
Chapter 16

On my way to the station I purchased a small bottle of champagne,--it cost half a crown, but the price for this wine is always pretty stiff.

I also took back with me in my bag a tinned tongue and some pears.

Eliza was waiting for me, and was obviously excited. She had guessed what had happened.

"Got Figgis"s berth?" she said.

"Yes. Let"s get off the platform as soon as we can. Everybody"s looking at us."

We walked home very quickly, Eliza asking questions all the way, and looking, as I noticed, quite five years younger. After what I have said as to my purchases, I need not add that supper that night was a perfect banquet.

We had a long discussion as to our future, and did not get to bed until past eleven. I was at first in favour of taking a rather better house, but Eliza thought we should do more wisely to spread the money over making ourselves more comfortable generally. When she came to go into it in detail, I found that on the whole hers was the preferable course.

New curtains for the drawing-room are to be put in hand at once. The charwoman is to come regularly once a week. We raised the girl"s wages a pound, and she went into hysterics. Eliza has insisted that I am to have a first-cla.s.s season-ticket in future. There is much can be done with 75.

On the whole, about the happiest evening of my life.


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