2. New Comrades Again
Time and s.p.a.ce intersect with each other to formulate a world. Creatures live, die and create history
within the intersection of x-axis of time and y-axis of s.p.a.ce.
Add’s time travel was basically going back and forth between that history by 1 second before, 3
minutes later or 10 days before. But while there were various small discrepancies and changes, large
flow of events hadn’t changed during that process.
But to escape from D’s grasp, Add and Eun completely left the restrictions of time and s.p.a.ce to
jump into a totally new place.
Ashen Land.
El Search Party started crossing the barren wasteland to head towards the Ash Covered Village.
“There’s really not a single blade of gra.s.s here.”
“There’s a story that it became like this because of dragon’s flame.”
“Dragons….. Big sis and Big Sister Rena faced them before right? How strong are they?”
“You can’t face them lightly. Elesis and I both struggled against them so avoid them if possible.”
“Got it Elsword?”
When Aisha spoke while smiling as if saying ‘I told you so’, Elsword replied boldly.
“But we have to fight them eventually.”
“Let’s focus only on Scar for now.”
Elsword nodded at Raven’s words. Conversations were going back and forth but Add who was
watching the party from the back sighed.
This Aisha wasn’t the Princess of Dimensions that Add knew. He did ask her about D just in case
but only got a reply that she never heard of the name.
Add moved his gaze to look at the backs of Rena who was walking at head of the group and Ara
who was walking quietly. They looked like his long time party members but they weren’t Rena and
Ara that he knew.
Add finally stared intently at Eve’s back. It was an image he had seen countless times ever since the
El Search Party was formed in Ruben.
But this wasn’t Eve that Add knew either.
Add sighed repeatedly as he recalled his conversation with Eun.
“….Different universe? What do you mean?”
“Boy should somewhat know already. It’s a higher concept than dimensions. It’s a place where even
a single pebble could be different.”
Eun explained calmly to Add who was in shock.
“For example, Demon Realm and Elrios are different dimensions. But they existed in the same
universe. But there can be a universe where a Demon Realm doesn’t exist.”
“…I heard dragons are helping the demons in here.”
“Yes, there are many things here that are different from the universe we know. Do you have a
decent understanding now?”
At Eun’s explanation, Add clenched down on his teeth.
Different universe, it was unbelievable but he performed a universe travel this time. Many things
start making sense if he thought about it this way.
Dragon, Scar and entirely different personalities of the El Search Party members. It all makes sense
if you considered them as changes that happened because of universe travel rather than time travel.
“It wasn’t a time travel and we traveled to an entirely different universe? For what purpose?”
“There should be a clue to defeating D here. I don’t know the details either.”
Add wondered if Eun really didn’t know and tried asking again but she shook her head in response.
“Then how am I supposed to go back? By your tone just now, just repairing the Dynamos won’t do
it. Why do this when I didn’t even ask….”
Add got a hunch why they hopped universes in middle his speech so he trailed his words. Eun
nodded to confirm his speculation.
“We had to travel to a different universe in order to escape from D. We couldn’t have escaped from
his grasp with just a simple time travel.”
Add got a chill when his speculation became a certainty.
If Add could time travel, then D, his future self could do so as well. Add had solved all sorts of
problems with time travel so far but that didn’t work on D.
Time travel was Add’s trump card, a move that could turn around a disadvantageous situation. But
D who proclaimed himself as King of Time should be even more proficient at time travel than Add.
He understood why they crossed over to another dimension. They wouldn’t have been able to
escape from D’s grasp otherwise.
“Just…. How am I supposed to defeat that guy?”
“We’ll have to find a way in here.”
Add couldn’t retort to Eun’s cold words. They couldn’t return without finding a way to get rid of D.
“For boy, returning to the original universe might be more difficult than finding out a way to defeat
D. Boy has lived dissipatedly while ignoring the existence of affection points. Boy is now in for a lot
of pain.”
Add frowned when Eun giggled amusedly. The way she was talking had been bothering him for a
“What do I need to do to go back to the original universe? No matter how difficult it is….”
“You’re ready no matter how difficult of a trial is waiting for you? Is that what you’re saying? Are
you sure you won’t regret those words?”
Add hesitated for a moment when Eun asked with a gleam in her eyes as if she had been waiting for
this. It somehow felt like a bottomless swamp was kept tempting him, trying to drag him down.
But that lasted just for a moment. He didn’t intend to stay here forever. He was filled with desire to
return soon as possible and defeat D.
“Yes, I’ll do whatever it takes. If I can’t return…. you can’t return either right? I don’t know how
difficult it will be but you’ll need to help me as well.”
“Boy is clever as always. Yes, that’s correct. We are two minds but one body, ones who dream the
same dream.”
“It’s neither of those. We just happened to cross each other by coincidence so don’t discretely put
us together.”
Eun gave a cute wink when Add drew the line with a grave tone. He had to admit she was cute
when she did that in her small form.
Add quickly pressed the issue again after realizing that he unknowingly forgot to hide his inner
evaluation of Eun’s small form.
“So what is the way to return to the original univer…..”
I must have heard it wrong. That’s what Add thought but Eun spoke again to confirm that he hadn’t
“Kiss with a setting sun, blazing ocean in the background. That’s how to open up a way to go back.”
She must be joking right? Add stared at Eun with a frozen expression but Eun shrugged as if to tell
him ‘why are you looking at me strangely like that?’
“Isn’t it a princess’s kiss that wakes the sleeping prince? It’s a return trigger so it must be fulfilled.”
“…..Are you serious?”
He knew what kiss was only by an empirical sense. He also got some from his mother when he was
very young as a sign telling him to grow up well.
But that was everything. He never had any interest in it outside of that. Putting in all sorts of efforts
to return to his original past wasn’t enough, so why did something like a kiss matter? It was a waste
of time!
Eun made a prudish expression as she wagged her tail.
“Geez, boy is so cruel. You can’t continue to tease an old fox like this. Well, I can show you how it’s
done personally if necessary.”
“Drop the talk that doesn’t make sense.”
Even while Add answered blankly, he still couldn’t understand what kind of process had to take
place in order to bring about this kind of conclusion.
“Why does something like a kiss……required for me to return to my original universe? This isn’t
some joke inside a fairy tale.”
“Because if El Search Party sent you here, then El Search Party has to send you back.”
Add suddenly realized what she meant. Eun must have read this and added while smiling.
“Boy must have realized this already but the time-s.p.a.ce coordinate that was set while universe
traveling was the El Search Party. It wasn’t a coincidence that we arrived in a universe with the El
Search Party. Rather, we could arrive here because it was a universe with the El Search Party.”
“……But we didn’t need that kind of process when we came here.”
“Do you really think there wasn’t?”
Does that mean Add prepared this beforehand during the time that he couldn’t remember? He
couldn’t refute if that was the case. Although he still couldn’t understand the exact principle behind
the whole thing.
“s.p.a.ce-time has a will. An action that most strongly connects the souls of people with wills, that’s a
Add suppressed his head that was starting to ache and delved into his thoughts. Eun couldn’t be
joking in this kind of situation, and even if she would, she wouldn’t lie about something this
Thus, this was true.
“I’m going to go crazy. You want me to…. So I if I want to go back I have to kiss someone?”
“Of course, you’ll have to find a way to defeat D before that. Oh, by the way. You must have
figured this out already but this is to generate a time-s.p.a.ce coordinate so candidates are restricted to
the El Search Party members. Kissing anyone else is useless.”
To think that this kind of thing will happen. While Add was so dumfounded that he couldn’t answer,
Eun smiled as if she discovered something amusing.
“Alright, then who will boy choose out of the Search Party? Will it be Elsword after all?”
“……Foxes should have males and females as well.”
Add unconsciously ended up retorting back. Eun opened her eyes widely as if she was shocked.
“No way, boy is saying he won’t kiss another man?!”
It was blatantly obvious that she was pretending to be surprised. While Add kept silent because he
was still overwhelmed by all of this…..Eun continued speaking.
“Then boy has no choice but to choose one of the girls from the Search Party. Is this how it feels
for an older sister to watch her younger brother become a bride?”
“……You look like you’re enjoying this a lot.”
“Didn’t I say already? It feels like an older sister watching her younger sister become a groom.”
Isn’t she completely filled with thoughts of messing around? When Add was still at a loss for words,
Eun slyly started counting with her fingers.
“So there are basically five candidates? Aisha, Rena, girl, Ara and Elesis. I’ll become an affection
point barometer for you. Let me first tell you the current situation of your affection points!”
Again, why are you so excited? Eun shrugged then started to ramble on.
“First, Aisha will be difficult. Very difficult. Your affection points are at the very bottom. I’ll cheer
boy on of that’s what boy wishes but it won’t be an easy path.”
She was forcing stuff that he hadn’t even thought of onto him.
“Next candidate is the beautiful Elf…..but as you already saw, she became like that. She would have
been a prime candidate normally but it will be a th.o.r.n.y path now. Of course, fruit obtained after
overcoming that th.o.r.n.y path will be extremely sweet. You won’t regret choosing to mingle with her.
I’ll cheer you on!”
I don’t need this. When Add sighed with a bitter face, Eun shrugged then moved on to the next
“Next is Ara. Although her personality changed a bit, Ara is still Ara, she’s innocent and cute so she
will be the easiest path. Not only that, but she’s a candidate that I can help you most with. For now,
she’s probably the top candidate, a candidate with the highest possibility of success.”
“……I said I don’t need this.”
“Then next is Elly.”
Add pressed his hand down on his forehead then shook his head. He understood the situation but
couldn’t keep up with the conversation.
“She’s a strong and beautiful lady but boy should know very well that isn’t all there is to her. But
she’s a trustworthy companion in this universe so you could rest easy and raise her affection points.
Unlike how she is on the outside, she’s delicate and soft on the inside so you have a chance if you
use this to your advantage. Long as you get the mood right!”
Seriously, the world must be going crazy. While still bitter, Add was listening to what Eun was saying
for now. But Eun stopped talking as if she was finished so Add had to urge her.
“Why did you stop in the middle?”
“…..Ah, the girl can’t be left out after all?”
Eun spoke with a strange tone then spoke with a lower tone than before.
“Currently, the girl’s affection point is the lowest of all. It’s regrettable but affection points boy
racked up in the original universe is all gone. She’s the most difficult candidate so it will be best for
you to give up on her.”
“Is that so……”
Something felt off but Add nodded then accepted. He was dropped into an unknown universe and
had to figure out how to defeat D and a way to go back. But he at least somewhat understood his
current situation now.
When Add finished organizing his thoughts, Eun urged him.
“Then whose affection point will boy raise? I’ll be able to help more actively if you choose quickly.”
“Wait for now. I’ll think about it over time.”
“It’s not something you should be too casual about……”
Eun frowned but closed her mouth. Add slightly made a fist with his hand and opened it back up
then dropped a sigh.
“……New universe huh.”
Way to defeat D, so there is a clue about this somewhere in here? He couldn’t have come here for
no reason at all. Add slowly continued his words.
“For now, I’ll think about a way to return slowly…. And measure while talking with the other
“Well, keep in mind that there isn’t a lot of free time. Affection point isn’t something that stacks up
overnight. It needs focused care. It also could turn into a bloodbath if one two-times. Most
important thing after all is managing hunger points delicately and applying good diet continuously.”
Add nodded instead of answering.
Different universe. What he should do in this universe with unfamiliar but familiar comrades still
wasn’t decided in detail.
He needed more time to think this over.
Add shook his head after finishing his flashback. In Add’s perspective, time traveling or destroying
hundreds of demons was much easier.
He knew what the action was but he didn’t know how he could go about doing something like that.
……Was it something people will let you do if you asked?
He knew in his head that there were people that did such things to each other in the world, but he
didn’t know what they were thinking as they did such things.
“Should I ask for advice…..?”
Asking the girls about it was an incredibly stupid thing to do, then that leaves the guys…… Maybe
Raven who looked like he had lots of life experience might know something? Add was groaning
when someone suddenly spoke from beside him.
“Is there something wrong, Mr.Add?”
Ara was beside him before he realized she was there and she was staring straightly at him. It was a
familiar face but her eyes felt unusual.
“What do you mean?”
“You’ve been looking strange since before. Is there something you’re worried about?”
He probably shouldn’t confess that……. I have to kiss someone from the El Search Party to go
back to my original universe but I have no idea what to do. Also, she wouldn’t even understand
“It’s nothing…..”
“Alright, but feel free to tell me about it if you have any worries.”
Ara answered calmly to Add’s disheartened voice then walked back to the front again. She did seem
more composed than Ara that Add knew.
Rena who was in the front realized Ara had broken formation without any notice so she warned
“Ara, don’t break formation. There might be enemies.”
“Yes, I’m sorry.”
Rena had completely changed as well.
If it was Rena that Add knew…… maybe he could have confessed this situation to her and asked
for advice. She would have at least been a better person to consult this with than that mischievous
But it felt like he would only get yelled at for spouting nonsense if he asked this Rena. She totally
wasn’t someone fit to consult this with.
“……I don’t know. I don’t know at all.”
The homework he needed to finish in order to return to his original universe, kissing with someone
from the El Search Party. But it became more troublesome more he thought about it. He almost felt
like not thinking about it at all but that will become even more troublesome later on.
He didn’t intend to live here forever. He had to return right away when he finds out how to defeat
D. Eun’s suggestion about needing to raise affection points beforehand for that purpose was correct.
He knew. But…..
Add was moving his steps blindly from having his head filled with troubles when the El Search Party
stopped their march. Add hadn’t realized because he wasn’t looking around but they had arrived at
the center of Ash Covered Village.
But there was no one to be seen. Rena looked around then sighed.
“Seriously, Elesis….. I told her to wait quietly.”
“Something could have happened so let’s split up and look for her.”
Rena nodded to Raven’s suggestion then looked around at the members.
“Let’s search in teams of two. Teams will be Raven and Ara, Chung and Aisha, Elsword and me,
Eve and Add.”
“Ah, wait.”
Add quickly raised his hand.
“My Dynamos are in repairs so I don’t have any combat capability right now. I’d appreciate it if you
changed my teammate.”
Eve glared at Add ever so coldly.
“Does that mean you can’t trust my abilities? It’s more than enough to protect a useless person like
He didn’t know how to deal with ‘this Eve’(He didn’t know what else to call her. She was Eve after
all.) so he was just trying avoid being together with her if possible. His head was so cluttered right
now from having to deal with affection points and figuring out how to defeat D that he didn’t want
any more things to worry about. Add forged up any words he could in response to Eve’s furious
“But I won’t be able to help you if you’re in danger. I don’t want to endanger you in case of some
unexpected situation.”
Eve stared at Add straightly for a moment then turned her head away. Quite an angry response, Add
would have normally cared more about this kind of reaction from Eve, but he didn’t have any idea
how to handle Eve from this universe right now.
Elsword stepped up when the atmosphere became strange.
“Then want me to come with you Big Brother?”
Add nodded when Elsword smiled as he put his hand on top of Add’s shoulder. One who showed
almost no change from the El Search Party that Add knew was Elsword.
Ironically, Elsword was the one most familiar to him right now. To think a day when he was most
comfortable with Elsword would come…..
Add was brooding over this fact when Rena raised her voice.
“Then let’s search around the village for about 1 hour. Contact everyone right away if there’s
something wrong or if you find Elesis.”
Other members answered then scattered to various places. Add let out an exhausted sigh. His mind
was tired even though he hadn’t been overusing his dynamos.
When the other members were far away, Elsword took a glance at Add.
“Why is Eve acting like that all of a sudden?”
“……What do you mean?”
“Eve was angry. Did you do something strange again?”
“I didn’t do any……”
….thing. Add was about to say this but froze. He was so surprised by the issue of alternate universe
and alternate party members that he hadn’t been thinking properly. There was something that he
Judging by how the El Search Party was acting, Add was one of their members as well. But Add they
knew wasn’t Add(Time Tracer) that was here right now.
“W, wait…..”
Add covered his mouth with his hand then busily calculated inside his head. Elsword tilted his head
in confusion but Add quickly pointed at the far away horizon with his finger.
“Elsword, go run there and come back. I have something I want to think about by myself.”
“……Big Brother, you said your Dynamos were broken. What are you going to do if demons
ambush you?”
Elsword asked worriedly but Add didn’t listen and turned around.
“Let me think by myself.”
Add said this then quickly entered the house he saw in front of him. He heard footsteps following
him but they didn’t continue all the way inside the building. Elsword must have somewhat got a
grasp that Add was in turmoil and was going to wait outside the building.
But being impressed by Elsword’s thoughtfulness could come later. Add quickly ran up the stairs
and headed to the 2nd floor. He was the only one in this house, but you never knew.
It would be troublesome if someone overheard what he was going to talk about from now on.
Empty house, Add sat on the 2nd floor’s bed then took out Eun from inside his jacket. Eun who had
been dozing off yawned and stretched her arms when Add poked her cheek to wake her up.
“Yawn, I’m quite tired. Why are you waking me up?”
“……You said what we did was universe travel. Place where I’ve never been before, that it’s a given
that everything had changed.”
Eun nodded to Add’s reconfirmation.
“But people here are considering me as…..obvious.”
Elsword, Aisha, Rena, Rave, Eve, Chung and Ara……. They had different images than the El
Search Party that Add knew but the fact that they were all trying to stop the demons together was
the same.
For Elesis, he’ll have to meet her first to be certain……..
“So that means before I arrived….. There was a guy called Add here right? Where did he go?”
Eun dragged her words then made a strange smile.
“So you’re worried if Add who was here in this universe might have died? Boy has become too soft.
Boy from before would have clearly said it doesn’t matter if someone like that died or not long as he
achieved his goals.”
“…..Just answer my question.”
Eun’s indication was spot on but Add ignored it.
Although it wasn’t intentional, could it be that what he did to escape from D destroy the other
Add(should he say himself?)?
“I’ll explain it in a way that’s easy to understand.”
When Eun waved her hand, a big wooden table appeared before her. Add stared curiously at the
wooden table wondering what this square table with lattice lines drawn on it was when Eun put a
black stone and a white stone on top of the lattices.
“Let’s say this white stone is boy, and this black stone is boy who was in this universe.”
Eun said this as she put the tips of her index finger and thumb together then flicked the white stone.
White stone went flying to hit the black stone then the black stone went flying outside the wooden
“This is what happened.”
“……The shock from me moving here made Add from this universe fly off?”
“Universe travel isn’t an easy feat. Boy also always time traveled but never even thought about
traveling across universes right?”
Add nodded quietly. His topic of research was time travel so he hadn’t been too interested in
alternate universes.
Although he did know about them academically.
“I know about parallel universe theory at least. It’s something about an alternate world where
someone like me exists.”
“Time travel of course requires appropriate cost but universe travel requires even more. Normal
universes don’t easily accept the existence of same individuals. I did hear about there being universes
where multiple same individuals can exist together…..but this isn’t the case for universe we were in
and this universe.”
“It’s confusing so let’s call where I was universe A, and this place universe B.”
Eun smiled slyly when Add pointed this out.
“Wasn’t this a timing where you got angry that I’m messing around and dragging the story on for
too long?”
“I’m interested in the topic itself.”
Add had insisted on time traveling so far but universe traveling was quite an unconventional and
fresh concept.
Add thought over the events that happened since he arrived in universe B then asked about the
most important thing first.
“Then what happened to Add B who got thrown off?”
“Theoretically, he will return back to this place if boy returns to universe A. He will return just as
much as he got thrown off. Although their extents are different, it seems all universes have a
property of trying to restore themselves.”
“…..So he isn’t dead.”
Although the story was complicated, he understood in a general sense. Add nodded then confirmed
once more.
“So D is trying to rule over time and s.p.a.ce in the universe A that I was in, but this universe B
doesn’t have anything to do with him, so that’s why D cannot do anything about this place. Also,
because I arrived here, Add B who was originally in this universe B got flown off somewhere else.
Am I right?”
“Amount of stones one can place on the go table is limited. No matter how good of a go player one
is, they cannot place any more stones once all s.p.a.ces have been filled.”
While Add was deep in his thoughts, the wooden table was already filled up with white and black
stones. Eun gave a cold smile when Add looked down at the wooden table that was completely filled
“If one has to force another stone on this go table…..they would have to take a stone off.”
“I don’t know what go is, but I understand what you mean. So…..universe travel isn’t something
that can be done normally, same individual from universe A and universe B cannot exist at the same
time so the guy who was already here had to get thrown off…….”
Add’s face as he reviewed the facts became cold.
“Then how can D and I exist at the same time?”
According to Eun’s words, D and Add couldn’t exist at the same time. Add questioned sharply.
“You said there were universes where same individuals could exist, but that wasn’t the case for the
universe we were in. But D and I existed at the same time. How is that possible?”
That’s right, D’s existence itself was denying what Eun was saying right now. Eun let out a bitter
“Boy’s brain works really fast after all. You’re trying to make me explain while discretely extracting
the information you want. It’s almost to the point where I’m marvelled.”
“We had to go over this eventually. If you also have the same desire of wanting to dispose of
D…..then answer me honestly.”
Saying dispose of D was bit reluctant. Add sensed ever since he laid his eyes on D that he was Add
from the future.
One couldn’t easily say that they’ll dispose of their own future.
“The principle is simple.”
Eun said this then placed a white stone on top of another white stone that was already placed on the
table. Then she opened up her arms as if to say ‘didn’t I explain it well?’
“…….You call that an explanation?”
“Ah, boy doesn’t know about go? You must have realized from my explanation just now, but
placing a stone on top of one that already exists is cheating. It’s a loss by disqualification.”
“D’s breaking the rules?”
“That’s right, he’s an existence that’s alive only because he’s breaking the rules of s.p.a.ce-time and
universes. The description devil couldn’t be ever more fitting.”
Eun as she said this looked sorrowful for some reason. Add paused for a bit at how she looked
gloomy but pressed his next question quickly after.
“Why go so far to that extent? Just what is D trying to do?”
“According to what he’s saying, his goal is to rule over time and s.p.a.ce. Become the king of time and
s.p.a.ce. Boy should know that the world is created from intersection of time and s.p.a.ce right?”
Add obviously knew because he overused time travel.
“D was successful in taking control of time. But Aisha was occupying s.p.a.ce. To be more precise,
Aisha had to interfere with s.p.a.ce in order to stop D from taking complete control over both time
and s.p.a.ce.”
Add asked with a hope after recalling the conversation between D and Aisha.
“Does that mean Aisha can stop D?”
“That’s obviously impossible. She said it herself that her chances of victory were around 40%. So
her actual chances are below 30%, and her chances won’t even be 10% in the fight we last saw. She
basically walked into the enemy base after all.”
“Aisha had been facing D by herself and maintaining a deadlock. Of course, she knew that she had
no chances in a straight up battle so she had been avoiding direct confrontation. But she was
indirectly impeding D’s efforts. Demons were afraid of her, calling her Dimension Princess.”
Add started to get an understanding of what was going on behind the scenes. Eun spoke when Add
remained silent.
“While boy was failing countless times, she was stopping D from completely taking control over
time and s.p.a.ce solely on her own. Be sure to thank her if you see her again later.”
It meant that saucy purple magician was keeping D in check by herself. Add gulped then trailed his
“Yes, she broke her policy and faced D directly for our sake. Although she won’t go down easily…..”
It was uncommon for Eun to trail her words so this wasn’t a good sign at all. D will soon defeat
even Aisha and take control of s.p.a.ce was well.
The phase giving wings to a tiger wasn’t enough. The one who manipulated time and s.p.a.ce as they
wished, what else would you call that but a G.o.d?
Devil was trying to become a G.o.d.
“……My future self will try to take control over time and s.p.a.ce?”
“Alright, it looks like what I have to say is roughly over. It would be better for you to hear the rest
from D himself.”
It felt like Eun was trying to finish the conversation hastily but Add didn’t say anything.
He didn’t know how he in the future turned out like that, what event he had to go through to turn
into that, but it was something he had to confirm for himself.
Just when Add made up his mind and was about to stand up,
There was an explosion and Add’s body went flying.
I could have defended properly if my Dynamos were normal. Add muttered this then coughed after
hitting his back hard on the wall. His head hurt and his eyes were dizzy but judging from there being
no other pains, he didn’t receive any significant injuries.
There were dust clouds everywhere.
“Cough, cough, what the……”
Add looked forwards as he coughed then couldn’t continue his words. There was a cold wind
blowing from the direction where the wall had been.
The wall got blown off completely. Almost as if someone had struck it strongly from outside.
Add was about to get up quickly but winced from the strange weight he felt on top of him. He
hadn’t realized because the situation was too chaotic but there was a strange sensation pressing
down on him.
“Cough, cough, h.e.l.lo Add.”
Red haired girl who came in breaking through the wall and made Add go flying grinned. For some
reason, they ended up in a position where she was sitting on top of collapsed Add as she looked
down on him.
Their position in itself was awkward…..but he didn’t know why she was wearing such an outfit to
add to that awkwardness. Add’s jaws dropped from seeing the bunny girl outfit with an
impressionable red color. She was certainly carrying a sword in her hands, but she was wearing a
bunny girl outfit. Bunny ears waving on top of her hair band was a proof to this.
“……Just what’s with that getup?”
“Ah, I tried changing because I got bored while waiting alone. Big Sister Rena didn’t want to wear it
I think it would be stranger to want to wear it. Noticing that Add was just staring blankly, the girl
asked a bit hesitantly.
“……It doesn’t look good on me after all?”
“I don’t think this is the time to be having an idle talk like this.”
When Add spoke sharply, the girl nodded then got up immediately. Then she thanked as if she had
almost forgotten.
“Thank you for catching me with your body. I might have gotten hurt if you weren’t there.”
“…..I didn’t catch you. You just came in and crushed me.”
Even while Add answered, he wasn’t able to get rid of his cautiousness.
There was a strange elegance, outgoing character and maturity coming off from this girl who was
standing straightly in a room filled with dust clouds.
Her red hair fit well with her cheerful att.i.tude. Although she was a bunny girl.
She was a girl who’d attract attention even in the middle of ceaselessly changing battlefield.
……Although it was strange to give this kind of evaluation to a bunny girl.
Elesis was. .h.i.tting the dust off her shoulders but turned around from having her name called.
“Ah, did you get hurt somewhere? Want me to spit on your wound?”
Elesis that Add knew was a terrifying foe, powerful enemy that he couldn’t surpa.s.s even though he
fought turning back time multiple times. But she must be different in this universe.
Although they had same names and appearance, they were completely different individuals.
Overlapping the appearance of Elesis that Add knew on top of this one was pointless.
…..He knew that in his head, but he still couldn’t help but to be restless. Seeing that Add was
sending a gaze of caution towards her, Elesis tilted her head then stretched out her hand to
forcefully raise Add up. He didn’t even have any time to resist.
Although Add was bit skinny, he was still a tall person. But Elesis handled him easily as if she was
handling an accessory in her hand.
“Are you angry? I’m sorry.”
Elesis gave a light but serious apology then started to hit the dust off Add’s jacket.
It seemed she was about to hit the dust off his pants too if he left her alone so Add refused with a
hand gesture then backed out.
“Everyone is looking for you. Why are you troubling everyone?”
“Ah, that’s……”
Elesis was about to explain but then twirled around to swing her sword. A giant fist that was flying
in aiming toward Elesis got blocked by her sword.
Attacker laughed gladly.
“Hmm? So you’re not a normal bunny girl after all.”
“I was just wearing this because I was bored. I have spares if you like this outfit. Want to try them
“That sounds great. Have them prepared after the entertainment.”
Small girl wearing giant gauntlets stared at Elesis haughtily. Judging by the circ.u.mstances, this girl
must have made Elesis come flying this way.
Blue-white girl smiled as she waved her hand towards Elesis.
“This is an entertainment beyond my expectation. Try coming at me more seriously.”
“Right back at you. You’re beyond my expectation as well. Although you’re still below Scar.”
“That displeases me because I cannot deny it. It’s true that I lost a lot of my power……”
Girl looked dissatisfied but acknowledged. Although two of them were fighting, there was a
strangely peaceful atmosphere between them.
Add had never seen this blue-white girl before but those were certainly horns on her head. He could
tell from a single glance that she wasn’t a human.
“…..A demon?”
“Address me as Lu, human. What is your name?”
Add was about to answer when Elesis swung her sword lightly. Wind blew across the room and dust
that had settled rose up again violently.
“I’m sorry Lu, but two of our business isn’t over yet. Let’s save the introductions for later and fight
a bit longer.”
“Yes, good. Keep up with me until I’m satisfied.”
Lu clenched her fists as she smiled and Elesis smiled back as she held up her sword. And Add who
was watching……realized his life was in danger if he didn’t escape from this place quickly.
The village was getting destroyed.
Sword and fist targeted each other as red bunny girl and blue demon jumped from building to
building. Shockwave that was caused each time two of their weapons clashed and struck each other
annihilated the foundations and pillars of the old village’s buildings.
El Search Party all gathered from hearing this ruckus and blankly stared at this scene. Elesis and a
girl they had never seen were fighting intensely.
“Who is that?”
“She looks like a demon. Shall I join in Ms.Rena?”
When Ara asked worriedly, Rena frowned and thought without answering. Raven answered instead.
“This looks strange for fight with a demon.”
“It’s almost as if they are sparring.”
Just like Elsword said, battle between Elesis and Lu was fierce but there was no killing intent.
“To fight evenly against Ms.Elesis. That’s amazing.”
“It’s not the time to be impressed, Ara.”
Add who had barely escaped from the collapsing building and was panting joined in on the
“She did seem like a reasonable demon. She said her name was Lu.”
“Rather than just standing there, have a seat everyone.”
El Search Party all looked back from the voice that came from behind them. They didn’t know since
when but there were table, chairs, drinks and cookies set up behind them. You could tell the table
was carefully prepared to cater to just enough number of people.
Add felt dumfounded from seeing the El Search Party slowly walk towards the table to sit. He had
to point this out.
“Just what are you all thinking by sitting there?”
Rena who was already seated and stretching her hand towards the teacup looked back at Add with a
slightly confused tone. Elsword and Ara were already eating the cookies.
Add was embarra.s.sed to call them his comrades right now. Add covered his face with his palm from
this scene then pointed beside him with his other hand. The group turned their heads to see a man
who was wearing a suit standing there and watching Elesis and Lu’s battle.
Man who invited them to sit finally turned around when everyone’s gazes gathered on him then
slightly nodded to greet everyone politely.
“I’m Ciel. Lu’s partner. How do you like the cookies? How about the tea?”
“It was great!”
Ciel’s expression turned blank after seeing Ara empty her tea in one shot then put down her teacup.
Ara became confused from Ciel’s gaze and asked.
“U, um was I not supposed to drink it?”
“……No, I’ll bring you some more if you want.”
When Ciel said this and stretched out his hand, s.p.a.ce opened up and a bag of tea leaves popped out.
Add’s eyes opened widely in shock from seeing this.
Wasn’t that a dimension gate? And he’s using it for merely taking out tea leaves?
Of course, even Eve could use dimension gates and Add could use it as well if he needed to. But
using a dimension gate required quite a complicated calculation process…..so it was normal to use
them only for battle and only in a limited way.
Storing minor objects inside then calling them out whenever he needed them was a proof that he
either had enough knowledge and calculative brain to handle dimension equation freely or had a
power to dominate s.p.a.ce around him.
“That’s amazing…..”
Aisha who was intently staring at the flower pattern on the table saw what Ciel did and exclaimed.
But Ciel didn’t mind Aisha’s reaction and handed another filled teacup to Ara.
“Thank you very much.”
“Drink a bit slowly…..”
Ciel tried to stop Ara but she had already gulped down her tea in one go. As Ciel made a very
depressed expression, Raven asked quietly.
“I’d like to hear what’s going on, Ciel.”
“Ah, so you’re Raven.”
Ciel gave gaze to Raven’s Nasod arm then spoke as if he recognised Raven. Soon as Ciel said this,
sense of caution finally started to dwell amongst the El Search Party.
Responding to all the suspicious gazes, Ciel explained himself.
“I only researched about all of you before meeting everyone in person. You don’t have to be so
“…..You guys shouldn’t have eaten so readily if you were going to get cautious now.”
Add muttered then sighed. He then questioned Ciel.
“So why are Elesis and your partner fighting like that?”
“When we said we wanted to join the El Search Party, Elesis told us that she wanted to test our
strength. I tried to stop Lu. But…..”
Ciel trailed his words then turned his gaze up. Lu had blocked Elesis’ downward smash with her
right magical gauntlet and was now launching a counter attack.
Add understood the situation but had to point something out.
“But you are demons. Demons want to join the El Search Party?”
“Inner circ.u.mstances amongst demons are complicated as well. Lu wants to stop the demons’
rampage and I agree with her.”
“…..How are we supposed to trust your words?”
Add slightly examined the other Search Party members’ reactions then asked roughly on purpose.
Demons want to become their allies? It was kind of an unbelievable story. Of course, there were
multiple members from the El Search Party that Add knew who had their relatives on the demons’
side, but this and that were bit different.
“That’s probably the reason for this test.”
Ciel said this then sighed as he waved his hand. Then more cookies fell on top of Elsword’s empty
Eve who had been looking at Lu and Elesis’ battle spoke sharply.
“I know what you mean but I cannot trust demons.”
“Yes, I also can’t trust them so easily.”
Rena also agreed and kept her caution. They must have their wits together a bit more than the El
Search Party that Add knew.
“Wouldn’t it be too hasty for us to decide right away?”
In that moment, Chung who was listening to the conversation opened his mouth. After gathering
everyone’s gazes, Chung maturely stated his opinion.
“You can’t always hate everything that has to with demons, people might have their circ.u.mstances.
This is what I learned from meeting Big Sister Ara. Not only that, but someone who’s equally skilled
as Big Sister Elesis is saying she’ll help us, I don’t think there’s a reason for us to refuse.”
“I also agree with Mr.Chung. I know it’s obvious to be suspicious…..but all of you trusted me right?
So how about we trust Ms.Lu and Mr.Ciel as well?”
Eve and Rena seemed to think carefully once more when even Ara joined in and agreed with Chung.
Just as the atmosphere started to change towards ‘let’s think about it for now’, Elsword opened his
“Looks like it’s almost over.”
Elesis and Lu’s fight was rushing towards the end. Elesis and Lu each landed on top of a rooftop
and were staring and smiling at each other while panting heavily.
Elesis twirled her giant sword once then shouted with a refreshing voice.
“This is great, Lu. It’s totally a skill worthy of Lord of the Demon Realm. You’ve impressed me!”
“You as well, the t.i.tle of strongest Red Knights captain is ever more fitting. I was quite impressed as
well. You’re indeed a skilled individual worthy of being called the hope of Elrios that’s on its path to
“That’s an excessive compliment.”
Elesis grinned as she aimed her sword at Lu.
“I know we should end it about here…..but I can’t seem to cool down now. So why don’t we settle
this right here?”
“Good, I’ll allow it!”
Lu who was drunk with excitement nodded then kicked the roof. Magic circle that formed below
her feet launched her like a bullet. Roof tiles all got flipped over and fell to the ground after getting
caught up by the force of Lu’s charge.
It was a charge with overwhelming force enough to destroy the building she used as a foothold, and
there was also the mighty power contained in her giant gauntlet!
Elesis smiled joyfully as she spun around with her sword despite the terrifying charge that she
definitely won’t escape unscathed if she was. .h.i.t in front of her.
Strike back against powerful enemy with even more power. That’s the principle of the red knights,
no, principle of Elesis!
Lu who was charging in with a mighty force and Elesis who was spinning and attempting to strike
back head on, it was a situation where one of them could get critically injured.
El Search Party all got startled and got up instantly but it was already too late to stop them!
Two of their final attacks crossed. But unexpectedly, there were no noises or shocks.
Elesis had stopped spinning and was lowering her sword, and Lu was also standing tall and panting
heavily. Both of them were standing still and weren’t moving.
“……Who won?”
At Elsword’s careful question, Ciel answered sharply.
“The fight wasn’t settled.”
“…….Everyone, get ready for battle!”
Everyone looked at Raven confusedly when he shouted while taking out his blade. Could it be that
they were going to consider Lu and Ciel as their enemies? But Rena and Ara must have sensed
something as well because their expressions stiffened as they got ready to fight.
s.p.a.ce got distorted all around them.
Elesis and Lu that were proudly standing beside each other on the rooftop made tired sighs then
looked back towards each other.
“Why did you miss on purpose?”
“You’re the one who slashed the wrong place.”
Answer to their questions presented themselves right away. s.p.a.ce beside Elesis seemed to crack
then an Incubus fell down. s.p.a.ce where Lu’s fist hit also cracked and a Succubus fell down.
They had read the enemies coming in through the dimension gates and had changed the target of
their attacks. Lu clicked her tongue displeasingly at the sounds of demons falling.
“That Karis is using such a boring move. Ruining my entertainment like this……”
“Shall we end the initiation test here?”
When Elesis asked while smiling, Lu also quickly loosened her expression and nodded. Their fun
was interrupted during the best moment…..but one to take their frustration out on wasn’t the
person standing beside them.
Enemies were coming in through the dimension gate. Demons numbering roughly over hundred
were circling all around them and threatening them.
But Elesis and Lu didn’t mind the demons and smiled.
“Then let’s clean them up.”
“That’s what I wished to do as well!”
Strongest Red Knights captain and the demon empress now turned their weapons towards their
Demons were attacking through the dimension gates.
“…….This scene doesn’t change even in another universe.”
Add shook his head bitterly then manipulated his Dynamos to send an electric current. Number of
functional Dynamos right now was three, big skills like Vioid Field or Star Dust Shower couldn’t be
used, but he could fire smaller skills like shockwaves or Void Impact.
Add was glad that he set the Dynamos so they could be series activated with only 3 just in case. Add
easily disposed of an Incubus jumping at him then took a look around at the battlefield.
Rena was mixing sword and bow to perform outstandingly both in the front and back lines. Elsword
and Ara were still in charge of the frontlines and Raven was also performing excellently at the front.
Chung was destroying the enemies by swinging his Destroyer and Aisha was summoning lightning
and ice storms to support everyone.
Add looked to see how Ciel who he had no information on was fighting. Ciel was dispatching the
demons with a weapon that looked like a gun.
“……There’s nothing for me to do.”
11 allies, it was almost 2 times more than the El Search Party that Add was in. Not only the numbers,
but each of their skills was extraordinary.
Add observed relaxingly from the back and thought. According to Eun, this universe travel was
planned beforehand. There must be some meaning to it. Of course, it was to escape from D’s grasp
but that shouldn’t be everything.
Just like Eun said, you had to say there was a clue to defeating D in this universe.
“Just what is that……?”
Was it going back to the original universe with this powerful El Search Party? But movement of a
same ent.i.ty will throw off the inhabitant of the original universe. Add B who should have been here
got thrown off after all.
Add sighed while looking at a succubus falling down after being hit by Rena’s arrow. This El Search
Party was indeed really powerful…..but they won’t be of help in defeating D. Not only will it be
difficult to universe travel with all of them, but doing such a thing will make his original comrades
fly off into some unknown universe.
It will be like burning one’s entire house down just to get rid of some pests.
Add snapped out of his thoughts due the sound of an impact that came from behind his back and
looked back. Nasod he saw before, Oberon was slowly withdrawing his tonfa. Incubus was slowly
falling to the ground, it must have been aiming for Add’s back while he was deep in thought.
“What are you doing meditating when everyone is fighting? You’re not only useless but also lack
“……Then how about you?”
Eve who was scolding Add was sitting pompously on her gears. It was totally not an att.i.tude to
show in a battlefield.
“I’m fighting. Ophelia!”
Ophelia who was summoned by Eve’s order sent off an electric current to electrocute a Succubus
that was flying in the air. Then Oberon charged forwards to initiate attack on demons in the front.
Eve didn’t even move a finger even though her servants were busily fighting.
You could feel composure and majesty from how she only commanded others even in the battlefield.
“And I’m also useful. There, try to say something to refute.”
Add strangely felt disheartened when this Eve snapped aggressively at him. She was Eve, but she
wasn’t, but you couldn’t help but to call her Eve.
His conclusion was that he still didn’t know how to deal with her.
Add’s mind was still not settled yet so he didn’t know why Eve was acting so aggressively towards
“What do you want from me? Want me to thank you for saving me?”
It unintentionally became a sarcastic tone. Eve must have been slightly offended because she
frowned then told Add severely.
“Express your respect towards technology of the Nasod civilization.”
“Aren’t I protecting you who is useless? You don’t have to thank me but I’d like your re-evaluation
about the Nasod technology.”
Eve requested in a quite emotional tone. Add had experience with talking with Eve from
before……and according to those experiences, it seemed like she was acting like this because of
some pent up emotion from events that happened before.
The problem was that he didn’t even have a clue as to what those events were. He didn’t get why
she was treating him like this.
“……Ah, of course.”
The person this Eve was getting angry at was Add B who was supposed to be here. It was obvious
that Add who arrived here from universe travel wouldn’t know. One who invited Eve to his house,
one who offended Eve all this time was Add B.
‘…..Just what did he do?’
Add B(should he say himself? Let’s not because it feels repulsive) must have done various things to
offend Eve up till now.
Eun’s word that Eve’s affection points were at the very bottom wasn’t an exaggeration.
“I’m sorry. It seems I must have done lots of things to offend you…. I’ll apologize. I’ll watch out
from now on.”
Let’s apologize first. Add apologized just like how he was taught from Ara. Eve looked quite
Eve who was frozen for a while from surprise turned her head away abruptly.
“It’s fine long as you realized your mistakes.”
“Also, thank you for protecting me.”
Since he apologized anyways, he also thanked Eve for what happened as well.
Eve had known that Add was currently injured and his battle capabilities had dropped due to broken
Dynamos so she had protected him. It would have been dangerous if Eve hadn’t been considerate.
Eve must have gotten even more startled from Add’s honest expression of grat.i.tude that she
couldn’t answer right away. She replied slowly after a bit.
“…….Even though you’re useless, you’re still our comrade. Of course I’ll protect you.”
“I see.”
Although she was a bit sa.s.sier, she was Eve after all. She’ll accept if you apologize and thank her
Add nodded as he sighed. Ara and Rena’s images had changed quite a bit as well but they also
shouldn’t be too different if you talked to them honestly.
“You’re…..bit strange today, Add.”
“That’s how I feel like today.”
Add answered appropriately then looked straightly at Eve. He had a momentary impulse of wanting
to touch her face but restrained himself.
Add left behind Eve he knew to be killed by D. Recalling her last appearance as she looked back
towards him made his blood rush. It was so frustrating and painful that he was filled with desire to
go back right now to fight again.
But he couldn’t. Everyone gave their lives to give him a chance. He absolutely couldn’t fail.
He must find a clue to defeating D before going back.
But…… he was already stretching out his hand to stroke Eve’s face.
This Eve wasn’t Eve that he knew and doing this wouldn’t convey anything.
Nothing will change by doing this.
But because he knew that although very little, there was a worry hidden inside this voice calling his
name, inside her expressionless face…… He wanted a slight moment of consolation.
“……You’re not hitting me saying that I’m rude.”
Eve who had been sitting blankly became startled a bit later. But Add had already suppressed his
lingering attachments and withdrawn his hand.
He turned his back towards Eve.
“Sorry, I’ll explain later. Although I won’t be able to tell you everything……”
That’s right, this Eve doesn’t know anything. She must have fought together with her comrades in
this universe without D. Stretching out his hand to touch her right now was just Add’s foolish and
silly impulse.
Although touching her wouldn’t be able to erase the guilt of leaving her behind.
Although the fact that it was him from the future that had been endlessly destroying Eve wouldn’t
Although he knew very well that the girl in front of him wasn’t the girl that he knew. Even if they
looked ever so similar they weren’t the same.
Still, knowing that there was a world where she was safe…… made him happy.
“…….I’ll dispose of him for sure.”
Girl that Add knew could also be liberated from her long suffering once he gets rid of D. Add
resolved himself then started to move his steps.
The battle wasn’t over yet.
Still, knowing that there was a world where she could be safe……
made him happy.
Demons were like leaves before the storm from the El Search Party’s attacks. El Search Party
members each caught their breaths and examined the condition of their comrades after defeating
over 100 of Incubus and Succubus in less than 10 minutes.
After confirming no one was injured, Elesis leaned her sword on her shoulder then murmured.
“But these don’t look like Scar’s minions.”
“They are servants of Karis. Those two must have joined forces.”
Lu’s words gathered everyone’s eyes on her. Ara’s expression turned stiff.
“Karis? She’s here?”
“Do you know who that is Big Sister Ara?”
“She’s a demon who contributed to the great disaster in Velder. I’ve fought her before, she an
extremely powerful demon.”
Ara was explaining tensely when a voice came from nowhere.
“Ahahaha…… hecklers.”
El Search Party all turned their heads towards where the seductive voice came from. Dark hole that
looked similar to a dimension gate started to open then a waving dark smoke gathered in one place
to turn into a beautiful woman with red hair.
She wore a seductive outfit as if to show off her voluptuous body but you could tell from a single
glance that there was an evil aura about her.
“This is my first time meeting you all, El Search Party.”
Person in question also wasn’t intending to hide her personality because she was making a sinister
smile while licking her lips. In that moment, Elesis dashed in like a gale and swung her sword.
Her foot left the ground soon as ‘first’ was said then her sword had already struck Karis’ neck at ‘El’.
It was such a swift movement that Add felt the pressure from facing Elesis as an enemy again.
But the sword she swung just pressed deep into Karis’ neck then bounced off. It was as if she struck
a bouncy chunk of rubber. Elesis wasn’t surprised in the slightest and was about to strike again but
Lu dissuaded her.
“Stop, there is a ma.s.s but she hasn’t actually appeared in this place so it’s no use.”
Lu glared coldly at Karis after stopping Elesis.
“How shameless of you to show your face in front of me, Karis.”
“Lu, stay calm.”
Despite what Ciel was saying, he was also glaring at Karis with an expression that had a fair amount
of emotions mixed into it.
You could tell instantly that these two had an ill-fated relationship with Karis.
“Hoho, it’s been a while Lord Luciela. It seems you’re actually managing to stay alive while crawling
around on the ground. I’ll go and squash you out of your misery soon.”
Karis bowed to Lu while letting off a sinister smile. Although her words were polite her hostile
intents were conveyed clearly.
“Hmph, you’re the one who should be crying and begging for mercy right now. Begging me to spare
your life should be the only thing you can do right now. Of course, it’s not like I’ll spare you even if
you beg.”
“What can you do with that smaller body and weakened power? I was planning to kill you painlessly
for old times’ sake……but it looks like you’ll need some punishment. I’ll make you beg me to kill
you-……… what the heck are you doing?”
Karis who was boasting in front of Lu snapped in frustration with a sharp voice after seeing Elesis’
hand get waved in front of her eyes.
After the sword strike didn’t work, Elesis was now experimenting with various things like punching
Karis’ face, touching her horns and stretching out her cheek.
Although Karis’ form that appeared right now had a ma.s.s, it was only a dummy. It was only
projecting Karis’ image so they could converse.
There wasn’t any damage to Karis’ actual body no matter what Elesis did. Still, here Karis was
setting the mood to have a serious talk with her old master. But some red haired human girl was
making fun of her.
Elesis didn’t listen and repeatedly poked around at Karis’ cheek then pressed on her chest next.
“Can’t you see that we’re talking? Get lost, human!”
“Wait a bit.”
Elesis ignored Karis’ protest then continued to touch various places on the dummy. It totally ruined
the atmosphere Karis was setting up for her talk with Lu.
Not only that, but Lu was now biting down on a lollipop that Ciel gave her because the conversation
was broken. Mood for a serious conversation was already long gone.
“……You’ll regret it forever if you don’t back out right now, human.”
Of course, even though Karis said t

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