CATILINE. It beckons and it twinkles.

I cannot follow you until this light Is quenched entirely, or by clouds obscured,-- I see it clearly now; "tis not a star; It is a human heart, throbbing and warm; It binds me here; it fascinates and draws me As draws the evening star the eye of children.

FURIA. Then stop this beating heart!

CATILINE. What do you mean?

FURIA. The dagger in your belt--. A single thrust,-- The star will vanish and the heart will die That stand between us like an enemy.

CATILINE. Ah, I should--? Sharp and shining is the dagger--

CATILINE. [With a cry.]

Aurelia! O Aurelia, where--where are you?

Were you but here--! No, no,--I will not see you!

And yet methinks all would be well again, And peace would come, if I could lay my head Upon your bosom and repent--repent!

FURIA. And what would you repent?

CATILINE. Oh, everything!

That I have been, that I have ever lived.

FURIA. "Tis now too late--too late! Whence now you stand No path leads back again.--Go try it, fool!

Now am I going home. Place you your head Upon her breast and see if there you find The blessed peace your weary soul desires.

FURIA. [With increasing wildness.]

Soon will the thousand dead rise up again; Dishonored women will their numbers join; And all,--aye, they will all demand of you The life, the blood, the honor you destroyed.

In terror you will flee into the night,-- Will roam about the earth on every strand, Like old Actean, hounded by his dogs,-- A shadow hounded by a thousand shades!

CATILINE. I see it, Furia. Here I have no peace.

I am an exile in the world of light!

I"ll go with you into the spirit realms;-- The bond that binds me I will tear asunder.

FURIA. Why grope you with the dagger?

CATILINE. She shall die.

[The lightning strikes and the thunder rolls.]

FURIA. The mighty powers rejoice at your resolve!-- See, Catiline,--see, yonder comes your wife.

[AURELIA comes through the forest in an anxious search.]

AURELIA. Where shall I find him? Where--where can he be!

I"ve searched in vain among the dead--

[Discovers him.]

AURELIA. Great heavens,-- My Catiline!

[She rushes toward him.]

CATILINE. [Bewildered.] Speak not that name again!

AURELIA. You are alive?

[Is about to throw herself in his arms.]

CATILINE. [Thrusting her aside.] Away! I"m not alive.

AURELIA. Oh, hear me, dearest--!

CATILINE. No, I will not hear!

I hate you. I see through your cunning wiles.

You wish to chain me to a living death.

Cease staring at me! Ah, your eyes torment me,-- They pierce like daggers through my very soul!

Ah, yes, the dagger! Die! Come, close your eyes--

[He draws the dagger and seizes her by the hand.]

AURELIA. Keep guard, oh gracious G.o.ds, o"er him and me!

CATILINE. Quick, close your eyes; close them, I say;--in them I see the starlight and the morning sky--.

Now shall I quench the heavenly star of dawn!

[The thunder rolls again.]

CATILINE. Your heart; your blood! Now speak the G.o.ds of life Their last farewell to you and Catiline!

[He lifts the dagger toward her bosom; she escapes into the tent; he pursues her.]

FURIA. [Listens.] She stretches out her hand imploringly.

She pleads with him for life. He hears her not.

He strikes her down! She reels in her own blood!

[CATILINE comes slowly out of the tent with the dagger in his hand.]

CATILINE. Now am I free. Soon I shall cease to be.

Now sinks my soul in vague oblivion.

My eyes are growing dim, my hearing faint, As if through rushing waters. Ah, do you know What I have slain with this my little dagger?

Not her alone,--but all the hearts on earth,-- All living things, all things that grow and bloom;-- The starlight have I dimmed, the crescent moon, The flaming sun. Ah, see,--it fails to rise; "Twill never rise again; the sun is dead.

Now is the whole wide realm of earth transformed Into a huge and clammy sepulchre, Its vault of leaden grey;--beneath this vault Stand you and I, bereft of light and darkness, Of death and life,--two restless exiled shadows.

FURIA. Now stand we, Catiline, before our goal!

CATILINE. No, one step more--before I reach my goal.

Relieve me of my burden! Do you not see, I bend beneath the corpse of Catiline?

A dagger through the corpse of Catiline!

[He shows her the dagger.]

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