Empire Of Souls

Chapter 153

After everyone left, only Aleks and Brock remained in the tent. Aleks was still carefreely lounging on his throne while Brock bowed his head.

"Young master, thank you for granting me this audience."

Brock was polite, but there was some hesitation in his voice and actions. He had been eagerly awaiting this chance to speak with his young master, but when the time came, he wasn"t so sure he wanted it now.

"Brock." Aleks acknowledged him simply. 

Brock carefully eyed his young master without saying anything for a short time. There was an awkward silence, but Aleks didn"t seem to mind. He knew this was difficult for the man who had been with him since he was reincarnated into his current body. Brock was both like a father, and like a friend. Although Aleks didn"t necessarily have the same emotional attachments as someone else might, he still treated Brock differently than others. If anything, he held some respect for this man who had never abandoned him and who had also given up much to do so.

Finally, Brock took a deep breath and spoke, "Young master, your sister is alive." 

Strangely enough, Brock began by speaking of Shelise. He didn"t ask about any of the other strange things surrounding his young master.

"I know." 

Brock wasn"t surprised by his answer, but he was greatly displeased by his nonchalance.

"Young master, you knew and you said nothing? She was in that stronghold! I saw her there, but you didn"t hesitate to destroy those walls or to continue your war. I had hoped you were unaware of this. I looked for her, but I couldn"t find her or her body anywhere. She is your sister! I won"t ask about how you have become so powerful, or the monstrous methods you have displayed in your ambition. I don"t know what is going on, or if you have sold your soul to a devil, and frankly I don"t care. But that is your sister, I swore to your mother to protect the both of you. I thought she was dead and I had given up hope, but now I know she was always alive. And, you knew about all of this?"

Although Brock spoke in such a way, Aleks wasn"t bothered by it and he spoke calmly.

"Shelise has become a mere p.a.w.n of Tihr and is now consumed with hatred towards me. She only wishes my death. Should I have told you that? How would you have reacted to those words? Would you rather I hold out my neck so that they can cut it? There are many things that you do not know, but I do not have the luxury of showing mercy to my enemies. My life is a constant struggle for survival against powers that you can not understand. Do not lecture me when you know nothing."

Brock, who had lost his composure, visibly deflated when he heard Aleks"s words. His shoulders slumped and he seemed to have aged even more. It was a long time until he spoke again.

"You are right. I am just a man, a foolish old man. I have given my life in service to my friend, but the truth is that I did it for the one I loved. It was a one sided love that could never be and I did it willingly, so I only have myself to blame for this tragedy. I have watched over you since your birth and I have given you all I have to give. There is nothing more that I can give you and nothing more that I can teach you. I promised to protect you and your sister. I failed her once, and I don"t intend to do so again. It is clear that you no longer need my protection, but your sister is different. She is alone, lost in a world of hatred and revenge. I don"t wish to see either of you harming the other. This is goodbye young master, I will go to her and protect her. I will try to convince her to give up this folly and I hope that one day the two of you can be brother and sister once more."

Brock bowed for the last time and he turned around and walked away. He didn"t look back and Aleks didn"t stop him. Lariel suddenly appeared from somewhere and came to stand beside Aleks.

"Did you enjoy the show?" Aleks asked.

"Why did you let him go, and why didn"t you tell him the whole truth?"

Aleks finally sat up straight on his throne and removed his mask. His eyes were cold, but there was a hint of red.

"Can I truly be free of all attachments? Am I to be a monster that can only look upon the world with shallow eyes and a shallow heart?"

Lariel raised one eyebrow inquisitively and turned to look at Aleks, "Is there any other way on the path of power?"

"I never wanted power to begin with. I only wanted to see the truth, and I was ready to die."

Lariel laughed, "That was the past."

"Yes, it was."

"And what about now Aleks?"

"You know very well what it is I want now."

Lariel smiled warmly and gently touched Aleks"s face. Although Aleks only saw warmth in that smile, others would see the smile of a devil.


Lariel suddenly and violently coughed uncontrollably, and fell into Aleks arms. He didn"t push her away and there was even a faint look of concern in his eyes which soon became as cold as steel.

"I will end it all. For you, and for me."


Tartarus, a unique place among the Nine h.e.l.ls. It is the first layer of the Nine h.e.l.ls, but it is also connected to the mortal world and is a bridge which allows the devils of the Nine h.e.l.ls, and the mortals of the various worlds, to interact with each other. 

It is a dangerous place inhabited by countless devils, mortals, and even beings at the mythical level and beyond. Although it is an extremely dangerous place, it is the safest of all the levels of the Nine h.e.l.ls and it is the only level of the Nine h.e.l.ls that lacks a Devil Sovereign ruler. It is here that those with ambition search for greater power or deal directly with powerful devils. It is also here where even the darkest of desires can become a reality.

Of course, these ambitions and desires require a heavy price that only a desperate few would be willing to pay. Only those of great strength on par with the denizens of the Nine h.e.l.ls can deal with the devils on an equal footing. Any other would only bring about their own doom and become just another victim unable to escape the cold and brutal grasp of h.e.l.l.

"Traitorous sc.u.m! Even if they call themselves devils, they are still mere angel sp.a.w.n. Only annihilation and oblivion awaits them."

Two shadowy and hooded figures walked across a rock strewn plateau overlooking a gloomy valley. Deep in the valley below was the city of Atlas which was perpetually surrounded by a gloomy haze. The gloomy haze would cause one"s skin to feel as if it were on fire. No normal being would feel comfortable within the haze, but it was a suitable environment for devils.

"Anathema, let"s not waste any more time. Two of our brethren have already died. It was difficult enough getting here from the fifth level. We are very close to achieving our objective. You know very well that our kind would be hunted down if we are discovered. Don"t cause a scene here, understood?"

Anathema glowered at her companion while hidden within her hood, "I already know this Cladem. This place just sickens me."

"Mmm.. if not for inciting the demons to invade Dis, we would not have been able to infiltrate the Nine h.e.l.ls. Even then, we still lost Paucitas and Carrion. Well, they aren"t truly dead just returned to Abaddon. They won"t be able to join us. It will take some time for their bodies to reform."

"All this for a mortal, a human?" Anathema uttered.

"Silence! You know the words of our masters, do not speak as such again. We are to serve this mortal as if we were serving our master. If you speak a word of disrespect again, I will cut you down myself and send you straight back to Abaddon to face the wrath of our masters."

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