_Note_ 7. Are still more _difficult to be comprehended_.--most _doubtful_, or _precarious_ way, &c.--_This model comes nearer perfection than any I_, &c.

RULE 19: _Note. That_ sort.--_these_ two hours.--_This_ kind, &c.--He saw one _person_, or more _than one_, enter the garden.

_Note_ 2. Better than _himself_.--_is_ so small.--_his_ station may be, _is_ bound by the laws.

_Note_ 3. On _each_ side, &c.--took _each_ his censer.

RULE 20. _Whom_ did they, &c.--They _whom_ opulence,--_whom_ luxury, &c.--_Him_ and _them_ we know, &c.--_Her_ that is negligent, &c.--my brother and _me_ &c.--_Whom_ did they send, &c.--_Them whom_ he, &c.

RULE 21. It is _I_.--If I were _he_.--it is _he_, indeed.--_Whom_ do you, &c.--_Who_ do men say, &c.--and _who_ say ye, &c.--_whom_ do you imagine it to have been?--it was _I_; but you knew that it was _he_.

RULE 25. Bid him _come_--durst not _do_ it.--Hear him _read,_ &c.--makes us _approve_ and _reject_, &c.--better _to_ live--than _to_ outlive, &c.--_to_ wrestle.

RULE 26: _Note_. The taking _of_ pains: or, without taking pains, &c.--The changing _of_ times,--the removing and setting up _of_ kings.

RULE 28: _Note_ 3. He _did_ me--I had _written_--he _came_ home.--_befallen_ my cousin--he would have _gone_.--already _risen_.--is _begun_.--is _spoken_.--would have _written_--had they _written_, &c.

RULE 29: _Note_ 1. It cannot, _therefore_, be, &c.--he was _not often_ pleasing.--should _never_ be separated.--We may live _happily_, &c.

RULE 30: _Note_. I don"t know _any thing_; or, I _know_ nothing, &c.--I did not see _anybody_; or, I saw _n.o.body_, &c.--Nothing ever _affects_ her.--_and_ take no shape _or_ semblance, &c.--There _can_ be nothing, &c.--_Neither_ precept _nor_ discipline is so forcible as example.

RULE 31. For _himself_.--among _themselves_.--_with whom_ he is, &c.--_With whom_ did, &c.--_From whom_ did you receive instruction?

RULE 33. My brother and _he_, &c.--You and _I_, &c. _He_ and I--John and _he_, &c.--Between you and _me_, &c.

RULE 34. And _entreat_ me, &c.--and _acting_ differently, &c.

_Note_ 1. But _he_ may return--but _he_ will write no more.

_Note_ 2. Unless it _rain_.--If he _acquire_ riches, &c.

RULE 35. Than _I_--as well as _he_, than _they_.--but _he_.--but _he_ and _I_.--but _them_ who had gone astray.

_Promiscuous Examples_.--_Him_ who is from eternity, &c.--_depends_ all the happiness,--which _exists_, &c.--the enemies _whom_, &c.--Is it _I_ or _he whom_ you requested?--Though great _have_ been,--sincerely _acknowledge_.--There _was_, in the metropolis.--exercising our memories.--_was_ consumed.--Affluence _may_ give--but _it_ will not.--of this world often choke.--_Them_ that honor,--and _they_ that despise.--I intended _to call_ last week.--the fields look _fresh_ and _gay_.--very _neatly, finely woven_ paper.--where I _saw_ Gen. Andrew Jackson, _him_ who.--Take the _first two_,--_last three_.--thirty _feet_ high.--_a_ union,--_a_ hypothesis.--I have _seen_ him _to whom_ you wrote, he would have _come_ back, or _returned_.--_understands_ the nature,--he _rejects_.--If thou _study_,--thou _wilt_ become.--is not _properly_ attended to.--He _knew_.--therefore, to _have_ done it,--_than_ the t.i.tle.--very _independently_.--duty to _do_.--my _friend"s_ entering.--is the _best_ specimen, or it _comes nearer_ perfection _than any_, &c.--blow _them_, will go, &c.--_Each of those two authors has his_ merit.--_Reason"s_ whole,--_lie_ in.--_strikes_ the mind,--than if _the parts had been adjusted_,--with _perfect_ symmetry.

Satire _does_ not carry in _it_.--_composes_ the triangle.--_persons"_ opportunities were _ever_.--It _has been_ reported.--should _never_ be.--situation _in which_.--_is_ thoroughly versed in _his_.--_are_ the soul,--_follows_ little.--An army _presents_.--_are_ the _duties_ of a christian.--happier than _he_.--_always_ have _inclined_, and _which always_ will incline him to offend.--which _require_ great.--_Them_ that honor me, will I.--_has_ opinions peculiar to _itself_.--that _it may_ be said _he attained_ monarchical.--_hast_ permitted,--_wilt_ deliver.--_was_ formerly propagated.--the measure _is_,--unworthy your.--_were_ faithless.--After I _had_ visited.--nor shall _I_, consent.--Yesterday I intended to _walk_ out, but _was_.--_make_ or _are_ thirteen,--_leave_ three.--If he _go_,--make _the eighth time_ that he _will have_ visited.--_is_ n.o.bler.--was possessed, or _that ever_ can be.--one great _edifice_,--smaller _ones_.--honesty _is_.--it to _be_.--_will_ follow me,--I _shall_ dwell.--_is_ gone astray.--he could, not _have done_.--_feeling_ a propensity.



_Corrections of the Exercises in Punctuation_.

RULE 1. Idleness is the great fomenter of all corruptions in the human heart. The friend of order has made half his way to virtue. All finery is a sign of littleness.

RULE 2. The indulgence of a harsh disposition, is the introduction to future misery. To be totally indifferent to praise or censure, is a real defect in character. The intermixture of evil in human society, serves to exercise the suffering graces and virtues of the good.

RULE 3. Charity, like the sun, brightens all its objects. Gentleness is, in truth, the great avenue to mutual enjoyment. You, too, have your failings. Humility and knowledge, with poor apparel, excel pride and ignorance, under costly attire. The best men often experience disappointments. Advice should be seasonably administered. No a.s.sumed behavior can always hide the real character.

RULE 4. Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations.

Continue, my dear child, to make virtue thy chief study. Canst thou expect, thou betrayer of innocence, to escape the hand of vengeance?

Death, the king of terrors, chose a prime minister. Hope, the balm of life, sooths us under every misfortune. Confucius, the great Chinese philosopher, was eminently good, as well as wise. The patriarch Joseph is an ill.u.s.trious example of true piety.

RULE 5. Peace of mind being secured, we may smile at misfortune. To enjoy present pleasure, he sacrificed his future ease and reputation.

His talents, formed for great enterprises, could not fail of rendering him conspicuous. The path of piety and virtue, pursued with a firm and constant spirit, will a.s.suredly lead to happiness. All mankind compose one family, a.s.sembled under the eye of one common Father.


RULE 6. We have no reason to complain of the lot of man, nor of the mutability of the world. Sensuality contaminates the body, depresses the understanding, deadens the moral feelings of the heart, and degrades man from his rank in creation.

Self-conceit, presumption, and obstinacy, blast the prospect of many a youth. He is alternately supported by his father, his uncle, and his elder brother. The man of virtue and honor, will be trusted, relied upon, and esteemed. Conscious guilt renders one mean-spirited, timorous, and base. An upright mind will never be at a loss to discern what is just and true, lovely, honest, and of good report. Habits of reading, writing, and thinking, are the indispensable qualifications of a good student. The great business of life is, to be employed in doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with our G.o.d. To live soberly, righteously, and piously, comprehends the whole of our duty.

In our health, life, possessions, connexions, pleasures, there are causes of decay imperceptibly working. Deliberate slowly, execute promptly. An idle, trifling society, is near akin to such as is corrupting. This unhappy person had been seriously, affectionately admonished, but in vain.

RULE 7. How much better it is to get wisdom than gold. The friendships of the world can exist no longer than interest cements them. Eat what is set before you. They who excite envy, will easily incur censure. A man who is of a detracting spirit, will misconstrue the most innocent words that can be put together. Many of the evils which occasion our complaints of the world, are wholly imaginary.

The gentle mind is like the smooth stream, which reflects every object in its just proportion, and in its fairest colors. In that unaffected civility which springs from a gentle mind, there is an incomparable charm. The Lord, whom I serve, is eternal. This, is the man we saw yesterday.

RULE 8. Idleness brings forward and nourishes many bad pa.s.sions. True friendship will, at all times, avoid a rough or careless behavior.

Health and peace, a moderate fortune, and a few friends, sum up all the undoubted articles of temporal felicity. Truth is fair and artless, simple and sincere, uniform and consistent. Intemperance destroys the strength of our bodies and the vigor of our minds.

RULE 9. As a companion, he was severe and satirical; as a friend, captious and dangerous. If the spring put forth no blossoms, in summer there will be no beauty, and in autumn, no fruit. So, if youth be trifled away without improvement, manhood will be contemptible, and old age, miserable.

RULE 10. They believed he was dead. He did not know that I was the man.

I knew she was still alive. The greatest misery is, to be condemned by our own hearts. The greatest misery that we can endure, is, to be condemned by our own hearts.


RULE 1. The path of truth is a plain and safe path; that of falsehood is a perplexing maze. Heaven is the region of gentleness and friendship; h.e.l.l, of fierceness and animosity. As there is a worldly happiness, which G.o.d perceives to be no other than disguised misery; as there are worldly honors, which, in his estimation, are a reproach; so, there is a worldly wisdom, which, in his sight, is foolishness.

But all subsists by elemental strife; And pa.s.sions are the elements of life.


RULE 1. The three great enemies to tranquillity, are vice, superst.i.tion, and idleness: vice, which poisons and disturbs the mind with bad pa.s.sions; superst.i.tion, which fills it with imaginary terrors; idleness, which loads it with tediousness and disgust.

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