GANDALF. I thought to hide it from you,--hence I went To call my people to the ship again And sail away; you never should have known,-- The trumpet warns me that it is too late,-- That they are coming.

BLANKA. Who are coming?

GANDALF. Then know,-- The strangers who once harried on the isle Were vikings like myself.

BLANKA. From Norway?


My father, who was chief among them, fell,-- Hence must he be avenged.

BLANKA. Avenged?

GANDALF. Such is The custom.

BLANKA. Ah, I see now!

GANDALF. Here they come!

Stand close behind me!

BLANKA. Man of blood,--away!


[The Preceding.]

[ASGAUT, HEMMING and the VIKINGS, who lead RODERIK between them.]

ASGAUT. [To GANDALF.] A meagre find, yet something, to be sure.

BLANKA. My father!

[She throws herself in his arms.]

RODERIK. Blanka! O, my child!

JOSTEJN. A woman!

He will have company.

ASGAUT. Yes, straight to h.e.l.l!

BLANKA. O father, wherefore have you never told me--

RODERIK. Hush! Hush! my child!

[Points to GANDALF.]

RODERIK. Is this your chieftain?



This man can tell you how your father died; For he was in the thick of it, he says, The only one to get away alive.

GANDALF. Hush! I will nothing hear.

ASGAUT. Good; let us then Begin the task.

BLANKA. O G.o.d! what will they do?

GANDALF. [In an undertone.] I cannot, Asgaut!

ASGAUT. [Likewise.] Is our king afraid?

Has woman"s flattering tongue beguiled his mind?

GANDALF. No matter,--I have said--

ASGAUT. Bethink yourself,-- Your standing with your warriors is at stake.

Your word you pledged Valhalla"s mighty G.o.ds, And if you fail a dastard you"ll be judged.

Do not forget our faith is insecure-- And wavering; one blow can strike its root, And if the blow comes from the king above, It will have had a mortal wound.


That was a most unhappy oath I swore.

ASGAUT. [To the VIKINGS.] Now ready, warriors!

BLANKA. Will you murder him, An old, defenseless man?

ASGAUT. Down with them both!

BLANKA. O G.o.d!

HROLLOUG. The woman is too fair! Let her Return with us.

JOSTEJN. [Laughing.] Yes, as a warrior maid.

GANDALF. Stand back!

RODERIK. O spare,--O spare at least my child!

The slayer of your chieftain I will bring you, If you will only spare her!

GANDALF. [Quickly.] Bring him here, And she is free. What say you?

THE VIKINGS. She is free!

BLANKA. [To RODERIK.] You promise that?

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