Elite Mages' Academy

Chapter 266: Restrained

Chapter 266: Restrained

“As much as I admire your courage and wisdom, it’s quite unfortunate because you really shouldn’t have stopped me this time.” Although the female elf’s appearance had completely changed, her pleasant voice remained more or less the same and her Chinese was much more fluent than the orc shaman.

“Elves like us have always emphasized on the policy of neutrality. The reason I personally came here was to avoid unnecessary casualties as much as possible. Too much blood has been shed in this war. You might be the invaders of time and s.p.a.ce, but us elves cannot bear to watch these excessive killings.”

The female elf had a sorrowful and compa.s.sionate look. She then began walking slowly toward Xiao Lin. As the light green halo pa.s.sed by, everyone in the entire fortress was horrified to discover themselves lying limp on the ground, unable to move at all.

Xiao Lin had almost bitten off his lips, but the pressured feeling was completely different from previously. After the green light brushed past, the pressure and anxiety lingering in his heart for several days had completely disappeared. A calm and tranquil feeling replaced it, but it did not make anyone feel the least bit pleased. It was incredibly difficult to make any movements under that feeling.

“Huh! That’s nice of you to say. Why did you kill her, then! And Lightning, the orc shaman. Didn’t you kill him without hesitation?” Xiao Lin tried to think of ways to break free while distracting the female elf’s attention as much as possible.

The female elf tilted her head and glanced at Han Manman’s body before sighing. “Her spirit is in a very unstable state. It’s very unfavourable for us, you and I both. As for that orc, he wouldn’t’ve lived long anyway even if I didn’t kill him. Shamans aren’t allowed to commit suicide, and all I did was help him set himself free. That’s what he wanted too.”

“What do you mean?”

“How do you think I came here?” Victory was within the female elf’s grasp, but she suddenly halted her footsteps and looked calmly at Xiao Lin amidst all the chaos.

It was just as Xiao Lin planned and he thus answered unhesitatingly, “My guess is that you sneaked in when we attacked the orcs the other night. After all, that was the only chance. You wouldn’t have been able to avoid the attention if you sneaked in at any other time.”

“Correct, but not quite.”

The female elf squatted down and brought her flawless face close to Xiao Lin. Her light scent was intoxicating, and curiosity flashed in her eyes as she whispered, “I’ve actually been very curious about you.”

Xiao Lin froze, and then realized that her curiosity probably referred to all those colonists from earth.

Sure enough, the female elf continued, “I really wanted to get to know all of you deeply, which is why I disregarded the orcs’ objections and changed my plan at the last minute to sneak into your fortress all alone. I posed as one of your female soldiers, ate with you, lived with you, all because I really wanted to know how different you are from us.”


The female elf stood up again and merely shook her head. Unsure whether it was to express regret or whether she did not understand the question, she eventually whispered, “I won’t do anything to your lives. This green light isn’t fatal. It’ll only incapacitate you temporarily. I’ll leave after taking the resurrection tower.”

“This is just an unfinished resurrection tower!”

“My original plan was to wait until it was fully complete, but unfortunately you found out. Not that it matters anyway. I’ll just bring him away too.” The female elf had prepared well in advance and pointed to Captain Yu who was not far away.

“Xiao...Xiao Lin, hurry up and use the self-destructing scroll!” Captain Yu had gradually come to his senses and shouted with great effort. After all, Xiao Lin did not use a lot of strength when knocking him down earlier, and his own strength levels were also Black Iron-rank.

“Don’t bother. You can’t even move a finger with that strength of yours.”

“It’s impossible to possess such suppressive force even at Gold-rank. You! Who are you!” Captain Yu glared.

“Heh, you mustn’t forget that Gold is not the highest rank there is. Although Planet Norma’s people seem to be inferior in terms of cultivation compared to invaders like yourself, it doesn’t mean that we’ll lose to you when our strength is at our peak.”

Captain Yu widened his eyes in astonishment. Above Gold-rank were the much more unattainable Epic- and Legend-rank, of which few individuals existed even among both earthlings and Normans.

Similarly, the power held by those two ranks of people were far too immense and terrifying. They were almost equivalent to nuclear weapons. The implication of their existence was solely strategic deterrence, but even in the war between Dawn Academy and the orcs, neither side has used individuals of such strength levels to fight on a large scale.

Even the knuckleheaded orcs were well aware that a fight between Epic- and Legend-rank individuals were practically genocide with no further room for maneuvering. Both sides therefore had a tacit understanding not to take the initiative and dispatch someone of that rank.

Xiao Lin’s face turned pale and he finally understood why that battle plan ended in a disastrous defeat in history. It was because the elves disregarded the tacit rules and arbitrarily dispatched someone of that level, making the collapse of the fortress unavoidable.

In fact, the female elf harped on about reducing killings, and in fact, no one else was hurt other than Han Manman and the female student whom she took the place of.

However, one should not forget that the orcs’ most elite army were still waiting there outside the fortress. They were probably waiting to see what would happen there before charging over all at once. It did not take a lot of imagination to know the fate of those who were completely immobilized and lost all combat effectiveness.

“Can you stop the orcs if they charge in?” Xiao Lin held on to his last glimmer of hope and asked.

The female elf was silent for a few seconds. “We have an agreement with the orcs. We won’t interfere with each other in this cooperation. I can only promise that my decisions will be what I ought to do, but I can’t violate the agreement in the name of the Tree of Life.”

“Such hypocritical kindness!” Xiao Lin had no strength to even sneer.

“I’m sorry. Do allow me to give you a kind reminder: I know you’ve tried to stimulate your response system with the pain created by your self-harm earlier, but it’s useless. This restraining spell comes directly from law itself. It restricts your speed, mental power, strength, and everything else.”

Everyone gasped all of a sudden. In fact, Xiao Lin was not the only one struggling to break free. It was the same with Cheng Ming, Chen Dao, and the rest. They were all trying to break free from the restraints in their own ways, but everyone gave up struggling once they heard what the female elf said. If it really was law-based, then the difference between ranks was already far more than what anyone could resist.

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