3. Apakhnas or Pakhnan, 36 years, 7 months.
4. Apophis, 61 years.
5. Iannas or Annas, 50 years, 1 month.
6. a.s.sis, 49 years, 2 months.
Ya"qob-hal (Jacob-el).
Khian (Iannas) S-user-Set-en-Ra.
Apopi I. Aa-user-Ra (reigned more than 33 years).
Apopi III. Ra-aa-kenen.
A dynasty of Theban princes was contemporary with the Seventeenth Hyksos dynasty, the last four of whom were independent:
Skenen-Ra Taa I. (revolted against Apopi III.).
Skenen-Ra Taa II. Aa.
Skenen-Ra Taa III. Ken.
Uaz-kheper-Ra Ka-mes and wife Aah-hotep.
1. Neb-pehuti-Ra Aahmes I. (Amosis), more than 20 years.
2. Ser-ka-Ra Amon-hotep I., his son (Amenophis I,), 20 years, 7 months.
3. Aa-kheper-ka-Ra Dehuti Dehuti-mes I., his son, and queen Amen-sit.
4. Aa-kheper-en-Ra Dehuti-mes II., his son (more than 9 years), and wife (and sister) Hatshepsu II. Ma-ka-Ra (daughter of Hatshepsu I.).
5. Khnum-Amon Hatshepsu II. Ma-ka-Ra, more than 16 years.
6. Ra-men-kheper Dehuti-mes (Thothmes) III., her half-brother, 57 years, 11 months, 1 day (B.C. 1503, March 20, to 1449 February 14, according to Dr. Mahler"s astronomical determination).
7. Aa-khepru-Ra Amon-hotep II., his son, more than 5 years.
8. Men-khepru-Ra Dehuti-mes IV., his son, more than 7 years.
9. Neb-ma-Ra Amon-hotep III., his son (more than 35 years), and wife Teie.
10. Neter-khepru-Ra Amon-hotep IV. Khu-n-Aten, his son, more than 17 years.
11. Ankh-khepru-Ra and wife Meri-Aten.
12. Tut-ankh-Amon Khepru-neb-Ra and wife Ankh-nes-Amon.
13. Aten-Ra-nefer-nefru--mer-Aten.
14. Ai Kheper-khepru-ar-ma-Ra, more than 4 years.
15. Hor-em-hib (Armais) Mi-Amon Ser-khepru-ka, more than 3 years.
1. Men-pehuti-Ra Ramessu I.
(Ramesses), more than 2 years.
2. Men-ma-Ra Seti I. (Sethos) Mer-en-Ptah I., more than 27 years.
3. User-ma-Ra (Osymandyas) Sotep-en-Ra Ramessu II.
(Ramses) Mi-Amon (the Sesostris of the Greeks), B.C.
1348-1281 (according to Dr.
4. Mer-en-Ptah II. (Ammenephthes) Hotep-hi-ma Ba-n-Ra Mi-Amon.
5. User-khepru-Ra Seti II. Mer-en-Ptah III.
6. Amon-messu Hik-An Mer-kha-Ra Sotep-en-Ra.
7. Khu-n-Ra Sotop-en-Ra Mer-en-Ptah IV. Si-Ptah and wife Ta-user.
1. Set-nekht Merer Mi-Amon (recovered the kingdom from the Canaanite Arisu).
2. Ramessu III. Hik-an, more than 32 years.
3. Ramessu IV. Hik-Ma Mi-Amon, more than 11 years.
4. Ramessu V. User-ma-s-kheper-en-Ra Mi-Amon, more than 4 years.
5. Ramessu VI. Neb-ma-Ra Mi-Amon Amon-hir-kho-pesh-ef (called Meri-Tum in northern Egypt).
6. Ramessu VII. At-Amon User-ma-Ra Mi-Amon.
7. Ramessu VIII. Set-hir-kho-pesh-ef Mi-Amon User-ma-Ra Khu-n-Amon.
8. Ramessu IX. Si-Ptah S-kha-n-Ra Mi-Amon, 19 years.
9. Ramessu X. Nefer-ka-Ra Mi-Amon Sotep-en-Ra, more than 10 years.
10. Ramessu XI. Amon-hir-kho-pesh-ef Kheper-ma-Ra Sotep-en-Ra.
11. Ramessu XII. Men-ma-Ra Mi-Amon Sotep-en-Ptah Kha-m-uas, more than 27 years.
1. Nes-Bindidi (Smendes) Mi-Amon.
2. P-seb-kha-n I. (Psusennes I.) Mi-Amon Aa-kheper-Ra Sotep-en-Amon.
3. [Nefer-ka-Ra] (Nephelkheres).
4. Amon-em-apt (Amenophthis).
5. ... (Osokhor).
6. Pinezem (?) (Psinakhes).
7. Hor-P-seb-kha-n II. (Psusennes II.).
Contemporary with the Twenty-first dynasty was an illegitimate dynasty of high-priests at Thebes:--
(1.) Hir-Hor Si-Amon.
(2.) Piankhi.
(3.) Pinezem I.
(4.) Pinezem II. with t.i.tle of "king."
(5.) Men-kheper-Ra and wife Isis-em-kheb.
(6.) Pinezem III.
1. Shashanq I. (Shishak) Mi-Amon Hez-kheper-Ra Sotep-en-Ra, son of Nemart, captain of the Libyan mercenaries, more than 21 years.
2. Usarkon I. Mi-Amon Sek-hem-kheper-Ra.
3. Takelet I. Mi-Amon Si-Isis User-ma-Ra Sotep-en-Amon, more than 23 years.
4. Usarkon II. Mi-Amon Si-Bast User-ma-Ra, more than 23 years.
5. Shashanq II. Mi-Amon Sek-hem-kheper-Ra.
6. Takelet II. Mi-Amon Si-Isis Hez-kheper-Ra, more than 15 years.
7. Shashanq III. Mi-Amon Si-Bast User-ma-Ra, 52 years.
8. Pimai Mi-Amon User-ma-Ra Sotep-en-Amon.
9. Shashanq IV. Aa-kheper-Ra, more than 37 years.
1. S-hir-ab-Ra Petu-si-Bast.