Empire Of Souls

Chapter 113

"Who are you? No, you don"t need to answer that. You are the one who defeated the Ancestral Spirits of the Orc tribes, aren"t you?"

The Dragon King wasn"t stupid. The disappearance of the Ancestral Spirits had been a mystery. Although he knew they were gone, he didn"t know who had caused them to disappear. There were only so many beings at that level, and it was too much of a coincidence that one as powerful as Aleks would now appear here. What he didn"t understand was why. Why had this being who was a DemiG.o.d done all of this? For what end?

Aleks was too far away to answer, but he could hear the dragon"s voice well enough. Aleks had no desire to shout, it would be useless anyway when the dragon was at such a height. Instead, Aleks only stared up into the sky quietly. It was especially gloomy because of the emotionless mask he wore.

Instead, Lariel answered for him calmly. "You are not wrong, my master is the one who ended them for good. He devoured their souls to be exact."

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The Dragon King looked at her once more. He hesitated again, should he kill her or not? This was something he couldn"t decide easily. If he killed her, the one below might kill his sons. Instead, she would do better as a bargaining chip. He reached out and grabbed her. Lariel didn"t resist, she knew he wouldn"t harm her because the fate of his children was in her master"s hands.

"You will come with me. I will exchange you for my sons!"

The Dragon King swooped downwards, eventually landing not far from where Aleks stood. He towered over Aleks, and one who was ignorant would think Aleks would be easily crushed by the dragon"s size alone. Of course, they would be fools to think so. Aleks was not a mortal, and even among DemiG.o.ds he was special.

"The girl for my sons." The Dragon King said without wasting any time.

"Fine, you have my word." Aleks replied without hesitation. He didn"t care at all about the two dragons

Lariel was released and she flew down gently to stand next to Aleks.

"The two of you, get out of here now!" The Dragon King roared to his two incompetent sons.

They quickly left without even looking back. They believed their father wouldn"t lose.

"Who are you, and why are you interfering in this battle? Do you know of whom you make an enemy? You and I are both DemiG.o.ds, so you must understand how difficult it is to ascend. Making enemies of the G.o.ds is a foolish endeavor."

Aleks didn"t answer immediately as his mask scanned the dragon"s status and quantified its data. a.n.a.lysing the information presented, he had a good idea of the strengths and weaknesses of the Dragon King. The Dragon King was a DemiG.o.d close to the peak of its power, but still shy of it. He had most likely spent thousands of years to get to this point and was very close to ascension.

Too bad for him that it was even more difficult for a dragon to ascend than other races. The G.o.ds would not allow too many dragons to ascend, they were too powerful in comparison. There were a few dragons that had reached G.o.dhood and all of them were immensely powerful, much more so than other G.o.ds at the same rank. Because of this, their numbers were limited by the other G.o.ds. Since dragons were selfish creatures by nature, those that had already ascended to G.o.dhood didn"t really care about those belonging to their race who hadn"t.

"You are a strange one, aren"t you? Since when did dragons care about kin and kith? You are very protective of your family and your own kind. How peculiar." Aleks said, sidestepping the dragon"s queries. He didn"t seem the least bit afraid.

"Who says a dragon can"t care for those he loves? Hmph… Fine, we dragons grow fewer and fewer in number. There are not many of us left. I must do what is necessary to protect my clan."

"Even if it means groveling before the G.o.ds?"

The Dragon King snorted in response, but refused to answer.

"You are not my match. Leave now, this expedition is doomed to fail now that I have arrived."

"You are a fool Human! Even if you halt their advance now, they will only come back stronger! You only delay the inevitable, what do you hope to accomplish? The G.o.ds will never let you have a moment of peace if you oppose them!" replied the Dragon King arrogantly.

"You don"t need to worry about that, this land belongs to me now. You and everyone else will submit!"

Aleks was no longer as calm as he was a moment before and his voice grew menacing. His aura exploded outwards and clashed with the Dragon King"s own. Coiling tendrils rolled outwards from his body, lifting him from the ground. Their ma.s.s grew until a horrific, writhing monstrosity appeared. The tendrils were no longer as translucent as they once were and were now much more corporeal in their form and substance.

When the Orc chieftain saw this, he could barely contain his fear. He had never seen anything like it. He had originally thought that he was the main character in this war. The savior of his people and the one who would bring honor to the Horde, but he now realized that he was a mere backdrop. There were powers at play here he didn"t understand and way above his level. He very much wanted to fade away into the background, but before he could even flee, a sword pierced through his back and through his front. He could only look on in horror. He had never expected something like this would happen.

Lenia removed her sword from the body of the Orc chieftain and cleaned off the blood. The Orc chieftain had outlived his usefulness and in his moment of weakness, Lenia had ended his life without hesitation.

"And so ends the life of the once mighty and great leader of the Horde. I am sure it took great effort to achieve your level, what a shame." Lariel said from beside Lenia. She then turned to Lenia and smiled, "A little birdy told me that you were concerned for me, how touching."

Her smile grew, but it only made Lenia want to punch her even more.

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