Emperor’s Domination

Chapter 4926: Mysterious Freckled Girl

Chapter 4926: Mysterious Freckled Girl

She appeared to be around the same age as A’zhui from Eight-stallion. Her eyes brimmed with vigor and cleverness.

Her calm aura resembled a heavy stone submerged in dead water as if she had a vow of silence. The myriad laws and the world itself found serenity in her presence.

Only the gentle wind was left behind and the quiet trickling of springs. This helped those near her find peace. There was no need to speak, only silence meditation.

She stood in front of Li Qiye and stared at him. Her conspicuous freckles didn’t ruin her beauty but actually accentuated it. She seemed to be happy like a little sparrow and infected everyone with her mood.

Her big, round eyes seemed to be speaking to him. Li Qiye crouched down to stare into her eyes. It was the same as being in the middle of an ocean.

“Little one, do you have something to say to the young n.o.ble?” Ming s.h.i.+ asked.

The girl didn’t respond and continued staring at Li Qiye. He did the same, appreciating her jewel-like eyes.

After a while, he gently rubbed her head for a bit before pulling back. She smiled happily and something akin to the harmonization of the dao occurred.

She then bowed deeply toward Li Qiye before leaving.

“That girl doesn’t speak, maybe she can’t?” Ming s.h.i.+ said.

“She can.” Li Qiye smiled.

“So you know about her? Tell me.” Ming s.h.i.+ asked.

Li Qiye only smiled in response.

“She joined about the same time as us but I haven’t heard her talk before either.” Goldcrest Young n.o.ble became curious.

“There are many strange and interest students in Abroad, she is one of them.” Yunyun said.

“Yes, a mystery indeed.” Ming s.h.i.+ said: “No one knows her origin and cultivation method. She doesn’t speak or hang around anyone.”

At first, Ming s.h.i.+ thought that the freckled girl was mute and couldn’t speak. This filled her with sympathy so she asked around for the girl’s information. No one knew anything.

Yunyun could tell by Li Qiye’s smile that he could see what was going on but didn’t want to tell them.

The freckled girl left a deep impression on her. Why was she here in Abroad? She didn’t look like a mortal or someone from a smaller sect because a mortal body wouldn’t have that much spirituality in the eyes.

Of course, she was merely curious and didn’t feel the same sympathy as Ming s.h.i.+. The latter was different since she came from Untethered.

This lineage currently was mighty. She had powerful seniors who loved her. Her favorable environment fostered kindness and virtuous intentions.

The same couldn’t be said about Yunyun. Primal was currently a mess and she was overwhelmed with responsibility. She had no time to worry about anything else.

The group went back inside the house. Ming s.h.i.+ sat down and said: “Deity must have lost something incredible, that’s why Radiant Young Monarch’s group is so anxious.”

“Yes, after all, Swordgrasp and Immortal PaG.o.da are working together, G.o.dchaser Palace too. G.o.dchaser is very prideful and doesn’t like to work with others unless it is something of crucial importance.” Goldcrest added.

Normally, Swordgrasp School had a unique position in Deity. The current generation was an exception because of Conceal Conqueror.

Her existence propelled G.o.dchaser above all the other sects in Deity. Moreover, it had Radiant Monarch as well.

Yunyun was amused because she knew the answer - Benevolence. Of course, she wasn’t in a position to tell them.

“Okay, if there’s nothing else, let’s take a break.” Li Qiye smiled and had no interest in this matter. He only wanted to visit the academy for a bit to see this old place.

“There is something else, very exciting stuff.” Ming s.h.i.+ giggled at him.

“What is it?” He asked.

“Our cla.s.s will be graduating soon.” She revealed.

Goldcrest and Yunyun exchanged glances, becoming emotional.

“Time pa.s.ses by so fast. No wonder why some stick around after their term.” Goldcrest sentimentally said.

There was no requirement to leave after graduation. If one had thick skin, they could continue staying. Some would actually do so their whole life.

Because of this generosity, those who became successful later on would send amazing gifts back here.

After all, cultivation was difficult. Their period at the academy might be the easiest time. It gave them shelter and peace, no need to worry about life and death.

“Since we’re graduating, we need to gift the academy with something.” Ming s.h.i.+ said.

“Do you guys have anything in mind?” Goldcrest asked.

Some students had amazing resources due to their backgrounds. They could indeed give great gifts to the academy during their graduation.

“I haven’t thought about it.” Yunyun smiled wryly. The situation in Primal didn’t give her time to think.

“We have to brainstorm then.” Ming s.h.i.+ smiled.

“I’m not a student at the academy.” Li Qiye didn’t want to partic.i.p.ate.

“Sure, there are two things that will interest you.” Ming s.h.i.+ said.

“What?” He asked.

“The graduation ceremony and the deer p.a.w.nshop.” She said.

“Oh right, I completely forgot about it.” Goldcrest calculated with his fingers: “Seems like our cla.s.s is rather lucky.”

“We have to go take a look.” Yunyun actually became excited.

“Not just take a look, we should do a great job in order to repay the academy.” Ming s.h.i.+ said.

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