Empire Of Souls

Chapter 128

Lariel flinched slightly at his words, but she didn"t hesitate to continue her attacks. She gritted her teeth and put even more effort into pressuring Tihr. Unfortunately, her attacks weren"t truly strong enough to do any real damage. She had already suffered a huge loss in power because of her Fallen status and had even been somewhat injured in the battle against the Dragon King.

Shelise wasn"t especially powerful herself and so she had very few abilities, but her cla.s.s was well suited to using daggers and with Tihr"s descent into her body, she was a veritable fighting machine. Tihr himself was a G.o.d who excelled in melee combat, but his weapons of choice were not daggers. Nonetheless, one of the benefits of having Saints and Saintesses to inhabit as vessels, was that the G.o.ds could use the abilities and cla.s.ses of their vessels.

This was actually similar to Aleks"s ability to create avatars with different cla.s.ses from his original cla.s.s. There were both positives and negatives to these abilities. Aleks"s created avatars were not independent souls and were in fact, just an extension of himself. But, these avatars needed their strength, ability, cla.s.s and such to be developed from the very beginning. They required significant "Soul Potential" to develop and he could only maintain one at any given time. However, the benefit of this was that Aleks could merge with his avatar and gain whatever abilities and cla.s.ses the avatars had when merged. He could then create new avatars and continue to develop his own personal strength. Each avatar required significant investments in "SP" though and it would be difficult to develop many. Also, if an avatar died, it would be a complete loss in whatever investments were made.

Saints and Saintesses were their own individuals and could level up at their own pace and the G.o.d they served could inhabit their bodies and use their strengths without any cost to themselves other than the "Divine Power" required in battle. A G.o.d could inhabit as many vessels as they pleased as long as they had enough "Divine Power" to sustain their use. They could use all their abilities and even enhance their strengths while inhabiting their bodies. However, this strength was not their own and could never be their own, and there was also a time limit to their use. There was only so much "Divine Power" which could be used to inhabit each vessel. Too much, and the vessel would be destroyed from the excessive power.

In the end, both paths had their benefits and detriments. Aleks had yet to create an avatar, but he was now seeing first hand how powerful a tool a vessel could be for a G.o.d.

"Keep up the pressure Lariel, he won"t be able to maintain this state for much longer!"

Aleks struck out with hundreds of "Soul Tendrils" while Lariel continued her rapid fire of spells. Shelise"s body continued to glow with divine light as the attacks were either deflected or cut through by her blade. There was the occasional pulse of divine light, showing the impact of an attack on her body that escaped her blade, but the attacks rarely broke through the defense of Tihr"s divine might. Nonetheless, they were wearing away at Tihr"s "Divine Power".

Meanwhile, Lenia and Nelay continued in their own desperate battle against their Legendary opponents. The pairing of opponents was completely beneficial to the enemy and both Lenia and Nelay were constantly on the defensive. A warrior was powerful, but in many situations they were not the best matchup against a long range Magic Caster. In Nelay"s case, the Legendary Night Fury was a similar cla.s.s and she had no advantages. On the contrary, because of the "Lightning Domain" Legendary spell, the Night Fury had the advantage against Nelay.

Nelay stood still with her daggers held defensively as the Legendary Night Fury blinked around her in flashes of light. Each flash was an attack and the strikes were rapid and unpredictable, but Nelay"s detection abilities were extremely high and her AGI was also superior than most Legendaries. This allowed her to react quickly to each attack and defend with relative ease. Nonetheless, the attacks picked up in speed and Nelay was completely unable to counter. If all she could do was defend, it would be extremely difficult to obtain victory. Despite this, Nelay did not look panicked and expertly deflected all attacks that were aimed at her.

The Night Fury didn"t mind this, she was extremely patient and continued her strategy of keeping Nelay on the defensive. It wasn"t necessary to win, they only needed to stop the two from aiding Aleks. However, Nelay"s body suddenly became blurry and distorted. Her image began to sway as if it were a heat wave, rather than a physical body. It happened extremely quickly and Nelay suddenly phased in and out of existence at the same moment that the Night Fury attacked in a flash of light. This time, instead of feeling the hard blade of daggers, her attack simply hit air which completely caught her by surprise.

"s.h.i.t!" the Night Fury cursed.

She immediately blinked away, but the sudden swipe of a dagger sliced in the exact spot she had just been in.

"What ability was that?" gasped the Night Fury just barely escaping from danger.

She looked down at her chest and hissed, there was a thin slice which cut her outfit. Luckily, it had only just barely sliced her outfit and had missed her chest by a very thin margin.

"You f.u.c.king b.i.t.c.h, you almost cut my chest!"

"Such a large chest is completely unnecessary for an a.s.sa.s.sin, you cheap s.l.u.t!" Nelay said with disdain.

"I will kill you b.i.t.c.h!"

Once more the Night Fury disappeared in a flash and she quickly activated one of her powerful abilities which inundated Nelay in a storm of daggers. Nelay once more began to phase in and out of existence, completely dodging the attacks and the immediate area around her suddenly went dark.

"What"s going on?" The Night Fury felt a sense of sudden danger.

"Welcome to my "World of Shadows"." a voice appeared out of nowhere right at the Night Fury"s ear.

She attempted to blink away, but she realized that there was no longer any light from the lightning. The world around her had become completely dark.

"This must be her Legendary ability." the Night Fury thought.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

When a being reached Legendary, they would gain a powerful and unique Legendary ability which was similar to a trump card. For Eneran, it was his "Lightning Domain" and for Nelay it was her ability "World of Shadows". These Legendary abilities were derived from the Legendary beings understanding of the laws they specialized in. Of course, it was just a basic understanding of laws and was only the starting point on the path of laws. For a Legendary being, these were powerful trump cards which could bring one back from the jaws of defeat.

Now that the Night Fury could no longer use her blinking ability, she cautiously observed the dark world she had entered. Since she had a similar cla.s.s to Nelay, she too had a high detection ability and it wasn"t as if her senses were entirely impaired. She carefully and slowly walked backwards while holding her two daggers in a defensive stance. She observed the surroundings and calmly attempted to understand the shadowy world she was now trapped in. This wasn"t the most effective tactic against a being of a similar cla.s.s, but the benefit of this "World of Shadows" in the current situation was that Nelay could now use her many powerful stealth abilities.

Nelay used her "Rogue"s Offense" ability which added half her AGI to her PHY ATK, and in combination with her "Shadow Step" ability, she now placed the Night Fury in the same situation she had been in just prior. Nelay shifted in and out of the "World of Shadows" and struck rapidly and randomly, slicing from every direction. She then launched a "Dance of Blades" ignoring fifty percent of the Night Fury"s physical defense.

It was like a torrential storm of blades, striking down from every possible location. The Night Fury did her best to defend against the attacks, but she soon became ragged with cuts and slices everywhere on her body. Her outfit was barely holding together from the rain of dagger blows.

"Dammit, I will have to use it!"

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