In a ---- panic, many a sound business house goes down for want of power to realize instantly on valuable securities.

FINE (page 172).


1. From what is _fine_ derived, and what is its original meaning? 2.

How, from this primary meaning does _fine_ become a synonym of _excellent_ and _beautiful_? 3. How does it come into connection with _clarified_, _clear_, _pure_, _refined_? 4. How is it connected with _dainty_, _delicate_, and _exquisite_? 5. How does _fine_ come to be a synonym for _minute_, _comminuted_? How for _filmy_, _tenuous_? for _keen_, _sharp_? Give instances of the use of _fine_ in its various senses.


Some people are more ---- than wise.

---- feathers do not always make ---- birds.

The ----est balances must be kept under gla.s.s, because so ----ly adjusted as to be ---- to a film of dust or a breath of air.

FIRE (page 173).


1. What is the essential fact underlying the visible phenomena which we call _fire_? 2. What is _combustion_? 3. How wide is its range of meaning? 4. What is a _conflagration_?


He"s gone, and who knows how he may report Thy words by adding fuel to the ----?

Lo! as he comes, in Heaven"s array, And scattering wide the ---- of day.

FLOCK (page 173).


1. What is the most general word of this group? 2. What is a _group_, and of what cla.s.s of objects may it be composed? 3. To what cla.s.s of animals does _brood_ apply? to what cla.s.s does _litter_ apply? 4. Of what is _bevy_ used? _flock_? 5. To what is _herd_ limited? 6. Of what is _pack_ used? 7. What is a _drove_?


What is not good for the ---- is not good for the bee.

He heard the bleating of the ----s and the twitter of birds among the trees.

The lowing ---- winds slowly o"er the lea.

Excited ----s gathered at the corners discussing the affair.

A ---- of brightly clad women and children were enjoying a picnic under the trees.

FLUCTUATE (page 173).


1. What is the meaning of _fluctuate_? 2. In what one characteristic do _swerve_ and _veer_ differ from _oscillate_, _fluctuate_, _undulate_, and _waver_? 3. What is the difference in mental action between _hesitate_ and _waver_? between _vacillate_ and _waver_? 4. Which of the above-mentioned words apply to persons? which to feelings?


Thou almost mak"st me ---- in my faith.

The surface of the prairies rolls and ---- to the eye.

It is almost universally true that the human mind ---- at the moment of committing a crime.

The vessel suddenly ---- from her course.

FLUID (page 174).


1. What is a _fluid_? 2. Into what two sections are _fluids_ divided? 3.

What is a _liquid_? a _gas_? 4. Are all _liquids_ _fluids_? 5. Are _gases_ _fluids_? 6. Are _gases_ ever _liquids_? 7. What substance is at once a _liquid_ and a _fluid_ at the ordinary temperature and pressure?


Now nature paints her colors, how the bee Sits on the bloom, extracting ---- sweet.

This earth was once a ---- haze of light.

FOLLOW (page 174).

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