
Chapter 6

When we left off John and Joe got kidnapped by Simon. So lets pick up from there.

The car went down the road.

"Bye Carrie..." John said watching her leave.

"Oh shut up!" a man in the driver seat yelled.

"Hey Mack chill. Hes with us" Simon said getting in the pa.s.senger seat. He shut the door. "Okay lets go."

The man started the car and the other cars behind started to drive behind them.

"Can you get these handcuffs off or no?" John said angry.

Simon un cuffed him. "Is that better princess?" He laughed.

John rolled his eyes. "So what took you so long?"

"Well..." Simon said as he lit a cigarette. He breathed in. "I wanted to wait until the right time and well it worked didn"t it?" he let out the smoke.

John grabbed the pack of cigarettes and a lighter. "Well lets hope" he lit the cigarette.

"So when do you think she wants her daughter?" Simon said taking another hit.

"Well knowing her...." John let out some smoke. "she wont stop until she finds her"

"Oh like what does she want with her?" Simon asked putting his cigarette out.

"Well lets just say she wont stop this until Carrie is found." John looked out the window. He took another hit.

"Stop what?" Mack asked while he drove.

"Shush Mack. This doesn"t concern you." Simon said patting his shoulder.

Mack shook his head.

"Anyways what are we going to do with the other guy?" Simon said looking at John

"Do whatever you want. He isn"t my problem" John said throwing his cigarette out the window.

"Well I did always want to kill someone-" Simon started to say when one of the cars behind them hit the back of the car. "The h.e.l.l?"

John looked behind them. He noticed the car was on their b.u.t.t. "Whats wrong with your men?"

Suddenly the car behind them hit them hard. Knocking both cars off the road. They both crashed into the ditch.

"s.h.i.t.." John said looking around. He saw he was in a ditch. He looked in the front seat and saw Mack had smashed his head into the steering wheel. "d.a.m.n.." he looked in Simon"s seat and saw he had flew through the windshield. He saw him in the front of the car still moving. John climbed out and went to Simon. He saw his leg was broken.

"d.a.m.n it! My f.u.c.king leg!" Simon yelled in pain.

"Okay listen you need to stop moving." John said trying to figuring out how to fix this.

"Okay okay" Simon said breathing heavily.

John went to pick him up when he heard Joe yelling.

"John help!"

John turned to see Joe laying on the ground. "d.a.m.n it" John looked at Joe and Simon. He didn"t know who to help. He heard Carries voice in his head. "They are good people John. They helped us" He sighed. So he ran to Joe. "Come on" He helped him up and put him up against a car.

"Thank you John" Joe said trying not to scream in pain.

John nodded. He knew he had to help Simon but if Joe knew he was with Simon Joe would probably kill him.

"Here take this and kill him" Joe said handing John a gun and pointing to Simon.

John grabbed the gun and looked at Simon. He couldn"t kill him.

"John!" Simon yelled.

"John kill him! Or I will!" Joe yelled.

John panicked and hit Joe in the head. Making him pa.s.s out. He ran to Simon. "Come on" He picked up Simon and put him on the gra.s.s.

"Hey!" A tall young man yelled from a distant.

John turned and pointed the gun to the man.

"John wait! That"s my son!" Simon pleaded.

John put the gun down.

"Dad what happened?" The boy said running up and bending down to his father.

John noticed the boy had a eye patch. He also looked almost like Simon. You could tell that he was his father.

"Finn I"m fine" Simon told the young boy.

"I didn"t know you had a boy" John said chuckling.

"Yeah I forgot to tell you." Simon said smiling.

"Dad are you going to be okay?" Finn asked worried for his father.

"I"m fine." Simon turned to John. "Listen please take Finn and the other over there" he pointed to Joe.

"What?" Finn said confused.

"Shut up!" Simon hit Finn on the side of the face.

John looked away before it happened.

"Yes sir..."Finn said standing.

"John please. When the others come to get me they will kill you. They are Ellxa"s men. So get out of here and take my son." Simon said sitting up. "And kill that b.i.t.c.h"

John nodded. "Okay" He got up and grabbed Finns shirt and pulled Finn with him to Joe. "Help me" He grabbed one side of Joe and Finn grabbed the other side. They carried him to one of the cars that weren"t badly beat up. He started the car and turned to Finn. "Listen, your name is Finn and you came here after the wreak in search to find any one alive. And don"t say anything about who your father is and where you really came from. Okay?"

"What do you mean?" Finn asked confused.

"Okay?" John said raising a brow.

Finn nodded.

John started down the road. He came across a blue car on the side of the road. Zombies were around the car. But they were dead. John realized it was the same car that Carrie left in. He stopped the car. "Carrie..." he got out and went to the car.

Finn got out as well to figure out what was going on.

John looked in the car. "Empty" He said sighing.

"Maybe they left" Finn said kicking a zombie. "d.a.m.n whoever killed this zombie was hardcore." he looked at the eyes. "They pushed in their eyes"

"Lets go" John said getting in the car.

Finn followed.

"I think they just left a little while ago." John said starting the car.

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