Elite Mages' Academy

Chapter 318: Vampire

Chapter 318: Vampire

“Even if you do that, I still don’t know anything.”

Ibeiya did not seem to be faking it this time. From Xiao Lin’s patient questioning, they found out that Ibeiya had planned on staying a few days after leaving the inn before she left Wildfire Town, but she suddenly felt a surge of danger in the morning. She had planned on leaving, but she fainted halfway through, and the town was empty the moment she woke up.

“You suddenly fainted?” Lilith narrowed her eyes, obviously not believing such a vague explanation.

Ibeiya cried as she said, “I only felt a strange energy starting to surge in the town before I lost consciousness. I really don’t know what happened.”

“Why didn’t you leave after that?” Xiao Lin asked.

“I’m afraid that’s probably not possible anymore. Did you two not notice? The whole town has been enveloped by death energy. It’s just like a cage we won’t be able to escape. Any living person would rapidly approach death if they entered.”

Xiao Lin and Lilith exchanged a look, both of them still refusing to completely believe the girl. It was fine if they wanted to leave; the most that would happen was that they would lose 20 years of their lifespan and they would be back in Dawn territory.

There were many holes in what Ibeiya said, or rather, she vaguely rushed past many parts. Xiao Lin even wanted to ask what revenge the girl was talking about that night, but she did not bring it up at all. He could not tell which of the girl’s words were true and which were false.

“Didn’t you say there was another suspicious place? Let’s look at that first!”

Lilith was the one who made the decision. Xiao Lin had felt three different grey flames just now; there was only one left outside of the Holy Soul Sword and Ibeiya.

Ibeiya was not very willing to follow them, but she was even less willing to stay there alone. In her own words, the dense death energy made her feel like she was swimming in sludge, so she unwillingly followed them.

Lilith agreed to it, but Xiao Lin obviously said that it was just to keep an eye on her, since they still did not trust Ibeiya.

“Actually, why would you hate death energy as a dark race?” Xiao Lin asked curiously.

“Uncle, vampires are different from the undead!” Ibeiya had an unhappy expression.

Xiao Lin’s impression of vampires still stemmed from the various movies and novels on Earth. He had actually learned from history cla.s.s and talking with Song Junlang that the vampires on Earth did seem to originate from Planet Norma, but a lot of the myths were very off.

For instance, vampires actually did not need to drink blood; they just needed to absorb large amounts of protein, which blood was rich in. In truth, any subst.i.tutes were perfectly fine as well. Another example was that the fear of holy crosses was just an Earth created myth; vampires also did suffer from lower battle capabilities under sunlight, but they could absolutely function normally otherwise.

Vampires were not actually evil creatures either, so Ibeiya was not horrified when she learned about her bloodline, merely adapting to the new conditions.

There were very few vampires on Planet Norma, but most of them were extremely strong, which was a far cry from this weak little girl. However, Ibeiya explained that it was because she was too young. Ten years old was basically an infant compared to the long ages of most vampires, so Ibeiya practically had no combat ability.

“Are you afraid of death energy?”

Ibeiya frantically nodded; the horror in her eyes did not seem faked this time.

Lilith said meaningfully, “To necromancers, vampires make for very good materials, so you should hide far away later and keep your distance from us.”

“I know. Uncle will definitely protect me, right?”

Xiao Lin looked at the big-eyed girl and said with some annoyance, “I’m not sure what rank a spell charm is, but I hope you don’t use it on me.”

“Relax, my spell doesn’t work on you,” Ibeiya consoled confidently.

“How do you know that?”

“I tried to use it on you that night, but it had no effect. Ah...” Ibeiya quickly stopped herself when she realized she said too much.

Lilith’s gaze once again shot to Xiao Lin, her thoughts obvious. ‘You freaking pervert.’

Xiao Lin felt like he was never going to clear his name.

They were not that far away from the third grey flame, and they quickly stopped outside a regular-looking house. It was very close, based on Xiao Lin’s perception, but they carefully checked the inside of the house, not noticing anything out of place.

“Could there be a room underground?” Xiao Lin asked.

“I’ve already checked; I could not find any entrances to the underground.” Lilith shook her head.

“The two of you really are outsiders. Don’t you know that our underground rooms are never built inside our houses?” Looking at the two of their frantic expressions, Ibeiya smiled off from the side.

Lilith raised her tone. “Why didn’t you say that earlier!”

“You didn’t ask. I’m so sorry!” Lilith’s rage had led to Ibeiya hurriedly covering her head in fear.

Xiao Lin could not help but shake his head at Lilith. Even though they knew she was faking it, her cute and pitiful face had too great of an impact, and Lilith could not release her anger.

“Then tell us, where are the underground rooms?” Xiao Lin asked. It was fortunate that they had brought Ibeiya along, or they would have wasted a lot of time. Lilith and himself were still not that familiar with the natives.

Ibeiya hesitated, “I think it’s better if we hide. I’m feeling a large amount of evil death energy gathering here. It’s not a good sign.”

“Do you even need to say that? We obviously feel it as well!” Lilith said rudely. “If you’re really afraid, you just need to give us the directions and we’ll go alone.”

Thanks to Lilith’s earlier explanations, Xiao Lin could more or less understand Ibeiya’s fear.

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