Elite Mages' Academy

Chapter 389: Origin of The Wormhole

Chapter 389: Origin of The Wormhole

The examiners originally had other things to say, but no one expected that Xiao Lin would bring up buying the weapon. Everyone suddenly had a strange look on their faces, which led Xiao Lin to think they were not willing. Of course, that was to be expected, but since Silverlight asked, Xiao Lin still had to at least try.

“Everyone knows what’s happening in this test. Let me ask you, how many new students could pa.s.s this test. Could you all have pa.s.sed it during your first year?”

Xiao Lin felt like being nice was not working, so he could only try things forcefully. After all, he had already defeated the alchemical being, so his confidence was high. “However, now I’ve already done it. Do you all think it’s just as simple as letting me pa.s.s? Shouldn’t I get some compensation? Or do you all feel like you’ll be fine if this matter gets known to the public?”

The few examiners had difficult looks on their faces. Since they had come over to do such a thing, they had obviously considered the consequences. Of course, the consequences had hinged upon Xiao Lin being unable to pa.s.s the test, since the losers were often ignored. However, Xiao Lin had pa.s.sed, and they could not understand how Xiao Lin grasped that level of swordsmanship in such a short time.

Since Xiao Lin had succeeded, and was standing on the winning side, he would have enough reason to voice his dissatisfaction, and the military could very well suffer because of it.

“Are you threatening us?” A man stood up from his desk, narrowing his eyes as he measured Xiao Lin, a formless aura seeping out of him.

The leader waved his hand, quieting the rest of them. Only he seemed composed as he asked, “What do you want?”

“I want that sword.”

The man was speechless.

The two of them stared at each other, and Xiao Lin could not contain his anger. “Do all of you really think this matter will be resolved so easily?”

“I know you have a backer; there’s no need to make a fuss.”

It was the first time Xiao Lin was treated as the one with a backer, and he was rendered speechless. However, it was not necessarily a bad thing, and the man rubbed his forehead, asking in frustration, “You really want that sword?”

“That’s right.”

“Everything that happened today will end here if you get the sword?”

“That’s right. No one else will know.”


After thinking for a while, the man seemingly determined that Xiao Lin was not joking before making a quick decision. That surprised Xiao Lin, since he did not hold up much hope for it initially, but why did the few of them look like they had made a profit?

Xiao Lin was still full of questions, but it was not the time for that. He walked over and lugged the huge sword over before leaving the training hall. When he went out, everyone looked at the large sword with a mixture of shock and curiosity. Were they being given weapons if they pa.s.sed?

Xiao Lin chatted around for a bit before returning to the dormitory. The sword was much heavier than he thought. With Miracle not active, he felt the strain, even just standing around with it.

After returning to the dormitory and placing the sword on the floor, Xiao Lin was full of sweat, feeling like the strength he had exerted heading back was more or less the same as the strength he exerted during the test. G.o.d knew what sort of material the sword was made of.

Silverlight quickly reappeared from the ring, her white dress beautiful, but thanks to being a spirit, she floated everytime she appeared. Thankfully, it was during the day, or she would be a bit of a horrifying sight.

“I’ll put the sword into the ring, you can do whatever you want with it.” Xiao Lin decided to not ask too much about it, even though he was quite curious about the sword, especially since the ability to render energy useless was quite a terrifying ability. However, after testing out the weight, he understood that he could basically forget about using it.

Silverlight nodded, touching the surface of the sword with a complicated look. Xiao Lin noticed her strange expression as well, and could not help but ask curiously, “You know this sword? Is it some G.o.dlike weapon pa.s.sed on from ancient times?”

Silverlight shook her head, her clear voice saying, “I don’t know this sword, but I recognize the material it’s made from.”

Xiao Lin was immediately interested. “So it must be a valuable material.”

“I don’t know.”


“I did not know that someone actually used this material to make a sword. It’s actually just a piece of a meteorite, but gained the ability to negate energy thanks to certain reasons. However, it has already been weakened immensely after travelling through time and s.p.a.ce, so the metal’s energy negation has been drastically weakened. If your sword aura had been three or four times stronger, you would have been able to win.”

Xiao Lin finally understood; no wonder those examiners did not mind giving it to him. It was not nearly as strong as he had thought, but Silverlight’s words caused him to react in shock. “You mean this sword...no, this meteorite...was brought over by you?”

“That’s right. Back then, I only managed to reach this world at the last moment thanks to it. This world never had any material like it, and it is actually not suitable to make weapons with. No matter; it’s basically trash at this point. I’ll just keep it for the memories.”

In the end, it was a free gift, so Xiao Lin did not care how it was handled. However, he curiously listened to Silverlight talk about how she got to Planet Norma initially.

There was a wormhole that looked like it was made of gold that existed between Planet Norma and Earth, which was how the colonists managed to exist on the New World, but that wormhole was obviously not natural. Song Junlang had also told Xiao Lin before that there were those who had tried to look for wormholes to other worlds a long time ago to no success.

That wormhole was unique, which was strange. The universe was so huge; how could only Earth and Planet Norma have such a special wormhole?

Xiao Lin speculated that it could have something to do with Atlantis, and Silverlight did not bother hiding anything. She raised her eyebrows, as if thinking about her past, before speaking, “I know what you’re thinking, but the pa.s.sage that connected the two worlds existed long ago, even I don’t know when it was formed. I had seen whispers of it in the royal archives before, which was why I tested it out, but I did not expect to actually succeed in breaking the seal.”


“Yes. Written in the archives was that the pa.s.sage had been sealed since ancient times. As for who sealed it and how it was sealed, that’s a mystery.”

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