Elite Mages' Academy

Chapter 430: The Broken Wall of Time

Chapter 430: The Broken Wall of Time

Xiao Lin touched his chest, not feeling any wounds or scars. That trident that could even pierce into the black dragon was just an illusion to him, but the sudden rumbling that followed caused Silverlight to reveal a never-before-seen sense of nervousness.

Xiao Lin started to feel like his sight was getting blurry. He tried rubbing his eyes, but it did not change anything. He then realized that it was not his eyes that were blurring, but the entire s.p.a.ce in front of him. Just like Gu Xiaoyue had said, if they were separated from Poseidon by something like a gla.s.s window, then the window was now cracking and reaching the point of shattering.

It could have been because of Poseidon’s trident, or maybe just Xiao Lin’s special physicality. The reason was unclear, but Xiao Lin only understood one thing: Poseidon had locked onto Xiao Lin.

Even though that gla.s.s window had blocked Poseidon’s sight, Xiao Lin was very sure that the man had completely ascertained his position. Being locked into by a Legend-ranked person was basically putting one foot into the coffin.

“Silverlight! Didn’t you say that the wall of time can’t be broken?! Didn’t you say that the small crack would not cause the situation to worsen?!” Xiao Lin asked in shock. Poseidon’s aura had already begun seeping into their surroundings, proving that the wall of time could no longer shield them from the outside world.

Poseidon’s expression was quite special, starting out with confusion before turning into shock, finally settling on a cold smile, as if saying, ‘My prey, I’ve found you!’

“Don’t panic! The wall of time is very strong. Those without Time Rewind can’t get in here!” Silverlight quickly and calmly judged.

However, Poseidon defied expectations. He stood in front of Xiao Lin, and a pair of eyes that were blue like the sea and cold as ice fixed on him. They were still separated by the wall of time, but Poseidon’s eyes seemed to be able to see everything.

Xiao Lin tried to leave, but he realized that his body had already been trapped in blue light, completely restricted just as Poseidon had restricted the black dragon. That was the ability that Poseidon’s third eye had, and the power seemed to be able to pa.s.s through the cracks on the wall of time.

Gu Xiaoyue noticed that Xiao Lin could not move, and did not hesitate to make a move. However, even if she was so gifted that everyone in Dawn Academy admired her, her spells did nothing at all to Poseidon. Gu Xiaoyue’s spells were mainly focused on support as well, so her offensive capabilities were lacking. Even more awkwardly, Gu Xiaoyue’s spells only shot right through Poseidon’s body, meaning she did not have enough power to pierce through the cracks on the wall of time.

Gu Xiaoyue could only stand powerlessly. She shot Silverlight a pleading gaze, but Silverlight was even more powerless than Gu Xiaoyue. Silverlight had already said that she did not have much combat ability currently, and she had not been joking.

A roar was suddenly heard right as everything was the most tense. The roar of the dragon in the sky started to close in. Onyxia, who had been hiding in the distance, had not escaped out of fear. She was instead just regaining her strength and biding her time. The moment Poseidon put all his attention onto figuring out Xiao Lin’s location, Onyxia’s chance came.

The dragon did not have much strength left, so she chose to use the most violent mode of attack: using her humongous body that was as strong as steel to ram into Poseidon. The meteoric speed created a horrifying impact that even Xiao Lin, who had the wall of time between them, felt affected.

Poseidon could not avoid it, having put too much focus onto Xiao Lin and forgetting about the dragon. The man and the dragon both fell right into the sea, but Poseidon was just as strong. In the waves, all they could see was a few more wounds on his bare body.

An attack that put the life of a dragon on the line only brought forth such trivial injuries!

Onyxia angered Poseidon, and he raised his hand, trying to pull the dragon that was already back in the air into the sea. The sea was Poseidon’s domain. In there, he could even fight toe to toe with Onyxia with his bare hands.

“Now! Run!” Gu Xiaoyue immediately shouted, but there was no response.


“No, now is not the time!” Silverlight’s face was very pale. She really looked like a ghost at that moment. She shook her head powerlessly, biting her pale lips as she said softly, “Poseidon’s aura disrupted the stability of the wall of time. Time and s.p.a.ce cannot be easily played with. If I end Time Rewind now, we could very possibly be thrown into nothingness, never able to go back. However, the wall of time can repair itself. It just needs time...”

Xiao Lin asked, “How long?”

“Calculating by Earth time, not more than twenty-four hours.”

Xiao Lin’s heart sank. Looking at the battle in the sea, Onyxia was no match for Poseidon underwater. No, even if they fought in the air, the black dragon would only be toyed with.

24 hours?

With the current state of things, they did not have that long. Onyxia could not possibly hold on for more than one or two hours, and Poseidon would then set his sights back onto them. While the wall of time was repairing itself, they had absolutely no way to retaliate against Poseidon.

Two Black-Iron ranked recruits, on top of an essentially powerless ghost; how long could they withstand Poseidon?

“Xiao Lin, we...” Gu Xiaoyue looked at Xiao Lin. She was not afraid of death, but she did not want to die in such a place.

Xiao Lin’s face was dark. He took a deep breath, then smiled at Gu Xiaoyue in consolation. “Don’t worry. Nothing will happen. I won’t allow anything to happen to you!”

Gu Xiaoyue felt some warmth in her heart. As she was about to say something, Xiao Lin had already walked to Silverlight. Silverlight lowered her head, saying, “I’m sorry, it’s because of me that the two of you...” Just as Gu Xiaoyue had said, it was because she had hid the true dangers of Time Rewind that this happened.

“What good is an apology now!” Xiao Lin interrupted her impatiently before asking, “I remember you once said that you had planned to seal Poseidon, right?”

Silverlight paused before answering, “That’s right. That was indeed the plan, but you’ve seen it as well. Those people have probably already died.”

“Do you understand the seal?”

“I was the one who found the seal in the ancient archives.”

“Oh, that’s perfect! Is the sealing hard?”

“It is a lost sealing method, but it is not that hard.”

“Good, then let’s seal Poseidon!”

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