The law, which had long been ---- by the revolutionists, was at last ---- by the legislature.

The ancient statute was found to have been ---- by later enactments, though never formally ----.

The Supreme Court ---- the adverse decision of the inferior tribunal.

Even in a republic, sedition should be promptly ----, or it may result in the ---- of free inst.i.tutions.

From the original settlement of Vineland, New Jersey, the sale of intoxicating liquor has been ----.



1. To what was _abomination_ originally applied? 2. Does it refer to a state of mind or to some act or other object of thought? 3. How does _abomination_ differ from _aversion_ or _disgust_? 4. How does an _abomination_ differ from an _offense_? from crime in general?


After the ship began to pitch and roll, we could not look upon food without ----.

It is time that such a ---- should be abated.

Capital punishment was formerly inflicted in England for trivial ----.

In spite of their high attainments in learning and art, the foulest ---- were prevalent among the Greeks and Romans of cla.s.sic antiquity.

ABRIDGMENT (page 7).


1. How does an _abridgment_ differ from an _outline_ or a _synopsis_?

from an _abstract_ or _digest_? 2. How does an _abstract_ or _digest_ differ from an _outline_ or a _synopsis_? 3. Does an _a.n.a.lysis_ of a treatise deal with what is expressed, or with what is implied? 4. What words may we use to express a condensed view of a subject, whether derived from a previous publication or not?


The New Testament may be regarded as an ---- of religion.

There are several excellent ---- of English literature.

An ---- of the decision of the court was published in all the leading papers.

The publishers determined to issue an ---- of their dictionary.

Such ---- as U. S. for United States should be rarely used, unless in hasty writing or technical works.

ABSOLUTE (page 8).


1. What does _absolute_ in the strict sense denote? _supreme_? 2. To what are these words in such sense properly applied? 3. How are they used in a modified sense? 4. Is _arbitrary_ ever used in a good sense?

What is the chief use? Give examples. 5. How does _autocratic_ differ from _arbitrary_? both these words from _despotic_? _despotic_ from _tyrannical_? 6. Is _irresponsible_ good or bad in its implication?

_arbitrary_? _imperative_? _imperious_? _peremptory_? _positive_?



G.o.d alone is ---- and ----.

The Czar of Russia is an ---- ruler.

---- power tends always to be ---- in its exercise.

On all questions of law in the United States the decision of the ---- Court is ---- and final.

Learning of the attack on our seamen, the government sent an ---- demand for apology and indemnity.

Man"s ---- will and ---- intellect have given him dominion over all other creatures on the earth, so that they are either subjugated or exterminated.

ABSOLVE (page 9).


1. What is the original sense of _absolve_? 2. To what does it apply? 3.

What is its special sense when used with reference to sins? 4. How does it differ from _acquit_? _forgive_? _justify_? _pardon_? 5. What are the chief antonyms of _absolve_?


No power under heaven can ---- a man from his personal responsibility.

When the facts were known, he was ---- of all blame.

ABSORB (page 9).

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