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Sandys, E. G.: _History of Cla.s.sical Scholarship_, 3 vols., Camb., 1903.

Seebohm, F.: _The English Village Community_, Lond., 1883.

Smith, J. G.: _Rise of Christian Monasticism_, Lond., 1892.

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Theiner, A.: _Histoire des Inst.i.tutions d"Education Ecclesiastique_, 2 vols., Paris, 1841.

Timbs, J.: _School Days of Eminent Men_, Lond. (n. d.).

Townsend, W. T.: _Great Schoolmen of the Middle Ages_, Lond., 1881.

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Watson, Foster: _English Grammar Schools_, Camb., 1908.

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_Ed. Ch._ Educational Charters.

_E. S. R._ English Schools at the Reformation.

_S. M. E._ Schools of Medieval England.

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