Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 107 Part 1

Chapter 107 Part 1

My Surname Is Tang Part 1

“Come attack me!”

The little girl didn’t use any stance. She just waved at Jiang Li to come. She was at east and very confident.

Jiang Li didn’t take her lightly the slightest bit. This little girl’s life force was really strong and her martial arts unpredictably good. She was definitely a hard to deal with opponent. Even with his life force reaching 2.3, he couldn’t take her lightly.

He wondered which great family she belonged to.

Some strong families could even afford to use spirit stones to cultivate their offsprings at a young age. This resulted in their extremely strong battle power.

In the Cultivation Realm in Jiang Li’s dream, some strong power factions could even gather spirit stones together and set up a formation that washed the body of infants.

“Wind and cloud rise!”

Jiang Li’s steps were light, using another move of the Eight Trigrams Wind and Lightning Palm. He changed his moves a lot as he intended to test out his opponent.

“Nice wind and cloud rise.” The little girl laughed, her footsteps spun with her voice sounding like a silver bell. However, her body swayed as she willed and suddenly used the hardest body technique of the G.o.ds and Demon Fist: “Shrouding Demon Shadow.”

Jiang Li struck out tens of consecutive palms but all of them missed.


The little girl dodged the palms and suddenly reached out with her arm pointing over with her finger. This finger was a very common technique called “Immortal Showing The Path” but it was packed with power as though congenial chi was reaching out of the fingers.

The finger strength wave had already reached near Jiang Li’s throat.

Jiang Li turned his body like a big anaconda barely dodging the finger. He took a deep breath as his whole body expanded like a frog. With one roar, his palm turned into the berzerking lightning!”

It was Hand Blade severing, each time, his hand blade was fast like lightning bring an arc as it sliced down. It directed ferocious attacks at the little girl. At this moment, he didn’t care who his opponent was, he was completely immersed in the wonders of martial arts.

This little girl was a rare opponent.

“Violent lightning was a ultimate move in the w.a.n.g family’s Eight Trigram Wind and Lightning palm. The ancestor of the w.a.n.g family mimicked the arc when lightning struck and created this hand blade move. The user contemplated lightning and combined it with the movement of the body. When the attack begun, there would immediately be thunder rumbling as the lightning ripped across s.p.a.ce. Its power was astonishing.

When the little faced this move, her eyes lit up as she turned her palm slicing outwards.

Immediately, the hand blades formed lightning. It was actually also Violent lightning.

Fighting lightning with lightning.

Crackle crackle&h.e.l.lip;.. their two arms clashed together for more than 200 times in 10 seconds. Jiang Li just felt that each clash, his opponent’s arms were as though they were made from metal alloy. They were scarily strong. But sometimes, they would be soft as though they were boneless completely dispelling his power.

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The two separated.

Each retreating five steps.

The little girl scanned Jiang Li with confusion: “Your life force is that strong? I underestimated you, you also used spirit stones? Without the strengthening of spirit chi, your body can’t be so strong.”

“You’re no different yourself.” After that brawl, Jiang Li could already tell that the little girl’s life force was about the same as his.

It should also be 2.3.

However, her martial arts experience seemed to be higher than his.

Next, the battle will be harder.

“You have the potential to be in the top ten!” The little girl smiled, her footsteps joined together seeming light but were actually very heavy. Every step shook the ground giving people an extreme sense of shock.

At this moment, Jiang Li didn’t seem to be facing a little girl but an army that charged at him together.

Especially, he saw that every time the girl shook, there was be air waves under her foot. When the air waves dispersed, they seemed to form a lotus.

This was A ranked martial arts [Lotus Steps].

Once this feet technique martial arts was learned, the user could utilize chi to control the user’s footsteps making each one of them very abstruse as if the Buddha appearing in the sky saving the ma.s.s.

Each step had great power, its force and spirit could cause a threat to people’s spirit making people have hallucinations.

This little girl was also a hypnotist, also in stasis.

If she wasn’t in stasis, Jiang Li didn’t even have to move and could just cripple her with his spirit. But since she was also in stasis, then she would be very hard to hypnotise unless Jiang Li reached greater stasis.


Facing the little girl’s [Lotus Steps], Jiang Li used the Eight Trigrams Wind and Lightning Palm with all his might.

Wind Palm! Wind blew the clouds, wind blew the gra.s.s&h.e.l.lip;.

Lightning Palm! Violent lightning, lightning roaring the skies&h.e.l.lip;.

Circling his palms, attacking with left and right, wind crossing lightning, Jiang Li used all the essence of the Emperor Wind and Lightning Seal inside. With a long howl, there were palm after images everywhere.

“hehe, amazing!” The little girl smiled against such ferocious attack. She used her Lotus Steps as her hands changed. It was another ultimate martial arts.

A- ranked martial arts [Dragon and Elephant Shattering The Heavens]!

It was the same martial arts as what Jiang Liu used but Jiang Liu obviously didn’t master it. Meanwhile, this little girl was very experienced at it. With each fist, a mammoth roared, a dragon howled. When her first attacked, it really seemed to have the power of dragons and elephants!

In those martial arts novels, there was a martial art called the [Dragon and Elephant Like Power]”

It was said that with one palm, one had the power of ten dragons and ten elephants. Although this was exaggerated, but when the human body really got strong, ten dragons and ten elephants were only a small number.

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