Empire Of Souls

Chapter 150

Having calmed down and realizing he could not escape the tendrils wrapped around him, the Dragon King seriously considered Aleks"s words.

"How can I be sure that you will actually do what you say? Ascension is not a joking matter and the G.o.ds won"t make it easy for anyone to join their ranks."

Aleks flew close and hovered just before the Dragon King"s head. He wasn"t far away from his snout.

"You can"t be sure, but you should understand that my words are never said in jest. I will do what I say, for that is my pride. It is the hubris of a man who shall one day be a G.o.d."

The Dragon King snorted, steam coming out of his nose and he seemed to wither as his strength left him. With a deep sigh, the Dragon finally said after several moments of silence, "I… submit.."

"Swear it. Swear it on your soul!"

Aleks"s mask glowed brightly and he held his hand outwards to touch the Dragon King"s head.

"I swear it."

And so, the Dragon King"s fate was sealed. For whatever road Aleks walked, was one he was also doomed to walk. Whether Aleks succeeded or failed, would determine his own survival or extinction.

The glow of the golden mask lit up the Dragon King"s face and a strange connection formed between the two. It was a connection the Dragon King couldn"t fully explain, but it wasn"t unpleasant. Aleks could feel the severity of the damage that the Dragon King suffered and knew that he had truly pushed him to the edge of oblivion. The Dragon King didn"t even have the strength to continue to fly and was being held up in the sky by Aleks"s tendrils. If Aleks let go, he would certainly fall.

"Then let us go down and pull the curtains on this drama."

With the Dragon King"s form having shrunk and many clouds having dispersed, Aleks grew clearly visible to those below as he descended with the Dragon King. The violet flames that illuminated his translucent body made of tendrils began to dissipate. The flames appeared to peel off the tendrils and began to fall like petals, or flakes of snow. The battle below was still raging on as hundreds of thousands fought and killed, but as the falling flames became visible, many couldn"t help but look above.

Aleks descended like a G.o.d, his monstrous form was still visible, and wrapped tightly within was the weary body of the Dragon King. It was clear to all who had won this battle between DemiG.o.ds, and Aleks"s descent bore witness to his unrivaled might. His subordinates and those warriors which had already wholeheartedly worshipped Aleks were not surprised in the least. But for the many thousands of those on the opposing side, for them it was as if the world ended. 

The dragons who were embroiled in a tough battle against Aleks"s subordinates dropped down from the sky if they hadn"t already been grounded. They gasped in shock and their minds couldn"t handle the reality they were faced with. The Dragonmen who viewed the dragons as their ancestors, as deities, couldn"t believe their eyes. They thought they were witnessing a malicious illusion of some kind. It just wouldn"t register in their minds that the one they viewed as their revered progenitor could possibly lose. Dragons were far above mortals, of a n.o.ble bloodline, and superior in every way. Or so they thought, but this smashed their understanding of the world and left them shaky with disbelief. 

As for the Barbarians, there were those who rejoiced and those who had fallen into a pit of despair. Their hopes to rule over the Steppes, to remain independent, and to preserve their traditions and culture came crashing down. What would become of them now that this foreign human had won? They were unwilling, truly unwilling in their hearts. They had already suffered a grievous blow with the thought that their ancestors may have been annihilated and now this.

Aleks finally landed on the ground and his wings made up of "Soul Tendrils" retracted and disappeared. He gently placed the Dragon King down on the ground and removed his tendrils. They disappeared fully amidst the still falling violet flames. They were no longer dangerous and had lost their power, but they had yet to dissipate and instead glided along the wind like dancing fairies. It was this sight that left many in awe and wonder.

From a distance, the youngest of the Dragon King"s offspring looked on in terror. These were the twin sister and brother. They even more than others couldn"t believe that their father would lose. The daughter especially so. She had been doted on by her father greatly despite the huge disparity in age. The Dragon King was already several thousands of years old when she was hatched from her egg. Maybe because of this the Dragon King looked on her so favorably and she had become quite arrogant and spoiled. Seeing this though, her whole world was flipped upside down. There was terror, but there was also something else. Was it admiration or was it something more twisted? A strange emotion took over her and she wasn"t as abhorred by the scene in front of her as she thought she would be.

"A man that can defeat father… only a man like this is worthy of me!" was what she thought despite seeing her father so badly beaten.

Her brother had different feelings about this, but he too was affected by this in a way he didn"t expect. Although his thoughts were similar to his sister"s, it wasn"t meant in any romantic kind of way. He was awed by Aleks"s power and couldn"t help but feel a trace of admiration for his strength. This was something all dragon"s revered. They revered the strong, it"s just that these siblings took it in different ways.

Of course for Grobak, Nelay and Lenia, this result was to be expected. It didn"t change the fact that they felt great pride in Aleks"s win. This was the master that they served with all their soul and their worship and faith in him was renewed. Their adoration for him had grown to a whole new level.

Lariel couldn"t help but smile. This was the smile of a woman who looked upon her man with both pride and love. It was the look of one who couldn"t help but feel endless joy. It was as if his victory was her own, but this smile soon faded. It was replaced with a hint of sadness and unwillingness.

"Your king has been defeated. I am victorious. Surrender now and you will be allowed to live."

Aleks spoke softly, but his voice reached everyone"s ear. These words woke them up from their stupor and they were forced to face the reality of their circ.u.mstances. Many quickly threw down their weapons and fell on their knees. There were some who refused to accept this reality and tried to run or were even willing to die taking down a few more enemies, but they were quickly killed. The vast majority had surrendered however. 

Even the dragons had been cowed into submission, nevermind the weaker warriors and soldiers. The battle had finally come to an end, leaving many corpses strewn across the battlefield. There were many more casualties and the cries and moans of the injured were the only sounds that still remained. It was as if many were even afraid to breath. As if their breathing would somehow disturb this G.o.dly figure that descended from up above.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Aleks"s army cautiously neared the surrendered warriors and soldiers. After realizing that they had truly surrendered, they began rounding up all of their former enemies. All weapons and armor were collected, the dead would be buried or burned. Now began the process of cleaning up the battlefield and accounting for the dead and injured. 

None of these were Aleks"s concern, and there were others who would take care of this. For Aleks who had fought a life and death battle with another DemiG.o.d, he was truly too tired. This battle had put a great strain on him and he had depleted much of the "Soul Potential" he had gained, leaving only a reserve in order to keep Lariel alive from the effects of the curse. 

Even though it wasn"t exactly necessary, at this moment all he wanted to do was sleep.

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