouldn’t you rather play with my daughter? My daughter is about the same age as the young lady. I’m sure she would be delighted since in this village there are no children around the same age as her.]




As the village chief said that, he went inside the house and soon brought out a young girl.

The young girl had chocolate brown hair and with her large circular eyes she was a child who gave off a very cute mood.

However, she seemed to be the type to be afraid of strangers, so when she saw me she stiffened.


[How do you do, my name is Liliana. What is your name?]


Startled she made a small jump, whereafter she blushed with a smiling face.


What’s with this cuteness that’s alike to that of a small animal.

I’d love to bring her home with me.


[My name is, Miina.]

[Miina, would you like to play with me?]


After nonchalantly watching our greetings, father told us to behave, then went away with the village chief for the inspection.


Huh? Why did I come here in the first place again??


Miina grabbed my hand and dragged me deeper into the house.


[Miss Liliana, what should we play?]

[Miina, stop calling me miss. Just call me Liliana.]

[But, dad told me to call you miss Liliana.]

[I told you it’s okay to call me Liliana, so from now on that’s what you’ll call me, right?

Besides, I simply call you Miina anyway.]


Miina with a delighted look on her face grabbed both my hands and with sparkling eyes asked: [Liliana, what should we play?]

Hide and seek requires a higher amount of partic.i.p.ants to be fun and there probably are no cards to play card with in this world, so what should we do...


In the end, we did some cat’s cradle.

I became dejected at my own lack of creativity.

Yet, even though she told me she’d never played cat’s cradle before, she was partic.i.p.ating with joy.

She’s such a good kid.


[Miina, are most of the villagers farmers?]

[Yeah. There are some hunters too, but most of the villagers are farmers, Liliana.]


While still not accustomed to cat’s cradle, she answered me whilst trying with all her might.


[Since this village is surrounded by forest, there seems like there’d be lots of leaf mold too. That seems like it’d be great for the crops.]

[Leaf mold? Liliana, what’s that?]

[In forests, won’t fallen leaves turn into black dirt? That black dirt is called leaf mold.]


With a look of comprehension Miina said: [Oh, I see].


[Dirt from decomposed leaves, and also ash, is good for the fields.]


...I think.


[Liliana is so knowledgable.]


Miina looked at me with sparkling eyes.

When you give me that look, I can’t tell you that I could possible be wrong...


While going nuts over cat’s cradle, the adults returned.


[Liliana, it’s about time we leave.]


When father and Ales were about to leave with me, Miina started weeping nonstop.


[Liliana, don’t gooo!]


While crying, what a cute thing to say.

l still want to bring her with me home.


Miina, you don’t have to cry, because I will drop by with father again.]


While speaking I embraced her, her face turned bright red and she looked at me sparkling eyes.


[Liliana, can we play again?]

[Yes. Of course!]

[Then, we’re friends, right!]


Accompanied by Miina and village chief Douglas to the entrance of the village, we parted reluctantly after saying farewells.


Today, I made my first friend in this world.


Huh? What was the reason I came here again??

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