Government, 157-162.

departments, 77.

duties toward, 69.

economy of, 61.

functions, 58, 59.

national, 98, 99.

origin of, 157, 158.

purposes of, 100.

school, 23-26.

State, 77.

Territory, 96.

varieties, 17, 159.

Governor of State, 85.

of Territory, 94, powers and duties, 85, 86.

Grand jurors, 172, 177.

Guardians, appointment of, 54.

Habeas corpus, 117.

Hereditary monarchy, 160.

House of congress, 110.

of delegates, 78.

of representatives, 81, 121, 122.

Hundred, the, 28, 30.

Immigration commission, 90.

Impeachment, 82.

Inauguration, presidential, 128.

Income tax, 203.

Indiana ballot, 184, 187.

Indian Territory, 96.

Indictment, 172, 173.

Industrial rights, 165.

Initiative, 82.

Inquest, coroner"s, 54.

Inspector-general, 140.

of bank, 90.

Instruction, superintendent of, 89.

Insurance commissioners, 84, 89.

Interior department, 144.

Internal revenue, 204.

International law, 170.

Interstate commerce, 113, 148, 153.

Intimidation, 179.

Jail, county, 49.

Jailer, 54.

Journal of house, 78.

Judge, 171-173, 176.

advocate-general, 140.

appointment of, 93.

county, 49, 50.

district, 94.

probate, 49, 55.

supreme court, 92.

surrogate, 49, Judicial department of State, 191.

of U.S., 149.

district, 191.

Judiciary, functions of, 92.

Jurisdiction of courts, 149.

of supreme court, 151.

jurors, 173.

in township, 42.

Jury, 122, 123.

Justice, 163-168 of county, 50.

of peace, 33, 34.

precinct, 30.

of township, 45, 46.

Labor commissioner, 90.

Labor department, 147.

Land commissioner, 84, 90.

Law and liberty, 169-174.

Law, enactment of, 79, 197.

execution of, 84.

ex post facto, 118.

forbidden, 74.

indexing, 87.

making, 77.

of nations, 170.

of Territory, 95.

Legislation, 197-200.

in county, 54.

Legislative department of county, 49, 50.

power of presiding, 131.

State, 77.

Territory, 94.

Legislative department of township, 41.

of county, 50.

of school, 24.

of State, 77.

of U.S., 110.

Legislature, 77.

Letters of marque, 114.

Liberty, 169.

Librarian, State, 90.

Territory, 94.

Licenses, 53, 54.

Lieutenant-governor, 78, 84, 87.

Magisterial district, 29.

Marshal of village, 52.

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