Perhaps the widest and best known ---- of Biology, is that organisms grow.

INDUSTRIOUS (page 215).


1. How does _busy_ differ from _industrious_? 2. What is the implication if we say one is _industrious_ just now? 3. What does _diligent_ add to the meaning of _industrious_?


Look cheerfully upon me, Here, love; thou see"st how ---- I am.

The ---- have no time for tears.

INDUSTRY (page 216).


1. What is _industry_? 2. What does _a.s.siduity_ signify as indicated by its etymology? _diligence_? 3. How does _application_ compare with _a.s.siduity_? 4. What is _constancy_? _patience_? _perseverance_? 5. What is _persistence_? What implication does it frequently convey? 6. How does _industry_ compare with _diligence_? 7. To what do _labor_ and _pains_ especially refer?


Honors come by ----; riches spring from economy.

"Tis ---- supports us all.

There is no success in study without close, continuous, and intense ----.

His ---- in wickedness would have won him enduring honor if it had taken the form of ---- in a better cause.

INFINITE (page 216).


1. From what language is _infinite_ derived, and with what meaning? To what may it be applied? 2. How do _countless_, _innumerable_, and _numberless_ compare with _infinite_? 3. What is the use of _boundless_, _illimitable_, _limitless_, _measureless_, and _unlimited_? 4. What are the dimensions of _infinite_ s.p.a.ce? What is the duration of _infinite_ time?


My bounty is as ---- as the sea, my love as deep, the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are ----.

Man"s inhumanity to man makes ---- thousands mourn.

INFLUENCE (page 217).


1. What is it to _influence_? is one _influenced_ by external or internal force? 2. To what kind of power does _actuate_ refer? Does one person _actuate_ or _influence_ another? 3. What do _prompt_ and _stir_ imply? 4. What is it to _excite_? 5. What do _incite_ and _instigate_ signify? How do these two words differ? 6. What do _urge_ and _impel_ imply? How do they differ in the source of the power exerted? 7. What do _drive_ and _compel_ imply, and how do these two words compare with each other?


He was ---- by his own violent pa.s.sions to desperate crime.

And well she can ----.

Fine thoughts are wealth, for the right use of which Men are and ought to be accountable, If not to Thee, to those they ----.

INHERENT (page 218).


1. What does _inherent_ signify? 2. To what realm of thought does _immanent_ belong? What does it signify? How does it differ from _inherent_? Which is applied to the Divine Being? 3. To what do _congenital_, _innate_, and _inborn_ apply as distinguished from _inherent_ and _intrinsic_? 4. With what special reference does _congenital_ occur in medical and legal use? 5. What is the difference in use between _innate_ and _inborn_? 6. What does _inbred_ add to the sense of _innate_ or _inborn_? 7. What is _ingrained_?


An ---- power in the life of the world.

All men have an ---- right to life, liberty, and protection.

He evinced an ---- stupidity that seemed almost tantamount to ---- idiocy.

Many philosophers hold that G.o.d is ---- in nature.

Any stable currency must be founded at last upon something, as gold or silver, that has ---- value.

The wrongs and abuses which are ---- in the very structure and const.i.tution of society as it now exists throughout Christendom.

INJURY (page 219).

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