Elite Mages' Academy

Chapter 474: Meeting Ibeiya Again

Chapter 474: Meeting Ibeiya Again

“There’s twelve of us; twelve thousand New Dollars should be enough,” Cheng Ming said.

“For all of us?” Han Manman slowly retreated, warning, “That money was given to all of us. We should have the right to decide how to use it!”

The rest of them looked at her speechlessly. It was obvious that the money was given to them by the academy for basic expenses. The good news was that they probably did not need to use the money they had exchanged their redemption points for, but they still needed the money for a lot of things. It was definitely not the time to be stingy.

“Let’s go eat first. I’ll pay for this meal.” Xiao Lin did not feel like dealing with Han Manman. He was currently the one with the most money, and he had even more on his mind. The Rosa Kingdom might have recognized New Dollars long ago thanks to wanting to build a relationship with Dawn Academy, but there was no way to tell if the rebels would.

The others did not know how rich Xiao Lin was. After all, news of the bets in the New World never reached them, but Xiao Lin’s generosity still caused them to be thankful.

Han Manman’s expression was not the greatest. She was not willing to accept Xiao Lin’s goodwill, but the meal was even more attractive, so she finally walked behind everyone else.

Xiao Lin and Cheng Ming walked to the front. Cheng Ming looked back before saying, “Xiao Lin, I know Han Manman has crossed the line, but the task is still a group effort.”

Xiao Lin sighed, but he did not want to throw a tantrum in front of him; Cheng Ming was a good guy. “Relax, I know when to give in. As long as she doesn’t cause trouble, no one will ostracize her. The situation in the Rosa Kingdom is still unclear. We definitely can’t be fighting among ourselves.”

They had lunch at the most luxurious restaurant in Dawn City. As a restaurant serving people from Earth, the dishes there were all local delicacies. They even served some rare lesser dragon meat. Thanks to his dealings with Lu Renjia two days ago, Xiao Lin knew how valuable lesser dragons were.

The meal had cost Xiao Lin over 10,000 New Dollars, but he did not even feel anything at such a small sum. The card An Fumin, the casino boss, had given him back then was used. Other than what he paid Lu Renjia, he was also missing 150,000 New Dollars, which was probably used to buy the house for Ibeiya.

Taking advantage of lunch, Xiao Lin got the others to wait at the restaurant as he used the address Yu Mei had given him to get a carriage to send him to Ibeiya’s residence. It was in the southeastern part of the city. From the designs of the buildings, it was an area for the rich. Of course, the rich folks in Dawn City were all basically from Earth.

Xiao Lin’s mouth twitched, somewhat understanding why the house cost him 150,000 New Dollars. Ibeiya’s house was basically a small villa. Xiao Lin coincidentally saw the little girl watering plants on the courtyard as he walked over. Her movements were fine and earnest. The sun shone on her small frame, revealing drops of sweat on the tip of her nose, making for a picturesque scene.

Xiao Lin did not interrupt immediately, but Ibeiya was more perceptive of people thanks to her innate talents as a member of the dark races. She suddenly raised her head to look where Xiao Lin was standing, and her face immediately turned from shock to excitement as she threw aside the watering can and rushed toward Xiao Lin in greeting.

The girl was too fast, and Xiao Lin was afraid she would fall to the ground, so he could not help but open his arms to hug Ibeiya. Ibeiya’s little head nuzzled his chest like a cat before she raised her head, revealing her slightly red eyes as she choked back tears. “I thought you didn’t want me anymore! You left me alone and did not visit for so long. That Yu Mei lady is so fierce. She keeps screaming at me!”

Her pitiful look would pull at anyone’s heartstrings, but Xiao Lin was full of doubt. He did not believe a single word of Ibeiya’s accusations. How could she be bullied so easily?

It was impossible, and after listening to Yu Mei’s words, Ibeiya had a very good time in Dawn City.

Pulling the pa.s.sionate hug apart, Xiao Lin’s face reddened. Thankfully, there was no one familiar on the streets, or Xiao Lin would really be seen as a lolicon.

“You want to go out to play?” Xiao Lin started to feel like he was a weirdo tempting a kid with a lollipop.


“I came today to take you out, alright?”

“Alright, alright! Where are we going?” Ibeiya’s expressions changed like flipping books. She was teary-eyed just now, but was now just full of happy smiles.

“Your hometown, the Rosa Kingdom.”

Ibeiya’s smile stiffened as she retreated a few steps. She raised her head to look at Xiao Lin before smiling again. “Did Big Brother have something you wanted my help with?”

“I really can’t hide anything from you. I have official business in the Rosa Kingdom. Mainly, I need to escort some people back. You know that the Rosa Kingdom is an allied country to Dawn Academy.” Xiao Lin did not bother to hide it. As for the suspicions Yu Mei hinted to him, he naturally did not bring it up.

“What do you want from me?”

“I want everything you know.”

Ibeiya tilted her head, not even thinking for ten seconds before saying sweetly, “I’ll obviously listen to Big Brother Xiao Lin. Seeing as you’re in a hurry, let’s go!”

“Don’t you need to pack?”

“No need. To me, Big Brother Xiao Lin is the most important!”

Xiao Lin did not delay things, immediately departing with Xiao Lin. Ibeiya looked extremely happy to be able to travel with Xiao Lin. She seemed obedient, not asking for any information she did not need.

However, when she saw the others in the restaurant, Ibeiya immediately understood that the journey would not just be Xiao Lin and her. She started to mumble to herself, her face unhappy. Xiao Lin gave her a simple introduction, only saying that she was from the Rosa Kingdom that he met the last time he was there. As for her status as a vampire and a princess, he kept it completely concealed.

Following that, Xiao Lin once again bore witness to how Ibeiya’s cuteness slayed men and women alike. The monitors treated her extremely fondly. Chen Dao was the most extreme, even pouring her tea. However, when he could not hold himself back and tried to pinch Ibeiya’s face, Xiao Lin stopped him bluntly, and the former could only laugh as he retracted his hand.

“Basically, she’s more familiar with the Rosa Kingdom than anyone else. We’ll probably be relying on her a lot for this a.s.signment.”

Xiao Lin’s decision naturally met everyone’s approval.

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