Elite Mages' Academy

Chapter 222: Agility Scroll

Chapter 222: Agility Scroll

Xiao Lin’s words prompted everyone to exchange glances. Several monitors hesitated before raising their hands and saying, “In that case, I’ll join! Let’s seize the supply depot at first charge!”

None of them were idiots and it all boiled down to their unfamiliarity with the resurrection tower. The graveness of the situation struck them after Xiao Lin’s reminder. The last thing they wanted was for members of their own cla.s.s to suffer excessive casualties, but all that hinged on the successful completion of their task.

Seeing that everyone’s enthusiasm for discussion was aroused again, Xiao Lin said at the opportune moment, “If possible, I’m actually hoping that everyone can cooperate together, at least for now. After all, this is a task we all have in common, and everyone will be rewarded for completing it.”

Chen Dao, the monitor of Cla.s.s Twelve, was puzzled. He asked, “Aren’t we cooperating now?”

“What I mean is, for example, the long-range attack troops will gather together to suppress their firepower,” Xiao Lin explained his purpose. In truth, that was his intention for that meeting. When he saw the frowns on some of the cla.s.s monitors, he immediately added, “Our skill levels are still very low right now. We lack ma.s.s destruction spells. In order to avoid accidental injuries when attacking the hill, it’s impossible to let our ships continue suppressing them during our attack if we want to avert any accidental injury. In such a situation, we have to rely on ourselves to prevent casualties, the remote attacks of a single cla.s.s are far from enough!”

“Who will command this operation?” Several cla.s.s monitors stared warily at Xiao Lin.

“Chen Dao.” Xiao Lin pointed at the young boy nearby. His action stunned everyone again, as they had all thought that Xiao Lin wanted to take the opportunity to consolidate power for himself.

Chen Dao had the most outstanding magical ability among all those people. Of course, there was also Gu Xiaoyue, but Xiao Lin was aware that she was not suitable for the job. In fact, he was also a bit reluctant to appoint Gu Xiaoyue as group leader previously.

Although Chen Dao was only 18 years-old, he did not have the slightest bit of stage fright when faced with the crowd’s suspicious and weird looks. He patted his chest and made a vow, “Don’t worry, leave the minor stuff to me. I still remember how I led troops in a game...”

Xiao Lin immediately ignored the latter half of that guy’s sentence. “Okay, let’s move on to the next topic. I need to know the detailed number of people from each cla.s.s who chose support spell courses, as well as the types of spells. Come on, there’s no need to keep this kind of thing a secret. I’ll start with announcing Cla.s.s Seven’s.”

Following Xiao Lin’s active conversation, the emergency meeting at the foot of the hill finally took shape. In fact, the entire operation did not require strong abilities. For it to be united and cooperative, it was necessary for individuals to make a general outline of the plan and Xiao Lin just happened to take the initiative to do so.

At a moment when time was of the essence, the others also acquiesced to Xiao Lin ‘s suggestion. Inevitably however, they repeatedly emphasized that the united and cooperative effort was only limited to the attack on the hill. After the supply depot was seized, the original management system of each cla.s.s had to be restored. Clearly, they were still worried about being usurped by Xiao Lin.

Although they were very confident that they would be retained as the monitor, the student union had not announced the selection method of year leader yet. What if it was based on the comprehensive evaluation of that exam? They did not want to give Xiao Lin such a clear chance to show his leadership.

The instructors collectively held their silence. Except for the occasional comment, they were mostly quiet, since they knew very well that the 12 people in front of them would be full-fledged monitors after the monthly exam, unless something untoward happened. On the other hand, the instructors would no longer be instructors, which meant that they are one level lower than the monitors in terms of position. Thus, it was only natural that they would not refute the future monitors at that juncture.

In any case, Xiao Lin continued to chair the meeting until some time later. After 20 minutes, everyone went back to their respective cla.s.ses and continued the preparations. Qin Chuan expressed a certain appreciation for Xiao Lin and chatted with him about the year leader.

Prior to that, Xiao Lin—who had yet to be formally appointed as cla.s.s monitor—had not considered the issue of year leader at all. However, all positions in the academy would affect his future status in the New World, so he did not hide his views on his interest in that position.

As a freshman of the year prior, Qin Chuan was naturally aware of the selection process of the grade leader. In his freshman year, the selection of the grade leader was decided after the sixth monthly exam, which was also halfway through the semester, and then Qin Chuan again He lowered his voice and revealed a little inside story to Xiao Lin.

He claimed that he had a good relationship with the previous year leader and heard some news as a result. In the third monthly exam, which is the exam for determining the position of the cla.s.s leader, the academy would first determine the candidates for the year leader. If their exam performance was very poor, they would be eliminated from the list of candidates even if they served as cla.s.s monitor.

In the subsequent monthly exams after that, other candidates would then be eliminated based on the comprehensive evaluation. When there was only one candidate left, that person would then become the year leader.

To put it simply, it was a filtering selection. The academy attached great importance to the selection of year leaders and the selection model was pretty fair too. It was the first time that Xiao Lin learned about that, and naturally appreciated Qin Chuan’s goodwill.

Xiao Lin had also guessed that Qin Chuan displayed kindness so willingly because he saw the former’s performance in the battle earlier. Based on Qin Chuan’s experience, it was probably easy for him to tell that Xiao Lin would have no problem becoming the year leader.

Later, Xiao Lin and Cheng Ming went to consult the architect who came with the warship and received a disappointing answer. They did not carry any siege equipment and even expressed surprise at Xiao Lin’s inquiry, since the orcs’ construction skills were very bad and the fortress was of poor quality. After that, the architects also contributed a batch of elementary agility special magic scrolls to them, since they could not help in other aspects even if they wanted to.

“Agility scroll? We’re going to attack the hill. What’s the use of this thing? Why don’t they give us any fireball scrolls!” Cheng Ming complained about it on the way back, but the people were nothing more than NPCs. In other words, they were merely complementing the simulated environment that had been set before.

Xiaolin carried a big bag of scrolls and pondered before suddenly breaking out in a smile. He said, “We’ve been going about this the wrong way. We have to break out from our earthly mindset. We don’t have any siege ladders here. The fortress earlier wasn’t actually that high, right?”

Cheng Ming nodded.

“Don’t forget what the Agility attribute gives us. Our attributes aren’t limited to just one effect. In addition to movement speed and attack speed, agility can also affect flexibility, balance, and so on. Anything ring a bell to you?”

Cheng Ming was stunned. “Do you want us to just scale it? The fortress is nearly ten meters high! ”

“That’s exactly my plan. I’ve just counted these scrolls and there aren’t a lot of them. The total is only over a hundred points. The effects are to increase agility by five XP. Go back and try to find someone with a higher agility.”

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