
Chapter 12

"COME OUT!" Some men say with guns, outside of the bus.

Carrie looks at Ellis. "What do you think they want?"

"I don"t know! But I"m guessing they won"t stop until they get it!" he says terrified.

She looks at the bus door. It"s open, facing the woods. "That"s it!" She says looking at him.

"What is?" He looks back at her.

"Go get everyone and tell them to sneak off the bus using the front door." She crawls toward the door.

"What about you?" He asks.

"I"ll distract them" She runs off the bus before Ellis can stop her.

"Carrie!" He yells but she doesn"t stay. He turns to the group. He quickly tells them all to follow him. As they do that Carrie is facing the two men.

"Well well" One of the men say smiling creepily at her. "She"s a pretty one! Isn"t she?" He looks at the other man.

"Oh yeah! She is.." He licks his lips.

Carrie swallows hard.

"We are gonna have fun with you!" One of the men grab her arm and push to the ground.

"OW!" She yells as they do.

Everyone is still getting off the bus. The last person is Finn. He stares outside looking at the men.

Ellis pulls on his arm. "Lets go!"

But Finn doesn"t move.

"Dude come on-"

"She needs us..." Finn looks at the men starting to remover Carries clothes.

"NO!" She cries out. She fights them back.

"She made her choice! She did this to save us" Ellis says pulling on Finn again.

"No. It"s not right!" Finn says angry.

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Ellis rolls his eyes. "She"ll be fine. Just do what I"m doing and get off this d.a.m.n bus"

"No Ellis." Finn turns to him. "I"m not going to be like you." He pushes back him but stops in the doorway. "There"s a difference between me and you, Ellis. I don"t give in so easily" Finn marches off the bus and heads towards the men. Leaving Ellis clutching his fists.

The men see Finn approach.

"Oh hey there little fella!" One of the men say while laughing.

"Little guy?" The other guy says looking, Finn, up and down. "He"s pretty tall and buff for a little guy"

"No..Finn don"t" Carrie whispers. Her shirt ripped a little, showing some cleavage.

"Whatever man" He looks at Finn. "Listen, just go back to where ever you cam from and let us continue"

"No.." Finn says angry. He clutches his fists.

"Excuse me? Did you not hear me? Leave or I"ll remover your other eye!" The man laughs. The other one joins in.

Finn starts to laugh with them. Both men look startled.

Finn looks at them while smiling. "You know...I never told anyone how I got my eye removed..." He rolls up his sleeves. "Cause..." He whispers. "I killed a man over it.." He quickly tackles one of them. Making the man drop his weapon.

Carrie hurries and grabs it. Finn pulls the man up and a knife to his throat.

The other man is shocked.

Finn smiles. "Tell your friend to give up his gun to the girl or say goodbye to this world"

The man cries. "Okay! Okay!" He looks at the other man and nods.

They guy tosses the gun to Carrie. "There!"

Finn whispers in the mans ear. "If you dare try anything I will cut your d.i.c.k off and shove it down your throat so it can stick out your a.s.s" He throws him to the ground.

Both men run away scared s.h.i.tless.

Carrie stares in shock.

Finn turns to her. He walks up to her. "You okay?" He sees her shirt ripped. "Here" He removes his jacket and throws it to the ground. "You can have my shirt." he takes off his shirt.

Carrie stares in awe but looks away blushing.

"Here" He hands her the shirt as he does he takes the gun from her. He lays it on the ground so he can turn to get his jacket.

Carrie notices marks on his back. They look like slash marks.

He zips up his jacket and turns to her. "You can put it on." He smiles.

She starts to tear up and hugs him tightly. "Thank you! Thank you!" She hugs tighter.

He blushes and hugs back. "No need."

She stops hugging him.

He sees tears on her cheek. He wipes them away. "Hey don"t cry." He smiles warmly at her.

She smiles. "I know but thank you" She leans forward and kisses him on the cheek.

He blushes madly. He looks away. "I"ll leave you to change." he puts his hands in his pockets and walks away.

Carrie smiles at him. She hurries and switches shirts. She sighs as she throws the shirt on the ground. She grabs both guns as she walks to find Finn. She finds him in the woods standing.

"Do you know where everyone went?" He looks at her.

"I think.." She looks into the woods. She hands him one of the guns. "Lets go" She begins to walk in the deep woods. Finn follows her.

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