As you grow ready for it, somewhere or other you will find what is ---- for you in a book.

The ideas of s.p.a.ce and time are called in philosophy ---- ideas.

NECESSITY (page 250).


1. What is _necessity_? 2. What do _need_ and _want_ imply? How does _need_ compare with _want_? 3. How does _necessity_ compare with _need_?

4. What is an _essential_?


Courage is, on all hands, considered as an ---- of high character.

No living man can send me to the shades Before my time; no man of woman born, Coward or brave, can shun his ----.

NEGLECT, _n._ (page 251).


1. What is _neglect_? _negligence_? How do the two words compare? 2.

What senses has _negligence_ that _neglect_ has not? 3. Which of the two words may be used in a pa.s.sive sense? 4. What is the legal phrase for a punishable _omission_ of duty?


Ah, why Should we, in the world"s riper years, ---- G.o.d"s ancient sanctuaries, and adore Only among the crowd.

But, alas, to make A fixed figure, for the hand of ---- To point his slow unmoving finger at.

NEW (page 252).


1. What is the meaning of _new_? of _modern_? of _recent_? 2. How does _recent_ compare with _new_? 3. What is the meaning of _novel_? of _fresh_? 4. To what do _young_ and _youthful_ distinctively apply?

NIMBLE (page 253).


1. To what does _nimble_ properly refer? 2. To what does _swift_ apply?

3. How does _alert_ compare with _nimble_? For what is _alert_ more properly a synonym?


Win her with gifts, if she respect not words; Dumb jewels often, in their silent kind, More ---- than words, do move a woman"s mind.

Profound thinkers are often helpless in society, while shallow men have ---- and ready minds.

NORMAL (page 253).


1. What does _natural_ signify? _normal_? Give instances of the distinctive use of the two words. 2. What does _typical_ signify?

_regular_? _common_?


He does it with a better grace, but I do it more ----.

The ---- round of work may grow monotonous, but it is evidently necessary.



1. What is the signification of _however_ as a conjunction? of _nevertheless_? 2. Which is the most emphatic word of the group and what does it signify? 3. How do _yet_ and _still_ compare with _notwithstanding_? with _but_? 4. What is the force of _tho_ and _altho_? 5. How does _notwithstanding_ as a preposition differ from _despite_ or _in spite of_?


---- do thy worst, old Time; despite thy wrong, My love shall in my verse ever live young.

---- till all graces be in one woman, one woman shall not come in my grace.

There was an immense crowd ---- the inclement weather.

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