Scouting may best be promoted through the public school, because that is the only organization that includes all the boys and girls. Moreover, because of close daily a.s.sociation, leaders of school troops can insure each scout being an active scout.

The school also benefits by scouting in a number of ways. Older pupils stay in school longer because of their interest in scouting than because of any other influence. "A year of work in scouting will do as much toward acquainting a teacher with the ideals of teaching as a year spent in any college or university of the country." Finally, scouting secures the interest, attention, and good will of the parents to the public schools.

_Girl Scout badges earned in 1919-20._

-------------------------------+---------+----------- Subject. | Number. | Per 1,000.

-------------------------------+---------+----------- | | 1. Home nurse | 2,852 | 126 2. Laundress | 2,192 | 97 3. First aid | 1,523 | 67 4. Needlewoman | 1,389 | 61 5. Child nurse | 1,267 | 56 6. Cook | 991 | 44 7. Pathfinder | 990 | 44 8. Health guardian | 923 | 41 9. Flower finder or zoologist | 878 | 39 10. Home maker | 861 | 38 11. Citizen | 732 | 32 12. Signaler | 647 | 28 13. Bird hunter | 636 | 28 14. Health winner | 600 | 26 15. Pioneer | 595 | 26 16. Artist | 592 | 26 17. Musician | 580 | 26 18. Interpreter | 578 | 25 19. Swimmer | 557 | 25 20. Business | 424 | 19 21. Cyclist | 422 | 19 22. Gardener | 393 | 17 23. Athlete | 345 | 15 24. Horsewoman | 266 | 12 25. Bugler | 254 | 11 26. Scribe | 216 | 10 27. Telegrapher | 192 | 8 28. Motorist | 190 | 8 29. Dairy maid | 190 | 8 30. Farmer | 187 | 8 31. Sailor | 130 | 6 32. Electrician | 101 | 4 | | Total | 22,693 | 1,000 -------------------------------+---------+-----------


On the second table, first column, the totals look a little confusing, but properly read they are correct. The sub-total does not take into account the first line (440) making the total 80,759. Adding it back in gives the total of 81,199 plus 1,826 (18+) gives the correct grand total. It has been left as in the original.

There is a variation between girl-scout and girl scout; girl-scout denotes the organization, and girl scout pertains to an individual.

They have been left as in the original.

Only one typo found and corrected; susceptibility was misspelled as "susceptibilty".

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