Empire Of Souls

Chapter 137

Aleks wished to quickly depart with his new army and locate the Dragonmen and their Dragon overlords to face them in a final showdown. However, he realized that they couldn"t leave immediately. They had gained hundreds of thousands of new warriors and many slaves. These warriors needed to be properly organized, trained, and a chain of command created to manage this new army. Aleks saw these people as his now, and he wouldn"t lead them into battle only to lose miserably. The Dragonmen were extremely formidable and there would certainly be many more Dragons present this time around.

This didn"t cause Aleks to feel fear or concern, but he couldn"t be careless. There was also the matter of logistics which would need to be considered. It wasn"t a simple matter to organize so many on such a short notice. He especially wished to have Lariel"s aid in this matter. She was meticulous and an excellent strategist, but he was also concerned with her physical and mental wellbeing.

It was disturbing to him how badly he lost his composure when she almost died. Aleks paced for a bit outside the room she was resting in. His pride was making it difficult for him to enter after what he felt was an embarra.s.sing display.

"Lariel will surely look down on me, won"t she? I absolutely can"t show her such a side to me again," he reprimanded himself inwardly.

Aleks sighed and couldn"t help lambast himself more. This was a side of Aleks that he would never allow anyone else to see. Just the thought of how his subordinates had seen him that day was shameful.

"Aleks, how long are you going to stand out there pacing? Come in." a voice finally drifted from behind the closed door.

Aleks stopped his pacing and took a deep breath before entering. He was once more a picture of calm, but he winced when he saw Lariel"s weak complexion.

"Lariel…" he muttered.

"I"m fine. Once I rest a bit, I will once more be by your side. You have nothing to be ashamed of, this was something I chose and it"s okay to let your emotions show sometimes."

Aleks kneeled beside Lariel"s bed and held her hand in his, "If I bring myself to feel, then won"t it be too much for me to bear?"

Lariel looked into Aleks"s eyes with a hint of sadness and she held his hand firmly, "He doesn"t blame you An-Namrud, he never did. You keep so much in your heart, but the matters of the past should be left there. Even when you lived on your original planet, you had kept your emotions and your guilt hidden inside you. Didn"t you blame yourself for the death of your parents? Didn"t you blame yourself for not being able to stop the violence that took place all around you?"

Lariel moved closer until her nose was almost touching Aleks"s and she whispered to him in a soft voice, "You hated everything, but most of all, you hated yourself. You have never forgiven yourself for these things, or for the death of your brother and for the destruction of your world. Your pride is immeasurable, isn"t it An-Namrud? You were only a man and you are still only a man, so then why must you carry the world on your shoulders? Didn"t Ishmael wish to carry your burdens? Don"t you have me to walk the long path laden with your loneliness and guilt? It was never enough and it still isn"t, is it? I may not be able to walk with you for much longer…"

Aleks abruptly pulled himself away from her and stood, unable to look her in the face, "I will not allow anything to happen to you, don"t ever mention this again."

Unwilling to speak with her any longer, Aleks planned to leave, but Lariel called out to him.

"I saw him… Ishmael."

This stopped Aleks immediately. His hand was shaking, the same hand he had used to plunge in the knife.

"Ishmael is dead…" he uttered with some anger.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"That day, it was Ishmael that saved my life. His soul exited the mask and then later returned. He still exists within it. I don"t know why he hasn"t made his presence known until now, perhaps he feels it will be too difficult for you to face him. Maybe that is why, when you met with him in the world within the mask, he said his farewell and then appeared to fade away. He must have done it for you, so that you could forget and move on. Even now, he is still trying to help you in his own way. But… he never really did truly understand you did he? Not like I do. I have seen everything that lies in your mind and I know even the darkness in your heart."

Her words seemed to drive nails into Aleks. The pain was almost unbearable. He remembered yet again, why he both hated and loved her. Aleks composed himself once more, but he still refused to face her.

"I will need you to a.s.sist with managing my forces and planning our next steps. As soon as you are well enough to walk."

With those words, he left. Only Lariel remained sitting upright in her bed.

"Oh An-Namrud.. You are the most wonderful, and the most despicable of men…"


Somewhere on the Steppes, far away from the battle that had taken place among the Horde and the expeditionary army, was an enormous army marching in a disciplined fashion. This was an army entirely made up of Dragonmen. In the sky above their army flew over a dozen dragons of various sizes and colors.

Although this clan of dragons were a clan of black dragons, there were also other species of dragons which had joined their clan as experts. The Dragon King and his clan were the last large group of dragons on the continent. There was a scattering of other dragons across the continent, but none as large and as powerful as the black dragon clan. These were mostly small families or lone wanders, but some of these dragons had joined with the black dragons for their mutual protection. Otherwise, they might very well be hunted for their organs and other parts of their body. Every dragon was a treasure trove of materials.

The dragons overhead roared as the army marched and they looked down with disdain upon those below. Their aura was unrestrained and they showed no respect or concern for anyone as they flew with carefree abandon. Surprisingly, there were several auras of Legendary beings among them. These were powerful adult dragons.

Some of these dragons were considered royalty and were all the offspring of the Dragon King"s clan. As for the Dragonmen, they were merely tools for the dragon"s ambitions and security. They were considered mongrels, mixed breeds, and were inferior to those of true dragon blood. Despite this inferior status, they were still useful and necessary for the survival of the Dragon clan. This didn"t mean that they weren"t expendable though.

Not far in the distance to their marching army was a tribal encampment with thousands of pitched tents. The dragons swiftly flew overhead and rapidly approached the encampment. There were a few hundred thousand Barbarians of different tribes currently mingling within the encampment and as the dragons roared and flew overhead they were not startled.

It was as if the Dragonmen army were expected guests and the chaos and activity of the encampment did not cease. Some looked and pointed at the dragons flying overhead, but they were looks of admiration and respect. There was even a bit of antic.i.p.ation. There were no looks of fear.

After circling around a few times, the dragons descended and just when it seemed they would land with heavy steps amidst the crowd of Barbarians, their bodies suddenly shifted and their bodies shrank, changing form. Some were startled and thought they would be crushed for sure, but to their shock, the Dragons simply shifted into a form not that much different from Humans and they gracefully landed on the floor.

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