Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 149 Death Valley

This translation is considered quite difficult so increasing release speed is a bit difficult to do but I am working on alternatives: getting multiple translators to work on it.

A song that I believe many would have heard off

I remember singing this a lot and my Chinese friend mocked me for getting all the p.r.o.nunciations wrong haha

Chapter 149 Death Valley

"What do you have hidden in your body? Liquid vital energies?"

From the moment he laid eyes on Jiang Li, Hong Heiyu was stunned. With Jiang Li"s current levels of power he should have lost control of his own mind and spirit, but the change that had actually occurred were so stunning that it seemed against the very foundation of training.

"Surprised I couldn"t hide it from an instructor."

Jiang Li squeezed out a thin smile. He"d thought that storing his energy as liquid in his body would be enough to hide his life forces—and his actual power—from anyone who happened to look at him so he could deceive his opponents. He hadn"t expected Hong Heiyu to see through him just like that.

In the eyes of a skilled master, his measly attempts at camouflage were nothing.

"Let me see." Hong Heiyu grabbed Jiang Li. In that instant, Jiang Li felt an immense spiritual force seep through his organs. A gaze swept through each vein, each bone down to the marrow, down to his abdomen where the droplet of liquid was suspended.

This was much more powerful than a common X-ray. Those who had a robust enough spiritual power could perceive anyone"s physical state with a single glance, right down to the pathological changes in one"s cells.

"Indeed. Liquid energies combined with your life potential, becoming a presence similar to energy bodies." Hong Heiyu let out a long sigh. "How did you do this? Relying just on the technology we have today, it"s almost impossible for you to have achieved this, unless there was a master capable of channeling the energy through your head."

"I have something that allows me to enter fetal respiration right now and absorb the vital energies of the heaven and earth for my own use." Jiang Li saw no point in hiding his abilities now.

"Oh?" Hong Heiyu seemed somewhat taken aback, but didn"t inquire about the specific object. "That"s not so uncommon. Truly skilled masters are sometimes capable of hypnotizing people into a state of unconscious fetal respiration so that their bodies will absorb the vital energies of the heaven and earth. But doing so reduces their spirit and is less effective than using a spirit stone directly."

Without skipping a beat in the conversation, he reached out and tapped Jiang Li.

Vroom! Immediately Jiang Li felt a huge torrent of spiritual power entering through his head. His own spiritual power rose as if there were no upper limit to his capabilities. Vaguely he felt the vital energies of heaven and earth in the second dimension, rolling through him like a tide. He tried to use his conscious mind to make contact with it. Though it was difficult, he finally felt the ripples of the energies deep within the second dimension.


Hong Heiyu"s voice rang through him like a thunder clap. Jiang Li returned to himself as if waking up from a dream.

"Did I just enter fetal respiration?" Recalling the sensation of just now, he felt that he had been hypnotized.

"Yes. I hypnotized you." Hong Heiyu seemed to be deep in thought. He took two steps forward, then whipped around to face him. "But that kind of a.s.sistance is trivial and won"t help you truly grow. To achieve the level of fetal respiration where your mind becomes empty, you must thoroughly grasp the principles of everchanging nothingness. Only when you see through reality can you immerse yourself into the second dimension and obtain the vital energies. Even with your current capabilities, it"s a revolutionary state to reach. You must be careful—the moment you lose control of your mind, the wild energies will shatter you into dust."

"This is the artifact I was talking about. You"re welcome to take a look at it, sir, to see what kind of mysteries it holds." After a moment"s thought, Jiang Li took out the Emperor Relic.

"Oh?" Hong Heiyu twisted his hand. As if in response, the Emperor Relic flew into his palm. Grasping the artifact carefully between two fingers, he studied it carefully, but didn"t seem to discern anything useful from it. Even pushing his own spiritual power into the thing gained no response.

No matter how he looked at it, it seemed like a completely ordinary stone.

"Computer, a.n.a.lyze the components of this rock."

A beam of energy shot out to encompa.s.s the Emperor Relic as the computer"s energies seeped through every inch of the stone. From sampling its material components to discerning its age through geological a.n.a.lysis, the computer should have been capable of detecting whatever irregularities might exist.

But after scanning the stone, the a.n.a.lysis that emerged seemed disappointingly normal: "Biological bone structure from the far past. Contains…"

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