Eclipse Hunter

Chapter 42

Character Introduction

Translators: Laridae, Trespa.s.serby (contribution)

Proofreaders: Zephynel, Sora Applications are now open again! Please DO apply as proofreaders or translators! The EH Team is looking for YOU to help out and join us :D

◇Devon Solaris◇

Ident.i.ty: Leader of world’s largest trade union--the Solaris Alliance, thus known as the Solaris Emperor.

Personality: A super good sibling who dotes on his little brother

Appearance: Bright golden hair and crimson eyes; mature and calm

Weapon: BHP09

Catchphrase: “Didi, remember to ×××,remember not to ●●●,you also need to ○○○,don’t forget ◎◎◎.”

◇Daren Solaris◇

Ident.i.ty: Devon Solaris’s young brother; half-cyborg Dark Sun

Personality: Innocent little brother with a mysterious and cruel alter-ego, Dark Sun

Appearance: Silver-hair and dark eyes; sweet and innocent

Weapon: Steel claw, Reaper’s Scythe, Wings of Steel… and many more

Catchphrase: “Understood!”

◇Theodore Avery◇

Ident.i.ty: Dark Sun’s surgeon, a doctor who works in secret since his license was revoked

Personality: An experimental research fanatic

Appearance: Aquamarine hair and dark green eyes; small-framed

Weapon: None

Catchphrase: “... (helpless appearance)”


Ident.i.ty: Daren Solaris’s cla.s.smate; the fearsome “King of YeLan Academy”

Personality: Bully

Appearance: Spiky orange-colored hair and blue eyes; dragon tattoo on the left side of his face

Weapon: A pair of fists to flatten the world

Catchphrase: “Are you an idiot?”

◇Shain Baylian◇

Ident.i.ty: Second-largest coalition chief’s son; Daren Solaris’s cla.s.smate

Personality: Arrogant prince

Appearance: Black hair and purple eyes; likes to wear Chinese-style clothing

Weapon: A pair of three-p.r.o.nged spears

Catchphrase: “You and I are of different worlds.”


Ident.i.ty: A special combat student

Personality: A violent girl who loves pretty boys and male idols

Appearance: Short pink hair and red eyes; an attractive girl

Weapons: Twin giant mallets

Catchphrase: “Dar~ you’re too cute!”


Ident.i.ty: A special combat student

Personality: An easily forgotten “ice cube” in the corner

Appearance: Light green hair and silver eyes

Weapon: Fei Dao (flying daggers) & mind-reading

Catchphrase: “... (expressionless)”


Ident.i.ty: A special combat student

Personality: Outwardly smiling, inwardly unsmiling tiger; kind exterior, cruel interior

Appearance: Russet hair and blue eyes; a warm-hearted big brother

Weapon: Dual lightsabers

Catchphrases: “Wow! (extremely exaggerated sigh) Is this true?”


Ident.i.ty: Solaris Emperor’s right hand, also known as the multi-purpose secretary

Personality: Vows to fulfill tasks given to him even if it kills him

Appearance: Black hair and blue eyes; poker-faced

Weapon: Computer

Catchphrase: “Yes, it is as you say.”

◇Yue Baylian◇

Ident.i.ty: Leader of Lunaris Alliance

Personality: Pervert

Appearance: Dark purple hair and golden eyes; a glamorous-looking Chinese man

Weapon: Lightwhip

Catchphrase: “Devon Solaris, there will be a day when I have you!”


Ident.i.ty: Always flunking combat cla.s.s

Personality: Uses underhanded methods for the sake of victory; Machiavellian

Appearance: Short black hair and green eyes; somewhat androgynous

Weapon: Metal-plated boots

Catchphrase: “Winning is everything.”


Ident.i.ty: of YeLan Academy

Personality: Profit over pride

Appearance: An immortal old man

Weapon: “Pester” tactic

Catchphrase: “What about this?”  

◇DSII/Dark Sun Two◇

◇DSII/Dark Sun Two◇

Ident.i.ty: Dark Sun’s clone

Personality: Cyborg

Appearance: Same as Dark Sun

Weapon: Same as Dark Sun

Catchphrase: None


Ident.i.ty: World-famous singer

Personality: ?

Appearance: Blond hair and red eyes

Weapon: Singing

Catchphrase: “Ah! Unparalleled beauty!”


Ident.i.ty: Kyle’s little brother

Personality: Humorous driver-ge

Appearance: When you see his face, you’ll forget it immediately

Weapon: All kinds of brand-name cars

Catchphrase: “Eat little, sleep little; do it all and do it well––that’s my brother’s specialty.”



Ident.i.ty: Daren Solaris’s clone

Description: Cyborg

Appearance: Same as Daren Solaris

Weapon: Same as Daren Solaris

Catchphrase: None

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