
Chapter 14

The wind was heavy. The sun was shinning bright. But Shawn didn"t care. He sat on a rock. He was staring at two head stones. Both were rocks with blood on them. He had wrote in his blood their names. His eyes were swollen. Ellis stood beside him.

"May they rest in peace" Ellis puts his hand on his fathers shoulder.

Shawn stands fast. "I will make whoever pay for doing this" He turns to his boy. "I want you to know that I care about you" He hugs his son.

Ellis hugs him back. "I know dad...." he looks at his mother"s and sister"s graves. "I will too.." He whispers.

Shawn pulls away an smiles at him. "I love you" He walks to the group.

Ellis stands there, looking at the graves.

Ella walks up behind him. "Hi.." She stands there looking at him.

Ellis sighs. "What?" He looks at her.

Ella looks at the ground. "I know it"s hard and stuff..." she pauses. "but I promise over time things get better" She looks up at him.

Ellis smiles a little but it fades. "Thanks" He hugs her.

"What seemed like a second was like forever" she thought. She smiled big as she blushed.

He pulled away. "Later.." he walked off to the group.

She smiled big. "Yes!" She whispered. She looked at the graves. "G.o.d rest your soul" She turned to go with the others. But when she did she heard Bailey scream.

Everyone looked at Bailey.

"OH MY G.o.d!" Bailey screamed as she ran.

"Bailey no!" Eva said trying to run after her.

"Honey" Joe caught her before she ran away. "Whats wrong?"

Bailey smiled. "Carrie"s back!" She got out of her father"s grip and ran to Carrie.

Joe, and the others, all looked the directed she was running to. Carrie and two others were walking with her.

"Hey" Carrie stopped as she hugged Bailey. "I missed her"

Bailey giggled. "I missed you too"

Kizzy smiled. "Awe"

Bailey stopped and looked up at her. "Whose this?" She walked up to Kizzy. "She smells weird."

Before Carrie could say anything, Joe stepped in.

"Carrie could I have a word?" Joe asked crossing his arms.

Carrie nodded.

They both went a little away while the others got to know the new girl.

"I know she"s new but I know what I"m doing" She said looking at him.

"That"s not it" He sighed. "Do you know where your uncle is?"

Carrie shook her head. "No. I haven"t seen him since a day ago."

Joe looked at her. "Okay well he lied to you. That boy he brought back, whatever his name is, was not a captive like us. I don"t know who he is but he wasn"t there when me and John got taken away"

Carrie stands there shocked. "John would never-"

"Just think about it. Please.." Joe says as he walks away before she could say anything else.

Carrie stares at Finn. "Could you really be an enemy?" She whispers to herself. She shook her head. "No! I will not let him get to my head. John would never lie to me....never..." She looked at her necklace around her neck. "Or would he?"

The Military Base

John sits in one of the tents. He was brushing his teeth.

Simon walks in. "You okay?" He leans on the tent wall.

John spits out. "No.." He rises out his mouth. "I turned in the only family I had left..." he turns to face Simon. "And now I have to work under her" He groans as he sits on his bed. He starts to put on his shoes.

Simon laughs. "It"s not so bad. She is pretty hot though"

John rolls his eyes. "So what if she is? She is still a cruel person!"

Just than a woman walks in. Her hair was short. Her eyes a light purple. Her hair was jet black. She was wearing a lab coat. Simon stand straight when she enters.

"Mam!" Simon says saluting her.

John laughs. "Suck up"

Simon growls.

The woman laughs. "Its okay Simon." She turns to John. "We go way back. So he doesn"t have to do exactly everything I tell him"

John stands. "Yeah I don"t" He crosses his arms.

"I take it that you made yourself at home?" She walks around.

John rolls his eyes. "Yeah I did." He sits somewhat on the desk.

"John, I know you know why I"m here? And why your here?" She sits on the bed.

John crosses his arms. "Yeah I know" He closes his eyes. "I know why you wanted me to come." He looks up at her. "You want to know where your daughter is."

She nods. "Yes, indeed." She stands. "But I also need something else. But right now I need to know if you promised me that she would be in the spot that you left her." She crosses her arms.

"She is. I left her there. I had too" He chuckles. "Now what else do you need?"

She smiles. "Oh you"ll know when I need it." She begins to walk to the doorway but stops. "John, I hope you"re telling me the truth...because" She looks at him in the corner of her eye. "if not I"ll have to kill you" She smiles as she leaves.

John growls. "If you can."

Simon looks at him. "You just wanna pick a fight don"t you?"

John rolls his eyes. "No.." He sits on his bed. "I don"t. All I want is for everything to go back to normal" He rubs his eyes. "G.o.d my head hurts."

"Well to bad!" Simon picks him up by his shirt. "We got work to do!"

John groans. "Yeah I know. I do not miss being in the army."

They both walk out of the tent.

Back With The Group

They all are walking. The wind pushes on them as they get deeper in the woods.

Carrie walks as she messes with her strap to her blade.

Kizzy looks over at her. "Everything okay?" She whispers.

Carrie shrugs. "I don"t know." She takes a deep breath. "I don"t know who to trust anymore..."

Kizzy looks at her worried. "Hey don"t feel down. I know you just met me but I promise I won"t let you down!" She smiles big.

Carrie smiles. "Thanks."

They hug.

Ellis stares at Carrie in a distant.

Ella walks up to him. "Heya!" She smiles big.

He sighs. "What?"

She giggles. "Nothingg" She stares at him.

He looks at her. "Ugh" He rolls his eyes. "Why do you keep bugging me?"

She shrugs. "Oh nothing. Just wanted to say hi" She walks away

He looks at her. "Weirdo" He blushes a little but it fades when he looks over at Carrie. "d.a.m.n it"

Finn walks ahead of him.

Ellis walks beside of him. "Hey listen..."

"What?" Finn says not looking at him.

Ellis sighs. "I"m sorry about me"

Finn looks at him in the corner of his eye.

"I"m sorry that I acted like a tool" Ellis scratches his head.

Finn smiles. "Good start" He walks faster.

Ellis raises a brow but smiles.

Ella growls. "I don"t know what he sees in her" She crosses her arms.

Bailey smiles. "Its because she has b.o.o.bies!" She cups her flat chest and laughs.

Ella groans. "Why can"t I hit p.u.b.erty yet!"

Eva turns to her girls. "Sweety don"t worry. I didn"t hit p.u.b.erty until I was 17." She smiles. "Hope that helps"

Ella sighs. "Great.." She watches Ellis from a distant.

Miley suddenly screams.

Everyone stops.

"What is it Miley?" Shawn yells as he runs to her.

She jumps up and down. "HOME!" She points to a cabin in the distant.

"That"s your home?" He says staring at the cabin.

It was a small cabin with barb wire fence around the whole thing.

"d.a.m.n.." Carrie says looking at the cabin.

"Oh I can"t wait to see my babies!" Miley yells as she runs to the cabin.

"Wait Miley!" Matt yells after her.

Carrie laughs as she watches but she than looks over at Shawn. "You okay?" She looks at him. He seemed too down.
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Shawn smiled weakly. "I"m okay. But I don"t think anyone told you yet...but..." he bites his lip. "June and Faith are dead..."

Carries eyes widen. "Oh my G.o.d" She hugs him. "I"m so sorry"

He hugs back. "Thanks but I promise I"ll be okay. I just now need to find the sick some of b.i.t.c.h that killed her!"

Carrie looks at him confused. "How do you know someone killed her?"

He sighs. "She had a gun shot between her eyes."

Carrie looks worried. She remembers the morning when no one could find June or John! "Could what happened to her had happen to John? Or worse...that he killed her?" She cries a little but shakes her head. "Okay!"

Shawn looks at her.

"Shawn! I promise that I will do everything in my path to find that murder even if it kills me!" She smiles at him.

Shawn smiles. "Thanks kiddo" He hugs her before kissing her head.

"Guys come on! Lets go!" Miley yells all excited.

"At least someone is having a great day" Carrie laughs.

Shawn smiles. "Someone needs too"

They all walk up to the cabin. It was huger up close.

"How come the barb wire?" Ellis asks as he stares at it.

Miley smiles. "My-" She stops. "My partner doesn"t like pest so they did it!"

"Miley how come you don"t say much about your "partner"?" Eva asks confused.

Miley sighs. "Well-"

Before she can say anything a woman, with mixed skin and a skinny figure, came out of the cabin. She held a shotgun in her hand.

"WHO THE h.e.l.l ARE YOU PEOPLE!" She demanded.

"Miley who is that?" Shawn asks scared.

"Well that"s-" Miley starts to say when the woman shots in the air.

"WE AREN"T HERE TO KILL YOU!" Carrie yells as she ducks.

The woman laughs. "YEAH RIGHT!" She stops. "I know that rack anywhere..." She starts cry. "MILEY IS THAT YOU?"

Miley smiles big. "YES IT IS BABY!"

"Baby?" Mike looks at Carrie.

Carrie shrugs.

The woman presses the b.u.t.ton to let them in. "BABY!" She runs to Miley.

Miley runs at her too. "I missed you!"

They hugged.

"Miley care to explain?" Shawn asks confused.

The woman growls. "How dare you ask her a question! She doesn"t have to listen to white male men like you!" She points the gun to him.

Carrie quickly gets between them. "Hey hey. Listen he wasn"t doing no such thing. We all wanted to know why Miley was acting so weird. That"s all" She laughs nervously as the gun is pointed to her.

The woman looks Carrie up and down. "Say do I know you?"

Carrie shakes her head.

"Hmm. Well must have been another lady" She puts the gun behind her. "Anyways thanks for returning my lady. Later" She begins to leave with Miley when Miley stops her.

"Jackie we will not leave these nice people out here!" She stomps her feet.

Jackie sighs. "Baby but-"

Miley crosses her arms.

Jackie gets on her knees. "I"m sorry! They can come!"

Miley smiles. "Good!" She turns to everyone else. "Come on!" She walks past Jackie and goes into the house.

Jackie growls. "Ugh." She stands and follows her.

Everyone looks at each other.

"Wellp lets go!" Mike starts to walk up when Carrie stops him.

"Really?" She laughs.

"What? Free food?" He smiles. "I need fooood!" He runs to the cabin.

She sighs. "Fine.."

They all walk in the cabin. Most of them still confused about what had happened.

At The Military Base Lab

The woman from earlier sighs as she stands in front of a body in a tub. "Why can"t I have one good experiment!" She presses a b.u.t.ton to shock the person in the tub.

A man in a lab coat walks up to her. "Don"t stress too much." He had dark hair with gla.s.ses. He also had a mustache.

"I know." She turns around. "I love you" She kisses him.

He pulls away after a minute. "I think you"ll be pleased that one of your experiments have worked." He moves out of the way to show a girl with red bright hair. Her eyes were the same as the man, green.

"Hi master!" The girl bows.

The woman laughs. "Awe yes!" She walks to the girl. "I almost forgot about project Rosie" She touches her face. "I did pretty well huh?"

"You did mom" Rosie says smiling.

"Oh no!" The woman moves away. "You need to fix that! I can"t let her keep calling me mom."

Rosie sighs.

"Josh?" The woman shoves him.

Josh jumps. "Yes mam!" He turns to the girl. "Come on lets go!" He pulls Rosie away.

Rosie stares at the woman. "Why can"t you love me mommy...like you do her.." A memory of Carrie comes to her mind. "I will destroy you!"

The woman smiles as she looks at her ipad. "There you are.." She looks at the screen. Carrie is shown with Finn in a room with boxes.

"Miss Elxa. John will like to see you" A man in armor says as he enters the room.

"Very well." She lays the ipad down. "I will find you" She walks away.

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