Emperor Of Taikoo

Chapter 7: Tang Ming

Chapter 7: Tang Ming

“Oh, old dog, come again!”

Lu Feng stared at The third elder and provoked him without any fear.

“Ha, ha!”

Lu Feng forcefully hit his leg onto the ground. Instantly, a large amount of gravel scattered all around, and a large amount of dust flew away, which made breathing difficulties of the elder.

“good chance!”

Taking the opportunity, Lu Feng rushed out steadily. He launched an attack. His hands were like swords. Within a moment, he cut down towards the third elders" neck.

This action was quick, fast, and ruthless!

Lu Tian Feng and all the Lu family, secretly squeezed cold sweat for the third elder.

Just before they were about to hit, The third elder finally raised his hands and punch at Lu Feng.

After seeing it, Lu Feng"s heart became ruthless.

“Boom! Puff!”

Almost at the same time, both were shocked and took a few step back.

Lu Feng hit on his chest with all his strength. A large amount of blood flew out from his chest.

After hitting him, Lu Feng was about to fell to the ground. He could not control himself. He was shaking violently. His right hand was clenched into a fist.

Lu Feng was so tired. Now, there was no strength in his fist. If this punch hits the third elders, even if the third elder did not die, he will be severely injured.

The other Lu family member took this as an advantage. They knew if the third elder dies, Lu Feng will not let them go alive.

“Lu Feng, don"t move; otherwise, I will kill this old guy!”

At this moment, Lu Tian Feng"s cold voice came from the other corner of the courtyard.

Lu Feng glanced in a hurry. He did not know when Lu Tian Feng went to Uncle Mo.

Lu Feng"s face was pale, and the punch he was about to blast did not swing.

“Lu Tian Feng, if you move Uncle Mo"s one hair, I will kill you right now!” The voice was full of anger.


After that, The third elder lifted Lu Feng"s body and flew it upside down.


After a few second, the body landed to the ground

As soon as he landed, Lu Feng flipped over and bounced from the ground.

“Little animal, now you will die!”

The third elder took advantage of the situation and immediately appeared in front of Lu Feng. He did not give Lu Feng a chance to breathe.

Lu Feng was trying to stand up from the ground.

At this time, Lu Tian Feng said in a rough voice: "Lu Feng, I told you not to move. If you move further, I will kill that old man."

After speaking this, he pinched Uncle Mo"s neck with his right palm and slowly pressed his fingers.

“Ah!” Uncle Mo cried in pain.

“Master, don"t …think about me, runaway …”

Lu Feng"s eyes covered with water.

How can he run away from Uncle Mo!


Lu Feng shook his body to stand up, but he couldn"t. He tried hard. His body was look like a kite with a broken thread. He rolled his body on ground.

I don"t know if it was intentional or unintentional, Lu Feng"s direction of rolling out was actually towards the Lu Tian feng.

When Lu Tian Feng saw and responded, it was too late to retreat.

Lu Feng ejected violently. With a bang, he punched in Lu Tian Feng"s hand. His arm was broken, and blood flew out like a river. He cried in pain.


He was suffering from several pains. His face became pale.

At that time, Lu Feng kicked him heavily. He fell on the ground, now his life and death were uncertain.

After he fall on the ground, Lu Feng felt relax. He finally kneeled his feet and sat on the ground and breathe heavily.

Uncle Mo was behind him. He was quite, deadly quiet.

In the small courtyard, everyone looked at the teenager who was half-kneeling on the ground. Still, he didn"t look at anyone, he was just gasping heavily.

After some interval, The third elder looked at the Lu Tian Feng, who was lying on the ground.

Lu Tian Feng was not able to speak anything.

“Oh, what do you think, Is it over? It is not over yet!” Lu Feng smiled bitterly.

At that time, Lu Feng was seriously injured. He was not even able to move his body, but still, he wanted to fight with them.

But now an ordinary person can kill him.

“Little beast …”

“Old dog, kill me if you want to kill, don"t squeak your a.s.s around.” Lu Feng spit out a b.l.o.o.d.y spit, and directly interrupted the three elders" cruel words.

The third elder smiled angrily, “Okay, okay … since you are in a hurry to find death, go to death!”

After saying this, The third elder raised his palm and snapped heavily.

As he raised their hands, the temperature suddenly increased a lot.

“Am I dying? Haha, it doesn"t matter … I am just a little unwilling!”

Lu Feng"s eyes closed slowly, he was waiting for death.

“Oh, the third son of the Lu family really had a good time. He wants to kill his own junior.”

At that moment, a voice came from the outside the courtyard. A figure had arrived in front of Lu Feng.



The third elder flew out and crashing into the broken courtyard.

“Fortunately, he came in time!”

The person glanced at Lu Feng and saw that he was safe and sounded.

“Tang Ming?” The third elder said. He crawled and tried to stand up.

“It"s me.” Tang Ming stood down and nodded gently.

"It is Lu family"s matter, not your tang family"s matter. Don"t interfere with it. Stay away from it. Otherwise, it can make a dispute between the Lu and Tang families."

The third elder carefully said to him. He didn"t want to provoke him, but there was a hint of threat in the language. He was, hoping that the other party will understand.

Tang Ming raised his eyebrows, “Oh, are you threatening me?”

“Why did my Tang family fear the Lu family?”

After saying this, Ting Ming attacked the three elders.


The third elder was seriously injured. At this moment, he finally bent his knees and fell to the ground.

“Lu Wuya saved my life one day. Now his heir is in crisis. I can"t ignore it. Since your Lu family doesn"t care about him, I will take him away."

Hearing this, Lu Feng finally felt relaxed. Then he fainted.


There were seven or eight people gathered in the Lujia Mansion"s hall. All of them were silent. The atmosphere was boiling.


Suddenly, Lu Hong stood up sharply and shattered the iron table in front of him.

Looking at the people he roared: "Third Elder, can you explain what happened?"

This time, The third elder explained together that not only he missed the debris of the Soldiers, but the condition of their family members was also very bad. The most important thing was that his son Lu Tian feng lost his one arm.

How could he not be angry?

Looking at Lu Hong, all the senior members of the Lu family lowered their heads and kept silent.

Lu Hong lowered his head and looked sympathetically at a man with bandages all over his body.

He couldn"t believe that this person is the elder of the Lu family.

After watching the cold eyes of Lu Hong, the three elder shivered. They stood up from their seat and started explaining briefly. Firstly, they started with his small courtyard; they tell how Lu Feng killed his son and then how The third elder hit him, and finally, the entry of Tang Ming ……..

After listening to all of this, Lu Hong"s face slightly slowed down. He asked the three elders, “So, Tang Ming came only to repay Lu Wuya"s life-saving grace, did he help that small animal?”

“Yes.” The third elder nodded again and again.

“But, Tang Ming didn"t know about the Divine Soldier Fragment.” The elder said aloud.

Lu Hong hesitated and nodded his head by revealing slight happiness in his face.

He immediately ordered: “Now block all news about the debris of the Divine Soldier immediately, and never tell anything about the debris to Tang Ming.”

"Also send some people to stare at Tang Palace. As soon as Lu Feng comes out from the palace, take him here directly."

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