Empire Of Souls

Chapter 126

Shelise frowned, "I wanted to show you mercy, but it seems you are unappreciative of my intentions. You are far from invincible An-Namrud. To me, you are no more than the dirt beneath my feet."

Aleks scoffed, "If I were facing your true body, then perhaps I might be concerned. You have only descended into a vessel and you don"t even appear to be at full strength. It seems something happened to you in the Heavenly planes, didn"t it? Were you injured? Your strength is quite underwhelming."

"It is more than enough to kill you!" Shelise hissed and struck out with her dagger.

The cold crimson light of the dagger slashed towards Aleks who blocked it with his tendrils, but to his surprise the dagger cut through his tendrils with ease.

"Hahaha! Did you think it would be so simple to block the cut of this cursed blade?"

Shelise rushed towards Aleks and her movements were extremely nimble as she slashed at the attacking "Soul Tendrils". She was like a whirlwind of movement and the sound of the blade could be clearly heard as it slashed in every direction. This was clearly not the strength that a mortal could possess and instead was the power that was imbued in her body through Tihr"s divine strength. It was a comparable power to that of a DemiG.o.d and the cursed dagger of Maa"loch seemed a perfect counter to Aleks"s abilities.

"That dagger…. I know this cursed blade." Aleks said with some surprise.

"Haha, that"s right. This is the very blade that cursed you! Imbued with the Devil Maa"loch"s law of curses! This is the very curse that afflicted your soul from the very beginning! How fitting it is for you to die to this blade!"

Aleks was struggling to hold back the attacks of Shelise as he put some distance between them, but he didn"t relent. He couldn"t allow Shelise to get too close. Seeing the predicament that he was in, Lenia and Nelay attempted to aid Aleks but were stopped by Eneran who had been watching them the entire time.

"It would be best for you young ladies to wait quietly here."

"Get out of our way old man!" Shouted Lenia.

Nelay only gave Eneran a cold glare as she prepared her weapons to strike.

"Hmph, you two are strong, but I have been a Legendary being for hundreds of years. If you underestimate me, you will surely die. I am known as the Lightning Emperor and you will need to get past my Lightning domain first!"

Lightning began surging around Eneran as he began to cast his Legendary spell, "Lightning domain". This spell was extremely powerful among Legendary spells and was one created by Eneran himself as his life"s work. It was the spell which allowed him to dominate among Legendary beings and it created an entire domain made up of the laws of lightning and utilized all of his understanding of the laws of lightning.

He had been at the peak of Legendary for a long time, but the only path for him ahead was of servitude to his G.o.ddess and so he could not become a DemiG.o.d. In order to advance further, it was a long process of acc.u.mulating the potential of the soul. The reason why it was such a long process was because the majority of the potential of the soul would be absorbed by the deity one served.

Becoming a DemiG.o.d meant utilizing the full potential of one"s soul, but this was a dangerous path and most DemiG.o.ds were shunned by the G.o.ds and may even be killed by their influence in the mortal world. The safer path was to attach oneself to a deity and slowly over a long period of time acc.u.mulate enough "Soul Potential" to become a Mythical being. The downside to this was of course, being forever duty bound to the deity one served, or suffering a loss of power and being cast out into h.e.l.l.

There was another path, becoming a Saint or Saintess, but there were even greater restrictions and one could barely consider themselves to be independent at all. This was exactly the state of Shelise. She was a Saintess, a vessel of her G.o.d. She could obtain great power, but extricating herself from the influence of Tihr would most likely lead to her death and the loss of her soul. At least, this was the common knowledge of the world and other paths or circ.u.mstances might exist.

Eneran"s "Lightning Domain" came visibly to life and the world suddenly became a world of lightning. Lightning struck everywhere, sending dirt and debris flying all over the place. The air became stifling and charged with electricity. This was a powerful domain that utilized a partial understanding of the laws of lightning and so it was quite potent in its strength. Lightning was also a natural counter to  abilities related to the soul and even Aleks"s abilities might be stifled under such circ.u.mstances. This didn"t mean that Eneran could pose a threat to Aleks, but Aleks might have to expend much more "SP" under the attack of the "Lightning Domain".

"You two are both fearsome foes, but in this domain, the power of my magic is greatly increased and even if I can"t defeat the both of you, I can hold out against you for a time. Long enough for your master to be defeated! It will also inhibit most of the a.s.sa.s.sin"s tricks, no shadows can exist here!"

Nelay began to circle around Eneran, even if she couldn"t use her "Shadow Blink" ability, it didn"t mean she was toothless. Lenia on the other hand raised her longsword in both hands in front of her face and said with determination, "Even if it costs me my life, I will kill you here. Not even your corpse will remain once I am done with you and your soul will be devoured by my master! You will never leave this place alive! I will show you my determination and my resolve! I am my master"s shield, and no one can harm him while I draw breath!"

Eneran laughed, "True, If you go all out with your lives on the line you might be able to defeat me two on one. But…."

Nelay, who had been carefully circling Eneran suddenly attacked without any hesitation. However, before she could strike, her attack was suddenly blocked by a figure who appeared from a flash of lightning.

"Hehe, as you can see, I am not alone."

Appearing before Nelay and pushing her back was a figure dressed in black tightfitting clothes. The figure"s head and face were covered by a hood and mask, but it was clear that the figure was a female because her well endowed figure was visible beneath her tightfitting clothes.

"You"re late." said Eneran.

"Just be glad I am here." replied the fully covered woman in a husky and dry voice.

"Well, now that you are here, we can attend to these two."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Just remember what you promised me."

Eneran nodded and faced Lenia with a placid expression.

With the two extreme battles taking place, only Lariel had yet to make a move. Her gaze was fixed on Aleks and there was a hint of concern within her brilliant and clear eyes.

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