Elite Mages' Academy

Chapter 424: Returning to the Past

Chapter 424: Returning to the Past

Silverlight’s expression was weird, and she did not wait for Xiao Lin to speak before activating her third eye again. It was the third time she had used it that day. Even after knowing Silverlight for so long, no matter what he said or tried, he had never seen Silverlight open that eye before.

“You might have heard of it before, but those of us with three eyes were considered royalty back then. It is the symbol of status, and also the greatest power the royalty has.”

Silverlight was unusually chatty that day, and she had never even mentioned anything like that before.

Xiao Lin was surprised; when Lilith told him about the three-eyed race, he had thought that all Atlanteans had three eyes. Now he knew that only the royalty possessed it, but did that not mean that the woman in front of him used to be a royal princess?

Silverlight’s third eye was fixed on the red orb that represented the sun; the white light that shot out of her forehead concentrated on the orb. It quickly spread, the light turning exceptionally intense, slowly enveloping the entire hall in a surge of light.

Silverlight continued, “Calling us a three-eyed race is actually not that accurate. Even though it might look like an eye, it is actually not. We usually call it our Spiritual Eye. To our race, it ties into our lives. Everyone’s Spiritual Eye is unique, and each one has different powers which determines your standing among the royalty... It’s similar to your talents on this point.”

Xiao Lin nodded in understanding, asking curiously, “Then what’s your power?”

Silverlight smiled softly; it was a smile that she rarely showed. Soft and subtle, without a single flaw. She lost her air of coldness, but it only served to increase the unease in Xiao Lin’s heart.

“My Spiritual Eye is quite special. It has two powers. The first one is called Truth, it allows me to see through all falsehood. The other is called Rewind; it can look into the past. It’s actually also a part of Truth, basically the advanced version of the skill. It’s a pity that I only learned the second power after I went to Planet Norma. If I had learned it before...”

Silverlight suddenly stopped there, shaking her head in dejection, smiling. “Whatever, ignore that, there’s no meaning to it anymore. I’m going to use my second power.”

“Rewind? Can you actually rewind time?” Gu Xiaoyue asked.

“No, that’s not something a mortal like me can do. Remember, time and s.p.a.ce is forever something only G.o.ds can really control. Everyone else is just dabbling in it, and will never have true control.”

Xiao Lin said, “So your Rewind, is it basically like watching a movie? Oh, what I mean by a movie is playing everything that had happened again. Ah, even though I don’t understand how you would begin to do that...”

Silverlight looked at him. “Movie? What is that? However, you have the basics right. Rewind can reveal any truth that has been hidden by the pa.s.sage of time... Back then, I left for Planet Norma at the last moment. Even though I escaped disaster, I’ve always regretted it... Now, I finally have the chance. I’m also curious about what happened back then, so let’s look at the truth of history!”

Silverlight’s determined look surprised Xiao Lin. He suddenly thought of a possibility, and hurriedly shouted, “Hold on! Hold on right there! First, explain that Rewind ability of yours. Does it cause some sort of irreversible harm to you...”


Before Xiao Lin could finish, a loud explosive sound had drowned everything out. The light shooting out from Silverlight’s forehead was now at the maximum; it was like a scorching star frantically unleashing light and heat. Trying to look to the side, Xiao Lin had already lost sight of Silverlight and Gu Xiaoyue. All he could see was an endless white light.

Xiao Lin opened his mouth to say something, but he realized that he could not form any sound. He quickly realized that he could not even feel anything beneath his feet, and he was rapidly revolving. Xiao Lin could not exert his mental or physical strength at all, as if all his energy had been stripped away.

Xiao Lin did not like the feeling of being trapped, and he tried his best to struggle. Since his regular state was unable to do it, he activated Miracle, which made things feel a little better, but his body still felt uncontrollable. He clenched his teeth, unhesitatingly activating Ruin.

That was the first time he had used the skill on Earth. As for what sort of impact it would have, that was not something he was considering at the moment.

Ruin improved everything about Xiao Lin; it was like he had injected a stimulant–the extra strong kind. The effects were also obvious, as Xiao Lin could feel all his strength slowly return to him, even if it was very slow. He could already start to control his body and try to stop that seemingly endless fall.

The explosive sound started to quieten down, and eventually could not be heard as the white light around him dispersed as well. It was like someone had lifted a white veil that was over his head. Xiao Lin’s eyes were a blur, and once his vision cleared, he noticed that he had returned to the main hall.

Gu Xiaoyue was lying next to him, and he hurriedly ran toward her and shouted. The strange thing was that his voice seemed to echo unendingly, as if he was in an extremely wide s.p.a.ce.

“She’s fine; she just fainted because she’s not used to the experience. She’ll wake up quickly.” Silverlight’s voice could be heard. Since her voice was on the warmer side, Xiao Lin did not get angry, but still looked at her with a questioning gaze.

Silverlight did not answer immediately, instead looking at Xiao Lin with a measured look before nodding. “I can’t believe it. My Rewind is equal to completely building a new time and s.p.a.ce. Normal people would find it very hard to get used to it, but you only needed such a short time to awaken.”

Xiao Lin paused. “You used Rewind?”

Silverlight nodded quietly.

“So we’re now back to the era of Atlantis?”

“No, I’ve said that my Rewind cannot truly rewind time. We’re still in your era. I just used some methods to open a small window in the corridors of time, allowing us to look through that window to find out what happened.”

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