Empire Of Souls

Chapter 122

The woman suddenly turned as if she could feel his eyes upon her.

The man gasped in shock, "Shelise, is it really you?"

Shelise peered at the man, her mesmerizing emerald eyes reflected a brilliant sheen. She mouthed something which seemed to be his name, but then she shivered and quickly turned her head towards the western horizon once more.

A gasp escaped the man"s lips. At first, he had already been surprised when a young woman who resembled both the woman he had once loved and the child she had with another, appeared by his young master"s side. Although he had been surprised at first, he had noticed the differences and he knew it couldn"t be the young girl who he had watched die.

However, there was no mistaking this young woman who looked exactly like a young version of that woman he could only watch from afar.

The hooded man was about to approach her, but he suddenly saw something monstrous in the distance. It broached the horizon, causing what seemed like the entire world to shake. Even the man almost lost his footing and quickly grabbed onto a part of the wall to hold himself steady. The soldiers along the wall all looked in shock and horror as that distant terror came into view.

Hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of strange appendage-like objects writhed and smashed against the earth, propelling the gigantic ma.s.s forward.

"Young master… what is it that you have become?" he uttered with fear.

This was his first time seeing Aleksandros"s true strength, and it terrified him.

He wasn"t the only one. All who saw that monstrosity from afar could only shudder in fear and anxiety. Although they didn"t know what it was, the sight alone caused them to lose their breath and become paralyzed with terror. The coiling, writhing, and churning immense tentacles continued to roil across the ground in a chaotic pattern. Everywhere they touched, was entirely crushed and smashed beneath them. The landscape became completely destroyed, leaving no trace of its former tranquility.

The monstrosity"s movements weren"t slow either. It rapidly moved nearer and seemed to be charging straight towards the settlements walls without slowing down in the slightest. As it grew closer, the soldiers along the walls finally gained some semblance of conscious control over their own bodies. But it was more like the terror had gripped them to the point that the only thought they had was to flee.

Their desire was only to run, to get as far away from this nightmarish place as soon as possible. They had not a single shred of defiance, of hope, or ambition. They only wished they could run faster, some even jumped from the walls to their deaths while being unable to fully process their actions. They couldn"t even determine the danger of jumping from such a height and acted without considering the consequences due to their fear.

The hooded man finally removed the hood and his graying hair and n.o.ble demeanor was visible for all to see, but none could pay attention to this late middle aged man. He stared at the approaching figure and for once in his life, he knew fear. But at the same time, he knew true despair. It was not a feeling of despair for himself, but for the one he served.

"Will the G.o.ds allow such a monster to exist?"

The man tore his eyes from the distant scene and looked at the young woman once more. She was no longer standing where she once was. She was gone without a trace and no matter where he looked, he couldn"t find her.

"Why are you here Shelise? What is it that you hope to do? Just knowing you were alive gave me such great joy, but now I can only worry. Is it because of your brother that you have come to this place? This old servant failed you and your mother once and I have lived my life to keep Aleks from harm to repay this debt, but I have truly grown old and the world has become so strange."

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Grobak roared with a mad laughter as the ground swayed. His mount could no longer keep a steady footing and also moved from side to side. The Giant wolf did not fall though and Grobak took it in stride.

The Barbarian Horde wasn"t faring any better than the Human expeditionary soldiers atop the walls. When the quaking first began, they were unconcerned. It wasn"t so strange for their to be earthquakes, even dangerous ones. This was no longer just a mere earthquake and to their horror, an enormous and monstrous wreath of tentacles grew larger in the distance and rapidly moved towards the walls of the settlement.

Terror gripped them, a kind of primal terror which choked their hearts. However, despite the terror that gripped the Horde, Grobak merely roared with laughter. His tribe stood calmly all around him and he was surrounded in a sea of expectation. The others of the Horde couldn"t understand how they remained so calm in the face of that monstrous being. Even Ordak could no longer care to cause issue with Grobak and he and his subordinates too looked on with horror.

They all watched in shock as that creature with terrifying might charged headlong into the fifty meter walls of the settlement and obliterated a hole right through them. But it didn"t stop there, the grotesque and horrid appendages smashed repeatedly against the walls in every direction sending debris flying all over the settlement.

Who knows how many lives were reaped in those callous movements and if one looked carefully, they could see the solemn and overbearing presence of a gilded and golden masked figure calmly standing astride that coiling ma.s.s of horror.

The expeditionary settlement lay in ruins and there was carnage everywhere. Who knew how many had died from that fierce attack? Yet once the walls had been completely obliterated, the strange and powerful being rampaged for a short time before it left as violently as it came. It eventually disappeared and no one could find where it went.

Although many had died, the majority of the Humans had survived, but the walls were completely irreparable. They had been turned into a complete ruin and most of the settlement itself had been damaged, but strangely enough, the being hadn"t especially intended to kill the Humans. Its main target were the fortifications and those that had died, had died due to collateral damage.

It seemed truly ludicrous to many. Why had such a thing happened? What was that monstrous creature and why had it set its sights on the settlement? None of the Humans within knew the answer to this. They busily searched through the debris, hoping to save as many as they could and soldiers were quickly forming up into defensive formations. With the walls gone, and the Horde outside, it was only a matter of time until fighting broke out. Would they waste this opportunity? Of course not, and soon the roars and cheers of a seemingly endless tide of Barbarians shook the land once more.

The vast tide of Barbarians charged towards the Human settlement with excitement and bloodl.u.s.t. They were like ravenous wolves bearing down on a wounded prey. The only ones that still stood dumbfounded and had not moved from their original position were Ordak and the barbarians beside him. They had yet to tear their looks of shock away from the sight before them and seemed dazed from the previous scene of destruction.

As for Grobak, he was grinning from ear to ear, "Haha! Yes! Who can compare to my master!? Now, kill!!!!"

Those subordinates of his that surrounded him roared while lifting their weapons and instead of charging towards the settlement like the rest of the Horde, they immediately tore into the subordinates of Ordak. This caught them completely by surprise and they were slow to respond. They would never have expected such a thing to happen and were caught unaware. Only after the first few had been slain had the rest finally woke from their dazed state and reacted.

"Grobak! YOU TRAITOR!" shouted Ordak before rushing towards him.

"Haha! Call me what you will, I never betrayed my true master. As for you, you can only blame yourself for offending me. You can die in peace knowing that I will take good care of the Steppe tribes!"

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