Emperor Of Taikoo

Chapter 4

"During the fight with Lu Yu, I only used 50% of my strength; still my speed is much faster than previous."

“If I use all my strength to defeat an ordinary six-layer warrior, it should not be difficult. But I don"t know how far it I am from the seventh-layer.”

Thinking all of this, Lu Feng had come to the courtyard. He opened the wooden door and stepped in.

As usual, Uncle Mo was waiting for him at the dining table for a long time. Lu Feng entered the house with a big smile. After entering the house, he kept the food on the oven to warm it up.


At the same time, in the main hall of Lu family, it was filled with seven to eight people. The hall was beautifully decorated with lights.

Lu Hong saw that all the people had already arrived. He asked a handsome young man: “It is so late. Why have you call us at this time?”

Lu Hong is the current head of the Lu family!

“Father, did you hear about the abolition of my Lu family"s children today?” Lu Tian Feng stood up from his seat and said respectfully to Lu Hong.


Lu Hong frowned slightly. Anger appeared on his face.

After seeing this displeasure on Lu Hong"s face, Lu Tian Feng quickly said: "Lu Feng abolished our Lu family!”

“How dare he…”

Lu Hong said casually.

During his conversation, he opened his eyes and asked hurriedly, “What is Lu Feng"s strength currently?”

“Fifth-body refining refinement!” Lu Tian Feng said in a hurry.

” Fifth-body refining refinement? A waste suddenly defeated the five-reinforced martial artist. The matter is too strange, is it …”

Lu Hong became silent for a time and then muttered: “Lu Feng must some tricks up his sleeve. Otherwise, it would not be possible for him to defeat the five powerful martial arts pract.i.tioners. ”

Lu Hong said all of this with full excitement. In the end, he was 70% confident that Lu Feng had the fragments of Divine Soldier, which he was looking for many years.

As soon as this remark came out, they were all shocked.

All the elders stood up from their seats and looked at Lu Hong.

Lu Tian Feng asked with a trembling voice: "Is this really true?"

Lu Yu, who was defeated by Lu Feng, described everything that happened in the battle.

When Lu Mong heard that Lu Yu was abolished by Lu Feng, he was furious at first, but after some time, he calms down his mind.

The final conclusion is the same as that of Lu Hong. Lu Feng holds a treasure in his hands, and 80% of that treasure is the debris of the divine soldier he has been searching for many years!!

So, there is only one conclusion now.

“Father, since the fragments of Divine Soldiers are in the hands of that waste, shall we …”

As he said the words, a fierce ray flashed in his eyes.


The person who took the call was not Lu Hong, but a middle-aged man who was wearing a gray-clothe and was sitting next to Lu Tian Feng. This person was the elder of the Lu family. He is ranked as second only after Lu Hong.

“This matter is related to the fragments of the Divine Soldier. The life and death of the waste is not a big deal, but if the news is leaked, the other two families will be alarmed, and they will target my Lu family." The elder said in a loud voice.

The deep voice of the elders sounded in the hall. All the other elders agreed with him and nodded again and again.

“I think that first, we will force him to give us the fragment of Divine Soldier. If he agrees to give us, then there is no problem, but if he does not give us the fragments, we will take other steps."

Lu Tian Feng was dissatisfied, and he wanted to say something but was interrupted by Lu Hong.

Lu Tian Feng said in a hoa.r.s.e voice, “I will act according to what the elder said.”


For the next few days, Lu Feng traveled a lot. He visited the market, mountain, home etc.

One day, Lu Feng returned from the market. When he was about to enter his courtyard, he saw there was a person standing in front of the wooden door. He was dressed very well.

Seeing that Lu Feng was coming towards him, he narrowed his eyes and looked up and down at Lu Feng. He saw that Lu Feng was wearing very simple dress.

"Are you Lu Feng?" Xiao Hu asked with a sharp voice.

The tone made Lu Feng very unhappy.

He said coldly, “What"s the matter?”

“My young master invited you and ordered you to come to Fuya Restaurant within half an hour.” Xiao Hu said. He ignored the coldness of Lu Feng"s voice.

Lu Feng asked: “Who is your young master?”

Hearing Lu Feng"s words, Xiao Gu became arrogant.

“Who else can be the young master except for Lu Tian Feng.” Xiao Hu laughed twice and said: “Hurry up! You should present yourself there within half an hour. Otherwise, you know the result of offending Lu Tian Feng."

The Fuya Restaurant is located on the first floor of Jiang Feng. The entry and exit gate are made up of gold. The people who come there are all rich, they are all upper-cla.s.s children of Jiang Feng. The owner of this restaurant is Lusia, who also belongs to the Lu family.

“Slow down, who are you? How can you enter here?”

Before entering the restaurant, Lu Feng was stopped by the guard in front of the restaurant and asked.

Lu Feng looked at the guard and said in an indifferent tone: “Leave!”

Lu Feng"s voice was icy cold. He didn"t like the people who behave in such a way with others.

The bodyguard froze for a moment and said: "Can"t you hear? Go away from here, you can"t enter into the restaurant."

The bodyguard is very confident. He has no fear in his eyes as there is Lu family behind him.

These entire scenes were caught by the people who were outside the restaurant. They were looking at Lu Feng.

They thought that the boy had some money and little ident.i.ty. He came here to make trouble at Fuya Restaurant.

Just when everyone was thinking like this, Lu Feng shook his head and stepped back. He was ignoring the threat of the guard and shouted directly, “Lu Tian Feng!”

The words spit out loudly, and it reached to the private room by the window on the second floor.

When the guard heard that, he was full of anger. He said: "You can"t call him like that. He is a son of Lu family."

After hearing these words, Lu Feng didn"t control his anger; he raised his right palm and attacked the bodyguard.

Lu Feng"s speed was so fast that the bodyguard could not react in time. The punch hit him directly, and blood flew out from his chest.


At this moment, the window on the second floor opened, and a handsome man leaned his head out. After seeing this entire thing, he frowned slightly.

“Lu Feng, stop this.”

Lu Feng remained silent and walked from the guard to the second floor of the restaurant.


He entered the room on the second floor.

Lu Feng casually pulled out a chair and sat down. He was looking at the person in front of him.

The person was about twenty years old. He was wearing a delicate sky-blue robe embroidered with silver thread. It was simple in pattern. His appearance was somewhat handsome, but his small eyes were like the eyes of a poisonous snake.

At first, Lu Feng picked up the chopsticks, and with the help of it, he picked up a piece of steamed perch and put it in the mouth.

“Lu Tian Feng, why did you call me here?” Lu Feng asked.

After eating a bite of food and drinking some wine, Lu Feng put down his chopsticks and looked directly at Lu Tian Feng.

Hearing Lu Feng"s calm tone, Lu Tian Feng raised his eyebrows and stared at Lu Feng. It seemed that he had changed now.

After scratching his head, he revealed a fake smile on his face. He trapped his fingers on the table and said slowly: “Lu Feng, I will talk to you directly, please hand over the fragments of Divine Soldiers.”

Hearing the word “Fragment of Divine Soldier,” Lu Feng was a little shocked. He replied: "What is the fragment of Divine Soldier? I don"t know anything about it.”

Lu Tian Feng was expecting this. He smiled and continued: "Don"t think I am an idiot. I know that you have that fragments. If you hand over the Divine Soldier fragments, the family will not mistreat you…"

During his conversation, he was interrupted by Lu Feng.

Lu Feng sneered: "The family will not mistreat me?"

"Haha, jokes, thats a big joke."

Lu Feng clearly felt the hostility of Lu family.

They not only embezzled the property which was left by his father but also drove him out of the family.

Based on these two points alone, even if he had that so-called “Divine Soldier Fragment,” he will not give the fragments to them at all.

The most crucial point is that he will take back the things that belong to him instead of relying on other people"s charity!

Lu Tian Feng"s face became pale. He leaned on the table with one hand and slowly said: “So, you will not give us those fragments?"

This time his voice was so cold, and the meaning of the threat can be understood by even a fool.

Lu Feng"s face also gradually sank. He looked at Lu Tian Feng. He didn"t say much. He stood up directly and turned around.


As soon as Lu Feng was about to leave the place, a light burst out from Lu Tian Feng"s eyes and his body flicked up suddenly

His body was flying towards the Lu Feng.

"Waste today, you have to pay for that." Lu Tian Feng growled loudly. His fingers clenched toward Lu Feng"s shoulder.

Feeling the cold breeze behind him, Lu Feng suddenly turned around. He gathered all his strength in his fist, and his punch burst out like a gun.


The fists and claws collided stiffly. The energy was very strong.

With a huge sound, the sleeves of Lu Feng"s shirt tore apart. His arm was revealing from that part. Suddenly, Lu Feng took some steps backward. His face became pale.

The condition of Lu Tian Feng was not better than Lu Feng. His long hair scattered. Juice and soup were scattered all over his body.

It looks extremely embarra.s.sed. He looked like a beggar.

Lu Tian Feng quickly got up and looked at Lu Feng. His eyes were filled with thick murderous intent.

"Is this the power of the Divine Soldier Fragment? If it is so powerful, I must get it!" Lu Tian Feng said to himself.

Lu Feng stood against the wall. He had no idea what Lu Tianfengg was thinking about. Lu Feng shook his fist and said: "Is this your strength? It is not enough to defeat me."

After saying this, a sneer appeared on his face.

Hearing these words, Lu Tian Feng"s face became pale. He soughed in anger: "Waste, since you stepped into this restaurant, your life and death is under my control!"

Lu Feng chuckled and said, “You want to kill me? Can you kill me? Do you even dare to kill me?”

After hearing that, Lu Tian Feng"s expression changed. He could not kill him until he gets the Divine Soldier debris.

“With the influence of the Lu family, I was sc.r.a.pped. I have no way to resist! However, before you take any action, I am sure that I will pa.s.s the news about the fragments of the Divine Soldier to the ears of every person in the restaurant.”

Lu Feng"s voice was very soft and slow. But it was full of threat.

At this moment, Lu Tiang Feng stopped there and said: "You have a sharp mouth. Do you really think that you can safely walk out of this restaurant by saying this?"

“Oh, so you are going to kill me right now?” Lu Feng asked in an indifferent tone. His eyes were fixed on Tian Fengg.

As soon as he finished, he raised his hands.

Lu Tian Feng"s expression froze. He became confused. He tightened his fist and finally loosened it.

After seeing this Lu Feng was relieved, and then he moved outside the restaurant.


He opened the door of the restaurant and left without looking back.


In the room, Lu Tian Feng"s hands were shaking till now. A hot air flew from his head. He smashed the chairs, table, and other things in the room.

“Waste, how dare he humiliate me? You will die by my hands in the future!”

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