Empire Of Souls

Chapter 99

"Aleks, with this you will be able to reach the peak of a DemiG.o.d but it will not be enough to push you further. You should already know this, but there is still much you do not know about the reality that the G.o.ds inhabit. It is not something mortals can comprehend. You will come to understand naturally in time. It isn"t the right moment for you to ascend just yet. Once you do, you will be in danger. This is a necessary step and once you acquire enough strength and the timing is right, then it will be your chance to soar."

Her words were like a temptress whispering in Aleks"s ears. They were pleasant and enticing. Although he didn"t reply, Lariel knew he was listening closely.

"Does it make you uncomfortable little girl?" Lariel turned her head, which was very close to Aleks ear, to look at Lenia.

"I told you to stop calling me that!" replied Lenia in subdued anger.

Lariel giggled, "Don"t blame me. You and the other little girl had plenty of time to get close with him, but you were too hesitant. You can only blame yourselves. Now that I am here, where is there a place for you?"


Lenia was so angry but what could she say? What Lariel said was the truth.

"Enough. We are not here to fool around."

"Hehe, I am only teasing them."

Aleks finally looked at her from behind his mask.

"Hehe, you can act like you don"t like me being this close but I know the truth. I can feel your heart beating faster, even if just slightly."

Aleks continued to stare at her through the mask and didn"t reply before finally walking away from her towards the shrines at the center of the chamber. There were a total of seven shrines, each with an artifact resting on top of them. Aleks"s steps weren"t hurried, but each step was heavy, as if he wished he could crush the earth.

Lenia continued to glare at Lariel before finally tearing her eyes away reluctantly. She knew Lariel was just playing with her, but she couldn"t help herself. Her jealousy was too strong and she knew it was a weakness that Lariel was exploiting.

She could only sigh in frustration.

"I don"t really hate her, If anything, I envy her. Her courage and poise, her demeanor and her strength. I want to be able to show these qualities to master too. I need to become someone he can rely on as well. Only then can I hold my head high and look up at him with confidence."

Lenia firmly gripped the shield and sword in her hands. Her determination began to show through in her eyes as she stared at her master"s back.

"The abomination has come."

"Begone foul creature! You should not be here!"

"You may have beaten our vessel, but we are G.o.ds! Our vengeance will be swift and merciless!"

Powerful voices from the shrines called out in turn. They were voices of warning and righteousness, but Aleks only heard fear.

"Only false G.o.ds, nothing more. You are deluding yourselves if you think that will save you. I have come for one purpose alone, to devour all of you. You shall become my strength and your lives shall serve a greater purpose."

The voices sneered, "Hmph, even if you defeated our vessel, so what? What can you do to us? This is our sanctuary."

"Is that truly what you believe? That I can"t do anything to you? Hahahaha! All I hear is the barking of fools knowing not, that their demise is right before their eyes. Don"t believe me? Then I shall show you. If you had been determined to fight me with everything you had, then perhaps you would have stood a chance. But you were unwilling! You didn"t wish to waste all the many years of acc.u.mulation of divinity from your worshipers, and so you allowed your vessel to be destroyed after only tasting a morsel of my strength. That was your biggest mistake. Now, fade into oblivion!"

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Aleks"s raised both arms in a dramatic gesture, his robes and hair rippled with the rising wind generated by Aleks"s immense aura and power. A ma.s.sive suction force emitted from the gaping maw of his mask. It was an endless abyss that could never be sated, no matter how much it devoured. This suction force was a force that devoured souls and souls alone. These Ancestral Spirits were no longer mortals, but they weren"t yet deities either and their power had been greatly diminished.

Wailing voices could be heard originating from the shrines. It was the voices of the Ancestral spirits that resided within the shrines. They were attempting to struggle against the mask"s vacuous force. Despite their struggle, they were pulled one by one into the cavernous mouth of Aleks"s mask. Their cries reverberated throughout the chamber even after they had all been devoured. Aleks could immediately feel his strength being pushed to the peak of DemiG.o.d. He could feel himself standing at the threshold of divinity. His eyes were closed and his posture was one of ecstasy. The strength pouring into his body was comforting and pleasurable.

The golden mask glowed brightly and was filled with numbers, symbols, and words. Aleks opened his eyes and they too glowed with the light of information. He had drawn his mind inward and was a.n.a.lyzing his new status. His power had finally reached the peak of a DemiG.o.d and only through lighting his G.o.dfire could he advance further. This would require both sufficient Divinity and also a thorough understanding of universal laws.



Human Ascendant


Soul Eater

Soul Reaper

Soul Devourer






Total Level 30





Total HP 2750

Soul Potential

Total Soul Potential 117,800





Total PHY ATK 180





Total PHY DEF 120





Total AGI 130


Astral Soul projection (DEMIG.o.d) (The ability to project one"s soul out of their physical body. Both visual and auditory Information is transmitted to the ability user through the projection. The Astral Soul projection can be housed within a created subordinate or minion, works with "Soul Marionettes", "Soul Puppets", and subordinates created through the "Soul System." Range expanded exponentially, duration is until canceled by user.)

Soul Realm (LEGENDARY) (Creates an even larger dimensional plane within the soul of the user. This plane is a real s.p.a.ce where any object other than living beings and even some structures can be stored or placed, the size is equivalent to a large city)

Banshee"s wail (DEMIG.o.d) (Soul wraiths manifested through soul potential, ability to devour souls instantly of cla.s.ses below Master cla.s.s, kill instantly up to level 90 advanced cla.s.s beings, negative status effects: stun, confusion, temporary paralysis, PHY DEF or PHY ATK down, temporary magic impairment, slowed, up to level 100 master cla.s.s beings in an extended range)

Soul System (DEMIG.o.d) (Upgraded creation menu, Create new life and upgrade them, can create beings of all races except for divine races, Limited to Legendary cla.s.s beings)

Soul puppet (DEMIG.o.d) (Create puppets from deceased beings with cla.s.ses, cost varies based on cla.s.s and level of being, Limited to Master cla.s.s level 100 beings, Limited to 3 Master cla.s.s beings, 20 Advanced beings and 60 intermediate or lower cla.s.s beings, Duration: 3 days, puppets can receive buffs and are immune to most status effects. Additional bonuses to PHY ATK and PHY DEF)

Soul a.n.a.lysis (DEMIG.o.d) (Allows user to a.n.a.lyse a target. Receive information on status of the target including detailed information of their abilities. May be used on DemiG.o.d cla.s.s and below beings)

Soul Reaping (DEMIG.o.d) (Ability to devour all souls of deceased within 1000 foot range of user)

Soul Marionette (DEMIG.o.d) (Instantly create marionettes of all beings in range below master cla.s.s, Marionettes are similar to Soul puppets however their duration is limited to 1 day and their intelligence is limited to basic commands)

Soul Mirage (DEMIG.o.d) (Defensive ability, nulls both PHY. ATK and Magic as long as in effect, requires constant SP consumption to be maintained, reduced SP consumption)

Soul Tendrils (DEMIG.o.d) (Soul attack, Spiritual Tendrils which attack Vitality directly, ignores all defenses of those below DEMIG.o.d, Does damage based on Soul Potential consumed, can be used for both attack and defense, extended range of tendrils), Tendrils can now form wings allowing for short term flight.

Soul Domain This is an extension of the "Soul Realm" ability which now manifests within the real world. Anywhere your influence spreads in the lands you control become your domain. In your domain, you have the ability to sense all things, this includes those living within your domain as well. You can alter a variety of elements of your domain. This includes the climate, geography, and natural aspects of your domain. Those who serve you receive a variety of benefits while in your domain and this can be expanded on or altered by expending "Soul Potential". You also receive a variety of beneficial effects while in your domain.

Soul Flare (Flames of the soul, these flames are created through the potential of the soul and are everlasting. Creates ethereal violet flames which directly attack the soul, draining VIT, MAG POW, decreasing PHY ATK, PHY DEF and AGI. Only the power of divinity can protect one from these flames, ignores MAG RES)

Aleks was pleased with his new status. Although he had just gained a significant amount of "Soul Potential" after devouring the Ancestral Spirits, some of that "SP" he used to convert directly to divinity and some he used to upgrade his abilities. Converting "SP" to divinity would grant him more control over his domain and also bring him closer to being able to light his own G.o.dfire. His control over his domain had increased enough to double the size of the land where his domain spread. He wouldn"t be able to increase it further however without more followers.

Now, Aleks had the strength of an entire army all on his own. He could create a small force of puppets or wipe out an entire army of elites and turn them into his marionettes. He had nothing to fear from any mortal, only certain beings on the same level as him could pose any threat. However, he could easily count with his fingers how many beings were at that level. Of course, comparing his power to that of the G.o.ds was pointless. To a G.o.d, he was still too weak. Thankfully, the G.o.ds were somewhat limited in how much they could interfere with the mortal world. He would still need to be cautious of the descent of a G.o.d into a saint vessel though.

As long as he didn"t attempt to light his G.o.dfire, the G.o.ds wouldn"t directly interfere. Things would change if he were successfully able to transcend his mortal body and become a deity. There were different rules which applied to those who were deities, it was just that getting to that point was extremely difficult.

"Now that we have accomplished our objective here, it is time to leave."

Aleks turned to look at his companions and removed his mask. His eyes sparkled like gems and his aura had become even more oppressive and awe inspiring. He was beginning to radiate divinity and while he didn"t yet have the body of a G.o.d, it was becoming much more transcendent. In his companion"s eyes, Aleks had become even more handsome and magnificent to behold.

"Master, where do we go now?" asked Lenia after she calmed her breathing from her rapidly beating heart.

"There is a very interesting show about to be put on, we shouldn"t miss it. Lenia, collect the relics on the shrines. Even if the Ancestral Spirits are gone, they should still have a bit of power in them. They could serve as magical accessories. Lariel, once we leave this place, destroy everything. Leave nothing in tact."

Aleks and his group soon left the cavern and with having accomplished everything they sought out to do, they once more made their way across the Steppes. Those who had survived the destruction of The Canyon, spread the word of what happened there in all directions. Soon, all would know of the birth of a new, unimaginably powerful being on the Steppes.

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