Empire Of Souls

Chapter 107

Battles with those at the Legendary level were beyond the imagination of most people. For the majority, even Master cla.s.s beings were rare enough and their fights tended to be the epitome of most wars. Legendary beings would fight, but usually it was away from the eyes of others and they tended to be in places distant from civilization or in small dimensional pockets they used as battlefields.

Watching those who had reached the Legendary level fight it out was not something most would ever see, never mind beings beyond that level. To the average person, a DemiG.o.d was a mythical being only one step below a G.o.d. They didn"t even have the mental capacity to imagine what a battle between beings like that would be. Still, in the eyes of Aleks and Lariel, their battle was just child"s play. It wasn"t even anything to put in their sight, as both could easily crush these so called Legendary beings.

Aleks was much more interested in the larger battle taking place among the soldiers and couldn"t help but voice his thoughts to Lariel, "The Orcs should be making their move soon, otherwise the entire southern siege line will be destroyed. You notice how the defenders haven"t sallied out of the settlement yet, it seems they are waiting too. This is only the vanguard of the Dragonmen army, their infantry hasn"t arrived yet so this is still just the beginning of the fighting."

Lariel wasn"t interested at all in the battle and was only focused on Aleks. Lenia couldn"t stomach it anymore and finally walked closer to Aleks.

"Master, how much longer must we wait to act. Is all of this necessary? Can"t you just kill them all and be done with it?" Lenia said with frustration.

"Patience, Lenia. The main players haven"t even made their moves yet. My sister has yet to show herself and that overgrown lizard hasn"t yet appeared. It would be too premature to make my move now. Even though I do not fear either of them, I would prefer not to make the first move."

Lenia sighed, "Yes master. I am just growing bored waiting here."

Lariel laughed and gave Lenia a wink, "Aleks, I think Lenia is impatient to test her new Legendary strength. Why not let her play a little? If we wait for that Orc to succeed, we might be waiting forever."

Aleks considered for a moment and then nodded his head, "Fine, this should be good too. Lenia, go and kill us a dragon."

Lenia gave Lariel an unfriendly stare before gritting her teeth and saying, "I will be right back."

She turned and stomped off, but paused for a moment and said deeply to Lariel, "Keep your hands to yourself until I return."

Lariel smiled while holding a hand gently across her mouth.

"Hehe, the little girl is growing up."

Aleks said nothing, but he was inwardly pleased. He hoped that Lenia would grow quickly, nothing would please him more.


Lenia grumbled to herself, she hated the sight of that angel who had done nothing but vex her ever since she appeared. She didn"t understand why the angel vexed her so much, perhaps it was because she saw something in her that she admired. However, she just didn"t want to admit it to herself.

Lenia shook her head, "Stop thinking about it."

She had already ran at her top speed to close the distance between the hill she was standing on and the battle that was raging on the horizon. It wasn"t difficult to find where the three Legendary beings were fighting, just the sound alone was enough. Never mind the flames that were raining down upon the Steppes, or the crashing of rocks, debris, and the occasional collapse of a mountainside.

Although Lenia wasn"t nearly as fast as those of other cla.s.ses, she was still dozens of times faster than a mortal. It didn"t take her long to cover the distance and her heavy armor, shield, and sword did not weigh her down. Her strength was immense, especially now that she had reached the Legendary level. She approached slightly from a distance and watched as the dragons circled around, breathing fire down on the lone Orc chieftain.
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The Orc avoided the fire breath and leaped high into the sky, smashing his axe against one of the dragons. The dragon deflected the attack with a clawed dragon paw and reached with another to grab the Orc. Noticing the danger, the Orc swung his axe sideways and used the force of the collision of his axe and the dragon paw to push himself downwards. The Orc soon collided with the ground, but rose quickly with only minor wounds.

Lenia watched from a distance and the three combatants had yet to notice her. Although she wasn"t especially attempting to keep her aura hidden, they were too caught up in their battle to notice. This suited Lenia just fine. Lenia attached her shield to the back of her armor and seemed to pull a throwing spear from out of nowhere.

Now that she was a Legendary being, she had a small dimensional s.p.a.ce she could use to store inanimate objects. This was only a small dimensional s.p.a.ce and could not compare to the size of a DemiG.o.d"s dimensional s.p.a.ce, but it was useful nonetheless. Weapons and armor could be stored here and removed when needed. Because Legendary beings were beginning to touch upon the laws of the universe, they could alter reality on a small scale through this understanding. It wasn"t anything unique to any specific cla.s.s and all Legendary beings were capable of it.

As they gained a greater understanding of the laws of the universe, they would be able to alter reality to a greater degree. This was the reason why there were laws in place which governed the G.o.ds, and they were not allowed to do as they pleased in the mortal world. A single thought from a G.o.d could alter the very fabric of reality in a given s.p.a.ce and this would be absolutely cataclysmic to the mortal plane. In the higher planes, where the G.o.ds resided, they each created their own heavenly domains where they had absolute power and authority. Wars between G.o.ds always involved these heavenly domains.

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