Elite Mages' Academy

Chapter 477: Infiltration

Chapter 477: Infiltration

The griffins were very fast. They had left after noon, and the griffins had already started their descent as the sun started to set. They stopped on a hill, and right away, someone came over to help untie them, as well as help those who were so dizzy they could not even find their bearings down. After that, the griffins were brought into the specialized cages and fed.

These fixed routes were a mode of transport introduced by the colonists. Originally, griffin-riding required a lot of skill, but considering the fact that most of them would not be so skilled at riding, they decided only a landing and takeoff point was needed. They would then let the griffins get familiar with the routes, and did not longer need to be steered after that. The griffins would be able to get to the destinations themselves.

With the increase in the territories that the colonists controlled, the destinations for this mode of flight had also slowly spread to every colonized territory, and even the allied territories around them. As Dawn Academy’s first allies, it was not strange for the Rosa Kingdom to be one of those destinations.

Other than Xiao Lin and Ibeiya, who were fine, the rest of them all had bad looks on their faces, leading to them needing to rest nearby for a while. The workers at the destination point had probably seen a lot of similar situations, especially since this was a mode of transport primarily meant to serve those of them from Earth. Someone quickly brought out some medicine. Of course, those required money as well, but someone had already paid for them in advance.

Xiao Lin was surprised when he heard that. An Fumin was keeping his promise, but it looked like the opportunistic tyc.o.o.n had arranged everything way ahead of time, which Xiao Lin found strange.

“We were supposed to be able to take riding cla.s.ses in our second year. It’ll probably feel better then.” Cheng Ming seemed to be in the worst state. He had eaten the most that afternoon, so he had also vomited the most. Even if the medicine had helped a lot, he still looked out of sorts.

“Yeah, but it’s just common riding skills. Flying mounts will only be open in third year.” Chen Dao said; the guy enjoyed looking at higher level cla.s.ses in his free time.

“It’s an optional course. I’ll definitely not take it in the future. Too scary!” Cla.s.s Six’s Li Jiayi clutched her chest as she said that; it looked like she had developed a new phobia.


The only map the academy had given them was within the colonial territories. There was nothing about the Rosa Kingdom. That was why Xiao Lin looked for the person in charge of the place. He was an Englishman as well, but seemed much friendlier than the guy before. Of course, it might also be due to An Fumin’s prior arrangements. When he knew that Xiao Lin wanted a map of Rosa the Kingdom, he smiled and produced a box.

The other monitors also gathered curiously. When opened, the box was filled with maps. Everyone was speechless as he slowly opened all of them. They were all maps on the Rosa Kingdom, be it geographical maps, territorial maps, city maps, population density maps, racial distribution maps, war maps, and even weather maps. However, there was no one map that had them all together. Of course, they would have to purchase the maps to use them.

‘Fine.’ Xiao Lin started to feel like the smile on that Englishman’s face was just an accessory. He was still a sly merchant.

After some discussion, they bought a geographical, city and territorial map. Each was worth 50 New dollars. That amount did not need to be paid for by An Fumin, and Xiao Lin did not mind; he did not care about such a small sum of money.

As a few of them whose const.i.tutions were weaker were still recovering, the rest of them decided to look at the maps first. They noticed that, strictly speaking, they were still not within the Rosa Kingdom. In consideration of the ongoing war, they did not dare establish a flight destination in the country.

From their location, they still needed to walk a few kilometers. The distance was nothing to them, but after looking at the territorial maps, they realized they were facing a tough problem. The territory that was right next to this hill had already fallen into rebel hands.

Outside of the Rosa Kingdoms territorial lines was a large chaotic area. The area was originally an unregulated region. Before, the Rosa Kingdom did not bother with it due to not wanting to provoke anyone, but when the rebel forces expanded, they did not adhere to the boundaries set by the Rosa Kingdom, and had expanded beyond those lines.

“So this means that, if we want to reach the Rosa Kingdom, we’ll first need to get through rebel controlled territory?” Cheng Ming furrowed his eyebrows.

From the limited information that had been provided by Dawn Academy, the rebel troops called themselves the Black Rose Organization, because their flag was a black rose. The rebels consisted mostly of commoners and farmers; the reason for their rebellion was complicated, and was being investigated by Dawn Academy.

“We don’t know what the rebels think of us, and by us, I’m referring to Dawn Academy.”

“The current news we have is that the people from Earth within the Kingdom are still safe. At least that means that the rebels troops won’t dare make enemies out of us for no reason. Of course, that’s a normal thing. Anyone that dares to touch us could not hope to defeat our armies.” It was Cla.s.s Eight’s Zhang Shengguo who said that. The dignified man had the natural air of a leader. His status back on Earth was not low, but unfortunately, in the group of monitors, his words did not hold much weight, which gave him much dissatisfaction.

Xiao Lin furrowed his eyes. “That’s true. The rebels won’t dare make enemies out of us, but they have not shown any goodwill toward us either. Otherwise, we’d have already brought the royal family out.”

The rebels’ att.i.tude would decide how they entered the Rosa Kingdom, as well as how they acted within the Kingdom. If the rebels were kind enough to the colonists, then they could just walk right in, and no one would stop them.

However, if the rebels bore them ill-will, then they would need to sneak in quietly. Even if the limited reports showed that the rebels consisted mostly of commoners, the basic attributes of commoners on this planet were much higher than those back on Earth. It was only because most Earth commoners did not have the resources to go through specialized combat and skill training did they lose out to those from the academy, but their numbers were still not easily handled.

The a.s.signment this time was an escort mission; it was not for them to charge in and defeat the rebels.

After making the point clear, Xiao Lin and Cheng Ming, alongside another six or seven monitors, all felt like sneaking in was the best choice. It would be best if they did not alert the rebels. The other monitors might not have the same opinions, but the majority determined the direction of the group, and the decision was pa.s.sed.

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