Empire Of Souls

Chapter 106

On a nearby hill, Aleks observed the chaotic battle taking place outside the southern wall of the expeditionary settlement. He was relaxing on a comfortable throne which must have been pulled out of thin air. Next to him, Lariel was playfully serving him fruits she had cut into cute little pieces. Just watching the scene made Lenia want to puke, but she held her rage within and waited patiently. Although Aleks didn"t say anything nor did his expression change much, Lenia imagined he must be enjoying himself immensely. Who wouldn"t when being served by such a beautiful angelic woman?

Aleks was fixated on the battle taking place and had already took note of Grobak"s retreat from the battlefield. His tribe had already put a good deal of distance from the walls and had little trouble escaping, but Grobak still had a mission to accomplish and didn"t accompany them. They had certainly been noticed in their retreat by patrols and scouts, some of which attempted to stop them, but they just killed any who got in their way. By the time the main forces of the tribe knew what was going on, it would be too late anyway.

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The southern side of the siege forces was currently under attack and couldn"t do anything to stop them from retreating. Meanwhile, Grobak snuck towards the North where the main encampment was by disguising him and a few of his men as a patrol. The horde was too disorganized and Grobak and his men were in fact barbarians so it wouldn"t be difficult for them to infiltrate the camp. Nelay was also by his side, but no one would be able to detect her.

All of this was according ot Aleks"s plan and he was aware of everything that was going on through the power of his "Astral Projection" ability.

Aleks pointed towards the scene below, "Look how the Dragonmen are trampling the barbarians. Those Giant Lizards are quite powerful in warfare. Not only do the lances of the Chevaliers reap countless lives, but the Giant Lizards themselves are quite proficient in killing. It"s not quite as fast or agile as a more traditional type of cavalry though. It seems their strategy is to initially trample the enemy and then engage in a melee with the accompaniment of their beasts. It is a good combination, but they may have underestimated the barbarians. Let us watch for a bit."

Lariel scoffed, "Just bugs, is there a need for such compliments?"

"To you this may seem like child"s play. Given all you have seen. You are an Angel, one who has traveled the infinite expanse. Everything must seem trivial to you. But, you must learn to appreciate even the most seemingly trivial things. Only in this way can we ensure that we never underestimate our foes. Do not let your pride get the better of you."

Lariel didn"t seem convinced, but still listened attentively, "Of course I would never look down on you Aleks. I didn"t mean to offend. Even though you may seem small now, you will one day be greater than all. I will always support you, but I think it is just too much to compliment these fools who will soon be dead. You are a predator, and they are mere prey. Isn"t it the arrogance of the strong, to admire those weaker, while looking on calmly from above."

Aleks turned to look at Lariel, he was somewhat surprised by her words, but didn"t show it. He just silently observed her before saying, "You are right, my apologies. My words were inappropriate and I don"t want to seem a hypocrite. I can say these things and act this way because I am stronger than those below. If I were one of them, what would I think knowing someone like me was watching from up above, waiting in leisure for the right moment to strike?"

Lariel smiled sweetly and moved even closer to Aleks, much to Lenia"s frustration. She didn"t want to admit she was watching, but she couldn"t help peering at them through the corner of her eyes.

"I am glad you can be humble, but still know who and what you are."

Lariel was quite pleased with his words.

"It looks as if the barbarians will soon reveal their hand."

Aleks once more comfortably sat in his throne and watched the events unfold.


Tens of thousands of Dragonmen chevalier"s charged heavily, boring down upon the barbarians and sending thousands of them flying from the force of the impact. The charge of a Giant Lizard was not to be understated and they tore through the ranks of the barbarians with fierce abandon. The tribal warriors did their best to stave off the charge with little effect. Nonetheless, the barbarian numbers were much greater than the Chevalier and even though the Chevalier opened up a huge dent in the barbarian formation, the barbarians fiercely fought back.

Despite the fact that the Chevalier were outnumbered, one had to take into account the fact that the Giant Lizards were also powerful. This meant that even though they were a mount, this in fact doubled their number of fighters. The barbarians had to fight not just the Chevalier on the Giant Lizard mount, but the Giant Lizards themselves.

Most of the tribal warriors were weaker than the Giant Lizards and the Giant Lizards caused many casualties. The combination of Dragonman Chevalier and Giant Lizard mount was a deadly force. They didn"t even need the force of their charge to cause havoc through the barbarian army. If this continued, it was clear that the barbarians would eventually be routed.

Off in the distance, an almost cataclysmic battle was taking place between three Legendary beings. One could see how powerful the Orc Chieftain of the Harkul tribe was by the fact he was able to fight two adult Dragons to a standstill. He couldn"t defeat the two, but he was also able to hold his own against them. Although it was difficult to see the battle taking place between them clearly, one could see the devastation which was reaching a terrifying degree in the distance. Where they fought, the surrounding terrain was being completely transformed.

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