---- punishment is practically abandoned in the greater number of American schools.

Man has two parts, the one ---- and earthly, the other immaterial and spiritual.

These races are all clearly differentiated by other ---- traits than the color of the skin.

We can not think of substance save in terms that imply ---- properties.

PITIFUL (page 273).


1. What was the original meaning of _pitiful_? What does it now signify?

2. How does _pitiful_ differ in use from _pitiable_? 3. What was the early and what is the present sense of _piteous_?


There is something pleading and ---- in the simplicity of perfect ignorance.

The most ---- sight one ever sees is a young man doing nothing; the Furies early drag him to his doom.

O, the most ---- cry of the poor souls!

PITY (page 273).


1. What is _pity_? _sympathy_? 2. How does _sympathy_ in its exercise differ from _pity_? 3. How does _pity_ differ from _mercy_? 4. How does _compa.s.sion_ compare with _mercy_ and _pity_? 5. How does _commiseration_ differ from _compa.s.sion_?


Nothing but the Infinite ---- is sufficient for the infinite pathos of human life.

He hallows every heart he once has swayed, And when his presence we no longer share, Still leaves ---- as a relic there.

PLEAD (page 274).


1. What is it to _plead_ in the ordinary sense? in the legal sense? 2.

How do _argue_ and _advocate_ differ? 3. What do _beseech_, _entreat_, and _implore_ imply? 4. How does _solicit_ compare with the above words?


Speak to me low, my Savior, low and sweet, . . .

Lest I should fear and fall, and miss thee so, Who art not missed by any that ----.

Speaking of the honor paid to good men, is it not time to ---- for a reform in the writing of biographies?

PLEASANT (page 275).


1. What does _pleasant_ add to the sense of _pleasing_? 2. How does _pleasant_ compare with _kind_? 3. What does _good-natured_ signify? How does it compare with _pleasant_?


Like one that wraps the drapery of his couch About him, and lies down to ---- dreams.

When fiction rises ---- to the eye, Men will believe because they love the lie.

... If we must part forever, Give me but one ---- word to think upon.

PLENTIFUL (page 276).


1. What kind of a term is _enough_, and what does it mean? 2. How does _sufficient_ compare with _enough_? 3. What is _ample_? 4. To what do _abundant_, _ample_, _liberal_, and _plentiful_ apply? 5. How is _copious_ used? _affluent_? _plentiful_? 6. What does _complete_ express? 7. In what sense are _lavish_ and _profuse_ employed? 8. To what is _luxuriant_ applied?


My ---- joys, Wanton in fulness, seek to hide themselves In drops of sorrow.

Can anybody remember when the right sort of men and the right sort of women were ----?

Share the advice betwixt you; if both gain all, The gift doth stretch itself as "tis received, And is ---- for both.

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