0. Fight of Despair, Start
Capital Velder.
This had been a bustling capital city of the Velder Kingdom. But it was now currently occupied by
the demon army. Those that united to take this city back from the demons were the Velder
Liberation Army.
Velder Liberation army’s command center.
“It’s been a while Sir Penensio.”
“I’m sorry for returning late Ms.Vanessa”
Vanessa who had been commanding the Velder defense forces and Penensio who just returned
from Hamel greeted each other.
“Let me introduce you. These people are…..”
“That’s enough greetings. We already met anyways.”
Add cut off Penensio trying to introduce the party then approached the strategy map to look down
at it.
“There’s almost no losses compared to before. Were there no engagements since then?”
“Yes, thanks to court magician putting up the barrier, demons are unable to come out from Velder.”
“I see….”
So what Aisha said about how she took care of the problem in Velder wasn’t a lie.
Add was deep in thought looking at the map when Vanessa looked at the other members and asked.
“You have one more person than last time.”
“h.e.l.lo, my name is Chung. I decided to join the El Search Party and fight together with them. Nice
to meet you.”
“Ah, could you be Hamel’s….?”
Vanessa must have heard about Chung’s name before because she made a surprised expression. But
Chung politely shook his head.
“You don’t have to treat me as Hamel’s lord right now. I just intend to help with liberating Velder as
member of the El Search Party.”
“Thank you for coming all this way to help.”
Vanessa thanked politely. Add who was observing snapped.
“How long are you going to greet each other? We should come up with a plan soon as possible.”
“Ah, that’s…..”
Vanessa looked troubled as she trailed her words. Her gaze was directed towards behind Add’s back.
“Potatoes here taste great as always.”
“Yes, it’s great.”
“Ara, don’t eat so hastily. You’ll choke. Here, have some water.”
“Aren’t you going to eat Big Brother Add?”
Add groaned after hearing the voices coming from behind him. Those guys were the ones that were
eating but for some reason it felt like he was the one who should apologize.
“……Meals during the trip weren’t very good.”
“I think it’s better for us to continue after the meal.”
Penensio spoke and tried to leave. Add shook his head.
“Let those guys eat. We’ll start right away with just us. Tell me everything starting with the most
recent developments.”
“Alright. Then I’ll start. Since all of you left…..”
After hearing Vanessa’s explanation, Add organized only the key points.
“So there were no engagements but you sent some people inside to gather intelligence. And
according to the intel, Elesis is staying put only in the outer castle’s 3rd floor?”
“About captain Elesis….”
“I explained it to you already before. Don’t ask any further.”
Add spoke strongly when Penens...o...b..ought Elesis up.
Add told him while returning from Hamel that they had to face off against Elesis in Velder. That she
sided with the demons for an unknown reason.
“Alright, it’s time to finish things with Big Sis.”
Elsword deliciously swallowed his potato then clenched his fist.
Add noticed potato crumbs on Elsword’s mouth and frowned. He gestured towards Elsword with
his finger telling him to wipe it.
“Hmm? Is there something on my face?”
I told him to clean up his mouth, why is he rubbing his cheek? While thinking this, Add was about
to say something when Eve took out her handkerchief and wiped Elsword’s mouth with it.
“Eat more carefully.”
“Ah, on my mouth. Thanks Eve.”
No, couldn’t she have just handed him the handkerchief? Why does she have to clean it up for him?
Add glared at Elsword with a scary expression.
Seeing this, Ara quickly handed Add a steamed potato.
“Mr.Add was hungry too right? Here, eat up.”
His mind had been already on edge from hunger. Then Elsword hit his nerves and Ara couldn’t read
the atmosphere and hit it again. He couldn’t tell if this place was a strategy meeting or a mealtime in
some poor countryside.
Rena spoke just in time when Add was about to explode.
“You said Velder’s royal castle was composed of inner and outer castle right? And ruler of the outer
castle is Elesis?”
“Yes, although she almost never shows herself.”
“I also know the internal structures of the Velder castle. I think I can be of help in this plan.”
Rena’s hand was slightly pressing down on Add’s shoulder. Add who was about to explode in anger
couldn’t help but to follow along with the conversation.
“If it’s about castle’s inner structures, wouldn’t the knights know as well?”
“Knights are not permanent residents of the castle. But I had a chance to stay there for couple of
days before.”
“Just as Ms.Rena said, we don’t actually know all the details about the castle’s inner structures. And
those who knew were….during the invasion….”
“I’m not sure as well.”
Just like Vanessa said, Velder defense forces were a group that fought enemies invading from the
outside. They weren’t castle’s security guards.
Penensio also didn’t seem to have had much interest in that department. Although they had sent
spies inside, it was too much for them to figure out the castle’s inner structures as well.
Thus, it was a situation where no one knew the castle’s inner structures too well. But a random
unexpected person had known instead.
“…..How do you know?”
Add looked questionably at Rena then asked.
Actually, only people like architects should have been interested in an inner structure of a building
that they didn’t even reside in. But according to Rena’s words, she, an elf had a chance to spend her
days in the royal castle?
“I stayed there couple of days with Raven before.”
“What? Do you mean….that Raven?”
“Leader of the Crow mercenaries?”
Penensio and Vanessa got shocked and asked Rena.
“Is he that famous?”
“Yes, I wouldn’t be standing here if it weren’t for his valiant actions during the 3 Days Rebellion.”
“He’s an outstandingly skilled individual. There’s almost no one that can match up to him in Elrios.”
Vanessa and Penensio looked like they couldn’t hide their excitement for a moment then suddenly
became quiet. Add noticed this and tilted his head.
At this point, shouldn’t they say something like how great it would be if someone so skilled
partic.i.p.ated in this liberation effort? Why do they all look like as if they’ve sinned?
“But he’s……”
“Hmm, that’s not true. Raven made up his mind now.”
Rena quietly shook her head. Vanessa looked like she wanted to say something more but Rena
smiled and changed the topic.
It meant that this topic ended here.
“So I think I can be of some help in taking back the Velder royal castle.”
“…..I see. We’ll be thankful for your a.s.sistance.”
It was an unnatural end of the conversation but Vanessa didn’t speak about it further. It was as if
bringing up Raven was forbidden.
When the atmosphere turned awkward, Add lightly opened up the map.
“So, what are we going to do from now on? You couldn’t be thinking that we should face them
head on right?”
“Of course not. Our forces are too lacking.”
“Also, it’s not just captain Elesis. There are also reports of seeing Chloe and rumors of seeing other
generals such as Karis and Ran.”
“So they are all bunched up in there.”
Add clicked his tongue as he looked down on the map. He then took a slight glance sideways at Ara.
Ara’s face was calm despite how Ran’s name was mentioned.
“What’s wrong Mr.Add?”
“…….It’s nothing.”
Add s.n.a.t.c.hed the potato that Ara was still holding out to him then chomped down on it. He had to
take care of his hunger first if he wanted to think properly.
“Court magician told us that if we are successful in stopping the demon army’s process of turning El
in the throne room into a Dark El, most demons will lose their power and get banished back into
the demon realm.”
“Aisha did?”
Add didn’t know if such a thing was possible but if that purple magician had said so, then it won’t
be a lie. In that case, they should obviously try to stop them from changing the El inside the inner
castle into a Dark El. But demons should be guarded against this as well.
“Direct confrontation won’t work no matter what. Then we should….”
Add unconsciously dragged his words when he felt everyone’s gazes focus on him.
Penensio,Vanessa and the other El Search Party members were all waiting for his words.
Their gazes were as if they were antic.i.p.ating the plan he will put forth.
Add spoke awkwardly after feeling his heart tickle strangely. Elsword spoke as if he understood.
“Oh, that?”
“It’s the same plan we used in Elder.”
“We have to sneak into the castle, defeat the generals while evacuating the people right?”
“But will infiltrating into the enemy territory go so well?”
Ara nodded to a.s.sure Chung when he asked with a worry filled expression.
“We’ll all go together so there’s no need to worry!”
“Ah, I see.”
Add pressed his palm down on his forehead at how the group was conversing so energetically.
Chung had at least managed to bring up a sensible opinion……but he immediately got caught up by
what Ara said.
Since when did the El Search Party’s atmosphere become like this? No, had it always been like this?
“I’m not done explaining. Listen up. There are couple problems we have to address. First is Elesis.
We avoid fighting her much as possible, even if we must, we’ll face her very last. You all should
know why already.”
“You don’t have to worry about me, Big Brother Add.”
“I’m not worrying about you. We have three main objectives, evacuating the civilians trapped inside
the castle, stopping the enemy from turning the El into a Dark El and finally defeating the demons
and liberating the royal castle. Depending on the situation, we’ll give up on the last objective.”
“Give up?”
Eve questioned with a puzzled expression.
“I’m not saying we’ll give it up on it forever. I’m just saying that we should handle all of them
separately. Just from the intel we already have, we have Ran, Karis, Chole and Elesis all together in
there. We don’t know what else might be in there so trying to defeat them all at once is reckless. We
avoid engagement much as possible, and face Elesis if it’s absolutely necessary.”
“……I got it Big Brother.”
Elsword understood what Add said then nodded.
“But if it comes down to it…. Leave it to me.”
“I don’t know how things are going to turn out in there so I can’t make any promises.”
Add cut Elsword off then went back to the main topic.
“Second, the generals. Karis and Ran knows our faces. Getting found out by them will ruin the
whole plan.”
“Yes, then we should disguise ourselves.”
“I see.”
“That’s right Mr.Add!”
Add became uncomfortable when Ara spoke while smiling brightly. The atmosphere became strange
for some reason.
“We’ll have to use the same method we used in Elder.”
“Let’s prepare right away.”
“I’ll help much as I can too!”
What did they do…..in Elder again? A chill went down Add’s spine as he recalled.
“Chung, you should do it together too.” Rena asked Chung enticingly.
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“……No. I’m never doing that again!”
Add shouted but Eve spoke calmly.
“It’s an effective disguise.”
“Never again!”
He won’t cross-dress no matter what.
Add managed to avoid cross-dressing after a desperate resistance. After finally getting a breather,
Add exited the tent and looked around.
Atmosphere of the soldiers had become quite brighter. It’s probably because the Velder Knights had
joined up.
“Liberation huh….”
Add muttered then turned around abruptly after feeling a sudden presence. Rena had followed
without him realizing. She had already playfully locked her arm with Add’s and was sending him a
Add got surprised by the soft sensation on his arm and pulled it back as if his arm just got burned.
“Ah, I just wanted take a stroll with you.”
“Just say what you came to say.”
“Hmm, so Add doesn’t want to take a stroll with me?”
Add put his hands in his pockets and ignored Rena’s sad looking face. He could now tell from a mile
away that this was a prank and……
“Speak up already if this is about Raven.”
He already had a hunch what she wanted to talk about. When Rena made a helpless smile, Add
spoke again while looking up towards the night sky.
“Don’t say it if you don’t want to. I won’t question anything.”
“Yes, Add did never ask why Raven won’t regroup with us…..”
This was something Add had been always curious about. Rena and Raven had been traveling
together since long before. Rena should have at least been curious about how there was no news
from Raven for so long. But Rena had never shown such signs.
No matter what she was thinking, she hadn’t shown any signs.
“Add, you should have also figured out from the conversation before. You can’t say that Raven likes
the Velder Kingdom. Raven lost everything because of the Velder Kingdom. More accurately, it was
because of something a n.o.ble in the Velder Kingdom did….. But you should know well that it’s
difficult for people to distinguish these things.”
It felt as if Rena was choosing her words very carefully.
“I see, so what? Are you trying to say that Raven isn’t returning to the El Search Party because of his
past? He’s not helping because he has a grudge against the Velder Kingdom?”
Add turned his head to glare at Rena.
“You know very well that isn’t true.”
“H, huh?”
“Stop trying to sound out my thoughts when your mind is already decided. You are trying to
convince me while knowing already that’s not the case. You actually want to tell me that Raven isn’t
like that. That he has some other circ.u.mstances preventing him from regrouping. Don’t drag this
on. It’s a waste of time.”
“Ah, that’s…..”
Add shook his head.
“I’ll believe you.”
“I don’t know much about that left arm Nasod but I’ll believe what you say. So stop worrying about
useless things. You know about the castle’s inner structures and I’ll use that information to turn this
liberation mission into a victory.”
Add spoke stiffly at Rena who had a surprised expression.
“You don’t have to reveal everything. We will win this time and unite our strengths for that purpose.
That’s enough.”
“Yea, you’re right.”
Rena smiled at Add’s words then nodded. Even though Add was the one who said it, he became
somewhat embarra.s.sed by the words he said. He turned his gaze away while muttering.
Add knew very well that Rena always spoke while caring and thinking deeply about others. He didn’t
know what kinds of words and feelings Rena had shared with Raven who wasn’t here right
now…… But Rena was probably trying to explain the situation to Add because it could cause a
problem with Raven regrouping in the future.
‘And it’s obvious that life story of that left arm Nasod wouldn’t have been a good one…….’
Raven was a human with Nasod parts implanted into his body. There was no way he could have led
a bright and lively life. He must have a twisted and dark past and that’s probably something related
to the Velder Kingdom.
The reason Rena hadn’t brought up Raven’s past before was because she thought it wasn’t
something she should say. But she must have thought she couldn’t hide it from Add and the other
search party members anymore since Raven’s name was mentioned during the strategy meeting.
……She was seriously too kind.
Add was thinking deeply but then got surprised from a sudden soft sensation. Add had been deep in
thought when Rena used this chance to lightly kiss his forehead.
“Looks like Add became able to care about others too. Thanks.”
But nothing came into Add’s ears because he was so fl.u.s.tered. He instinctively glared at Rena
because of a sudden feeling that leapt up from his heart…. But Rena was just smiling beamingly.
He’ll be the strange one if he got angry at that smiling face.
“Never….do… something like that again.”
“But I do this to Eve and Ara all the time.”
“Don’t treat me the same. I’m….”
His voice shook the more he talked. When Add swallowed his words, Rena looked sorry as she
lowered her head slightly in apology.
“Sorry. I’ll be careful next time. Then I’ll be going now. Let’s all have dinner together later.”
When Add didn’t answer, Rena apologized with an eye gesture again then went back inside the tent.
Add looked down at his own feet while listening to Rena’s footsteps get further away then furiously
scratched his head.
“…..What’s wrong with me?”
Wasn’t it just a light joke? Just like she said, it was something she did for Eve and Ara as well. It was
a normal gesture she showed towards cute kids. Add didn’t accept it any differently either.
But separate from how his head understood it…. His heart throbbed and an emotion that was
difficult to describe kept flowing up.
The name of that emotion was longing.
It was something that person often did for Add when he was young.
Add clenched his fists from the images that he felt like he could recall if he just closed his eyes.
He was almost there. He’ll liberate Velder and destroy the demons’ schemes…… then everything
will end after he steals Eve’s core in that absolutely greatest moment.
He just had to wait a little more to meet that person again.
When Add was raising his head after suppressing his surging emotions, he could hear footsteps
approaching from behind.
Person with a white hair stood beside him. Nine white tails mocked the night breeze. She placed her
hand on top of her eyes to look far towards Velder.
It was Eun.
“That place looks ominous just from a single glance.”
“…..Isn’t it a scene you’ve seen 20 million times already?”
“There hasn’t been too many cases where boy has reached this far. It’s a new record this time. Since
you arrived here without losing anyone in the El Search Party.”
Eun replied slyly. Add scoffed.
“Is that so? Then how many times have I reached here so far?”
“Do you really want to know? Then I’ll count it for you.”
“Let’s see, hmm……”
When it seemed like she really was counting, Add waved his hand to activate the Dynamos then
fired an electric current. But soon as the Dynamo activated, Eun had already performed a back
somersault to dodge.
“Attacking without any words? How cruel, boy.”
“Be glad that I didn’t kill you.”
“Ara will die as well if you kill me. So boy cannot kill me. Am I right?”
Add glared at Eun coldly. Eun was smiling seductively. But to Add she looked more evil than any
other demon.
Eun had hidden the fact that Add had time traveled countless times, and also the fact that he lost
these memories.
“That’s not the reason I’m leaving you alone right now.”
“So it’s not because of Ara? Then what’s your reason? Could it be that you’ve fallen for me, boy?”
“I don’t know what your goal is. And even if you tell me…..I can’t trust that it’s the truth.”
Eun’s smile disappeared.
“But my goal is clear. I don’t know why I failed countless times before…. But it’s different this time.
I’ll create a different result.”
“……..Is that so?”
“Yes, I’ll make use of you and your powers to achieve my goal. If you manipulated me for your own
goals, then I’ll also manipulate you for my goals as well.”
It was a haughty declaration. But Eun didn’t object to it.
“That’s rather a good spirit even after finding out the truth, boy.”
“Don’t mock me.”
It wasn’t that he was not enraged at Eun. But it was also true that Eun treasured Ara and she was
lending her powers to Add for that reason. Also, Add couldn’t distance himself from Eun for the
sake of time traveling.
Even though Eun had hidden the truth of 20 million failures from him, this wasn’t the time to
nitpick about that.
As Add glared at the Velder royal castle far off in the distance, Eun stood beside him and whispered
“I’m honestly praising you. You rightfully deserve praise for challenging again despite knowing that
you failed horrible amount of times. I should praise you…..since I’m the only one in the world who
knows boy is trying so desperately…..”
Eun smiled from Add’s hateful gaze.
“Then, shall we start? This final battle where we sing out our despair?”
Fox declared while looking towards the night, towards the darkness.
“In order to surpa.s.s the end of time.”

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