"Why are those two-"

"I don"t know ah!" Wu Fei cuts her off, voice a little distressed and confused. What happened to the promise of not interfering ah?

And where"s that system who keeps on threatening her with extermination?

Gu Susu looks on in silence. She really doesn"t know whether to laugh or cry at this ah. These brothers, they are really quite doting and protective of their younger sister.

...It"s really interesting.

In the back of her mind, she ignores the feeling of envy and longing for such a relationship.

She stares at the two brothers before glancing at Wu Fei. These siblings, why are they so charismatic ah? No matter what their personality is, their aura still captures the attention of anyone. Take this little girl of an example. When this little girl entered the room, her bearing made everyone turn to look at her.

The two girls watches on in silence as the group of eye-catching men and woman enters the audition room.

When the door closed with a soft bang that echoed through the silent room, the room instantly exploded into chaos.

"Oh G.o.d! Are they a part of the judging team?"

"What"s Wu Anyu doing here ah?"

"Maybe for the poster? I don"t know that he"s into photography though..."


Hearing the insistent gossips, speculation and talks about the big brothers that she adores, Wu Fei frowns.

Really, these people... just what do they think this is ah?!

They should be focusing more on rehearsing and getting themselves ready rather than gossiping!

A loud and firm clap drew the attention of everyone. They all turn to look at the direction the sound originated from

Seeing old man standing there with a smile, the crowd finally fell into silence.

Speechlessly, Wu Fei stares at the kindly old man. What is Secretary Lin doing here ah?

"Alright," He spoke up. His voice firm and rather loud. "Earlier, someone handed out numbers to each one of you. When your number is called, please get inside the room."

Murmurs arises from the crowd.

"Number 143, please prepare. I will come back here in five minutes."

The cute girl holding the number 143 flinched as she fidgets on her seat. Her bright eyes looking around nervously.

"What"s your number, Feifei?"

Gu Susu turns to ask the little girl for her number and sees her staring at the door thoughtfully.


Brought out of her thoughts, Wu Fei stares to look at her friend.


"You"re number," Gu Susu prompts with a smile. Seeing the girl"s slightly gla.s.sy and daze eyes staring at her, she held back the urge to coo at her. Really, she"s such a cutie ah!


Wu Fei blinks.


Glancing down at the bright red number tied on her wrist, she answers the question absentmindedly.


Gu Susu hums and the two then fell silent.

They watch on as one by one, people enter and exit the room with a varied emotions.

And when the people exited the room, their expressions vary from disappointment, sadness, confusion and happiness. So many different emotions that Wu Fei couldn"t help but stare at them, entranced from the intensity of their feelings.


The call of a number that Wu Fei knee the owner of, pulls her out of her thoughts.

She turns to face Gu Susu, only to see her already standing beside her with a bright smile.

"Feifei, wish me luck ah~"

She couldn"t help but teasingly speak. Ruffling the hair of her darling friend, she chuckles. So cute ah!

"Good luck." Wu Fei obediently did as she is told, a small smile on her lips.

The two friends, so different from each other, share a look. They smile brightly.

Watching her friend enter the room and the door closing with a soft but firm sound... Wu Fei frowns.

Just a step closer.

Just a step closer from entering the entertainment industry.

Just one step closer from fulfilling her promise.

She... can"t back down from this anymore ah.


Gu Susu carefully walks to the center of the room, mindful of the a.s.sessing and judging gazes of the people sitting at the judging table.

While the judges inspects her, she also looks at the judges carefully.

Sitting at the middle is the only woman in the group of judges. He Shurong, a young and well-known director whom already have several awards under her belt, a beautiful woman.

To her right, sitting on the place where the scriptwritter is supposed to sit in, is surprisingly Wu Ling Xun.

And, beside him is his brother. The second son of the Wu Jia, Wu Anyu. A man whose emotionless and cold face reminds her of a certain Film Emperor.

Little Fei"s second brother, the one whose name is all that she heard coming from her friend these past few days.

To He Shurong"s left sat a very familiar face. Meeting the gaze of her very surprised and shocked older brother, she smiles.

Beside her older brother, is a cute youthful looking boy. Another famous person, Dongfang Lingyi, a renowned make-up artist.

With a line-up like this, Gu Susu couldn"t help but wonder just how important is this series.

"Name?" The soft but firm voice of He Shurong brought her out of her thoughts.

"Gu Susu." She automatically answers, voice steady and confident.

Wu Ling Xun frowns, displeasure and annoyance flickering in his eyes. This girl, she actually came here to audition? Is she this determined to follow his little sister?

Wu Anyu didn"t miss that slight shift of his older brother"s emotion at all. He couldn"t help but look at the girl closely, wanting to find out what annoyed his brother so much.

"I see," He Shurong blandly replies, glancing up from the paper in front of her. Seeing a face that greatly resembles her friend"s, she glances at the one beside her.

Seeing that confused and hurt look of Gu Rongyu, the woman smiles brightly. So interesting ah! She then sneakily glances at her phone.

This must be her then, the dearest friend of her little ancestor...

With that thought in mind, He Shurong"s eyes sparkled with mischief.

"Well then, we want you to..."


Gu Susu walks out of the room, gait full of overbearing confidence and smugness. Her smile nearly blinded the eyes of the onlookers.

Following after her, with a very exasperated and resigned look, is the poor sacrificial lamb Secretary Lin. A man who is every much tired from being surrounded by insane and unreasonable people who dotes fiercely at the little ancestor.

Wu Fei suddnely stood up, ignoring all the looks thrown at her, she quickly walks up to her friend.

"Susu~ How did it go ah?" She chirps merrily.

Gu Susu smiles brightly, her mood brightening as she remembers what had occured in the room.

"I"ll tell you once you finished yours." She deflects the little girl"s question with a compromise.

Wu Fei frowns, displeased with her friend"s word. But, seeing such a happy smile on Gu Susu"s friend, didn"t dare to throw her usual tricks at getting what she wants.

Behind them, Secretary Lin stares in shock at the woman who could defy the Young Miss without suffering from any repercussions.

Even though this miss Gu is actually just compromising about this and is not actually denying the Young Miss...

It is still a surprise ah!

Very much surprised yet thrilled from the knowledge that there"s finally someone to reign in the family"s little ancestor...

The poor man went back to work. After all, how can he dare dally about and eavesdrop on his Young Miss and her friend"s converstation?

Most of all, his boss is simply a slave-driver! A very cruel man who always overwork his employees!


Very much bored and tired from waiting, Wu Fei couldn"t help but let out a sigh. Glancing around her, she notices that there are only several people left.

If this goes on ah, she"ll be tempted to ignore everything else and just sleep!


The kindly old voice calls out, breaking the rather tense silence of the room.

Hearing the number, Wu Fei"s eyes sparkled in delight.

Finally here!


『Little Theater Box』

「What actually happened after Gu Susu auditioned.」

He Shurong: I like her! Pa.s.s!

Wu Ling Xun: No!

He Zicheng: ...Why?

Gu Susu: Feifei will be sad if you denied me. ( • ᴗ • )

He Shurong: (๑°o°๑) ...I like her! Pa.s.s!

Wu Anyu: Pa.s.s.

He Zicheng: ...Pa.s.s.

Wu Ling Xun: ( ー̀ н ー́ ) ...Pa.s.s

Gu Susu: Thank you. ( ー̀֊ー́ )✧

Secretary Lin: (Young Masters... What happened to your dignity ah?!)

086 who is watching at the corner: 〘...As expected ah.〙

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