Elite Mages' Academy

Chapter 432: Sealing (2)

Chapter 432: Sealing (2)

The seal that Silverlight was teaching could be called incredibly hard, yet incredibly easy at the same time. As a seal meant for those Legend-ranked and above, the seal was extremely special. It did not require one to be all that skilled in sealing, nor did it require high level magic from the caster. The main driving force behind it was the power of the caster’s life force.

The field of sealing was extremely complicated, but Xiao Lin and Gu Xiaoyue did not need to understand it, so it greatly lowered the difficulty of learning the seal.

As Silverlight said that, Xiao Lin furrowed his eyebrow tightly, interrupting her, “Life force? Don’t tell me that we need to trade our lives for the seal!”

“That’s the lowest price. Who do you think our opponent is? That’s the Sea G.o.d Poseidon. Even a black dragon cannot beat him. A price like this is already very low,” Silverlight said reasonably.

“Only life is needed?” Gu Xiaoyue said, her point of emphasis completely different from Xiao Lin’s.

Silverlight looked at her with a strange expression. “There was an interesting view during my time about the value of life. I won’t give you the details, but the basic meaning is that, at some level, no matter the riches or power one possesses, all life has the same value. That seal was founded on this principle, using an equal exchange.”

Silverlight understood Xiao Lin’s hesitation, which she had already taken into account as she added, “You don’t need your entire life. You’re all protected by the law of the academies, so your souls will not exhaust themselves here, and the life you lose can always be regained.”

“Let’s do it then.” Gu Xiaoyue did not hesitate anymore after understanding.

“No!” Xiao Lin resolutely rejected it.

“We don’t have any other choice!” Gu Xiaoyue knew why he was against it, but she was not touched at all.

Xiao Lin and Gu Xiaoyue stared at each other, neither willing to back off on the matter. Silverlight looked on by the side, her eyes sparkling as if thinking of something before she said to Xiao Lin, “If you’re worried about that, you can volunteer to give up even more of your life. You actually don’t have to worry. You have a special law within yourself, and the seal will not interfere with the law, which will guarantee you to have some life force remaining.

After a few minutes, Xiao Lin finally decided to cooperate. They did not really have much time left, and he knew Gu Xiaoyue. There was no way he could do anything about it.

What followed was the basic steps behind the sealing. The seal was actually not too hard, but comparatively, it was still incredibly hard for complete beginners.

Silverlight was very detailed and meticulous, she worried that the two of them would be unable to understand in such a short time. Initially, Gu Xiaoyue and Xiao Lin’s faces were lost and confused, but Silverlight was not surprised, calmly explaining it again. They were short on time, but if they did not really master the seal, then nothing would matter.

After five minutes, both of them had a look of realization on their face.

After ten minutes, the two of them started to have a half-decent understanding.

After twenty minutes, their expressions had brightened, fully digesting everything Silverlight was saying.

After thirty minutes, Xiao Lin raised his head from his thoughts. Gu Xiaoyue was a little slower, but by just a few minutes.

“I don’t think I have any more questions.”

“Me too.”

Now came Silverlight’s turn to be surprised. She measured the two of them hesitantly. “There can be no mistakes in the sealing process. It’s best that you ask anything that you don’t understand right now.”

Xiao Lin and Gu Xiaoyue exchanged a look. They were not that surprised themselves. Ever since Xiao Lin’s Academic Genius talent went to level two, he slowly realized his learning capability had noticeably increased. He might not be able to completely understand everything at a glance, but he could still understand most of it.

Gu Xiaoyue was also incredibly talented at magic, and seals were a branch of magic, so her understanding of the subject was incredibly shocking.

“It’s naturally impossible to understand it completely, but it should be enough for us to simply copy it,” Xiao Lin said, the two of them were like novices who did not read, but could copy the words in front of them. The concept was simple, yet effective.

“Then let’s start!”

Silverlight was still doubtful, but they really did not have that much time. After that half an hour, looking back, Onyxia was already at her limit. All her scales had already been pierced through, revealing countless wounds of various sizes.

Silverlight had said that the wall of time was an unrivalled existence. Even though they still could not figure out how Xiao Lin so easily broke through it, its power was relative. The moment the first crack appeared, it had started to weaken. Then, thanks to Poseidon’s attack, it weakened it even more. It was currently in a very shaky state.

All Silverlight did was softly wave her hand in the air. Everywhere her fingers were, a light would start to emit. The glow got more and more vibrant. That was what the wall of time looked like when it materialized, and upon closer inspection of the colorful light, one would notice countless cracks on it.

However, the wall of time could mend itself, and the colorful light was slowly dispersing. It was just that it would take a lot of time to recover.

“I will emphasize this once again, the moment we leave this wall, Poseidon will immediately know our whereabouts. With how powerful he is, we will only have one chance to make it work.”

Xiao Lin and Gu Xiaoyue both nodded.

Silverlight grunted, looking deeply into their eyes before turning around. She rushed toward the wall of time in large strides. The moment she touched the wall, the light from her forehead got even more intense.


With the heavy sound of shattering, the wall of time’s glow started to waver before dimming. A hole appeared in the middle. It was not large–just enough for an adult to squeeze through.


Silverlight waited for the two of them. They needed to all go to the other side at the same time.

The three of them huddled tightly together, seemingly stepping out of the wall of time at the same time. As Silverlight turned her head around, Xiao Lin was surprised to notice that a trail of blood could be seen from Silverlight’s third eye.

Xiao Lin opened his mouth to say something, but the two of them had already been swallowed by the glow of the wall of time.

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