Emperor’s Domination

Chapter 5505: Sisters

Chapter 5505: Sisters

Li Qiye chuckled and didn’t answer her last question. Their conversational flow was then interrupted by a scented breeze emanating from another visitor - a beauty who lit up the temple with her presence.

She was just as gorgeous as Sunset Glow G.o.ddess while having a different temperament and style.

She wore a blue dress and stood proudly like a blade. This sharp aura didn’t diminish her beauty. Her face was as radiant as the moon; her eyes akin to stars. Her brows had a sharp contour.

She exuded an air of authority like a king but also a subtle gentleness that added harmony to her overall appearance. This hint of femininity invited secret admiration.

She conveyed a sense of wisdom instead of the mischievous liveliness of the G.o.ddess, similar to a treasured sword hidden in its scabbard. She instilled a sense of calmness into others, that they could rely on her in any situation. Her figure, of course, didn’t pale before the G.o.ddess’ either.

She was surprised to see Li Qiye and Sunset Glow G.o.ddess sitting together in front of the statues.

“Senior Sister.” She bowed politely at the G.o.ddess before staring at Li Qiye in confusion. When was the last time they had a visitor?

“Bai Feng, come meet the young n.o.ble.” The G.o.ddess waved at her and smiled.

She came over and slightly bowed to Li Qiye, paid respect to the ancestors, and then sat down next to the duo.

“Here to take a look at the tablet too?” The G.o.ddess smiled.

“The grand ceremony commences soon so I am here to pay respect to the ancestors and make a last-minute attempt.” She responded.

“That’s exactly what I’m doing, let’s see which of us will get it first.” The G.o.ddess smiled.

“You are more intelligent than I am.” She said humbly.

“No need to be polite because if I were smarter than you, I wouldn’t have six fruits just like you, it would be eight or ten.” The G.o.ddess smiled.

Her straightforward nature caused the newcomer to reveal a faint smile.

“Be honest now, you want to become the valley lord?” The G.o.ddess winked at her.

“We are both successors of the sect, Senior Sister. I am qualified and possess such aspiration.” She responded.

“I don’t think that’s the only thing you want to do though.” The G.o.ddess put on a devilish smile.

“Senior Sister, it is our duty to do our best for the sect. I dare not act for personal gain.” She relied solemnly and candidly.

“I believe you, but don’t you think that such a position will benefit your clan?” The G.o.ddess said.

“Well, Senior Sister, there were things outside of my control when I joined the sect.” She hesitated for a moment before replying.

“I know.” The G.o.ddess smiled: “Junior Sister, I think you have a good chance given your innate talent.”

“You’re too kind, Senior Sister. You have a good chance as well.” She bowed her head politely.

The two martial sisters had a good relations.h.i.+p but were also compet.i.tive. After all, not holding back was a sign of respect for the opponent.

“I have a different path now, don’t you know?” The G.o.ddess said playfully.

“A different path?” This surprised her.

“I’m picking the young n.o.ble as my consort, he’ll become the valley lord in the future.” The G.o.ddess said.

This prompted her to take a careful look at Li Qiye. He appeared ordinary, not a supreme genius or an unstoppable conqueror.

“Senior Sister, you shouldn’t joke about this serious topic.” She frowned.

“I’m not joking at all and I’m aware of how serious it is. It pertains to my lifelong happiness and the prosperity of the sect. You and I, let’s be honest, we’re not confident in being acknowledged by the immortal artifact. We know our own limit best, right?” The G.o.ddess said.

“Senior Sister, you believe that this young n.o.ble can be acknowledged?” She said skeptically.

Her senior sister didn’t look like she was lying. However, it sounded ridiculous.

In this generation, both their ancestors and peers couldn’t win the approval of the artifact, let alone an outsider.

“Young n.o.ble, you tell her.” The G.o.ddess said.

Li Qiye only smiled and didn’t join their conversation.

“She is my junior sister, Qin Baifeng of the renowned Qin, the heaven searchers. She is my most capable rival in the sect, who do you think will win between us?” She continued.

“Oh, a descendant from Heaven Searching Sect.” Li Qiye smiled at the woman in blue.

She became startled after hearing this. Few knew about their connection to Heaven Searching Sect. The latter was no longer around; their clan was a surviving branch.

“You know our clan and history, Young n.o.ble?” She stared at him.

“Indeed, some acquaintances there.” Li Qiye smiled.

Her astonishment only grew because she knew nothing about him.

“Divine Emperor Baili was world famous.” The G.o.ddess told him. [1]

“Divine Emperor Baili.” He smiled after hearing this name.

“It’s all in the past.” Qin Baifeng sighed and didn’t wish to bring up her ancestors’ glorious past. In a sense, the glory of the past only served as a painful reminder of what they were now.

“Young n.o.ble, I have to go now.” The G.o.ddess stood up and smiled: “Will you accompany me to Sunset Peak?”

“No.” He shook his head.

“But you must since I’m choosing you as my consort.” She insisted.

“How silly.” He chuckled.

“My Young n.o.ble, you best not run away.” She kissed him on the forehead before running off like a mischievous spirit; her voice trailed from the entrance.

Baifeng was left speechless because her senior sister was normally prideful and reserved. What was so special about him?

However, this was not the time for her to be distracted. She focused on the tablet again but as time pa.s.sed, she knew that this was futile.

She had tried before several times to no avail. Since it was brought back from Immortal Dao City with the artifact, perhaps the two were connected. It might be the key to activate the artifact.

Alas, no one in the sect had been able to understand the tablet’s mysteries.

1. Qin Baili back in the tenth world ☜

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