Time froze for those watching this scene.

A stunning little beauty with a pure and elegant aura like that of an immortal fairy stood in front of handsome young man whose aura was like that of a cold and taciturn emperor.

This is simply a feast for the eyes ah!


What everyone can see, especially the three women that are watching this pair closely, is this man"s overflowing love for this girl.

For an intimidating and cold man to look at a female with gentle and loving eyes like that, what else could it be but love?

The woman, upon hearing his words, smiles. Her stunning appearance blooming. She became more breathtaking ah.

Like a woman in love.

"Baixue ah, please stop calling me that!"

Wu Fei spoke, gritting her teeth together while her body is shaking from repressed anger. This guy! This annoying guy!

A certain spoiled little princess couldn"t help but ask herself. Why did she even feel a slight sense of happiness from hearing him call out her name earlier?

Xi Baixue laughs lightly, leaning closer to the little girl. This little girl whose mere presence always sent his heart into disarray. "Calling you what?"

Seeing her cheeks flushing red from anger, he couldn"t help but want to tease her more.

"I was just calling you what your mother calls you ah. Xiao Fei or do you prefer darling Feifei more?"

Hearing that thoughtful tone and the look of contemplation this guy has, little student Wu Fei couldn"t hold it in anymore.

"Xi! Bai! Xue!" She hissed out, enraged. Her bright eyes turning red from anger. "Don"t call me anything but Xiao Fei! Don"t want to hear you call me darling Feifei or little doll!"

Her heart wouldn"t be able to handle it ah! She thought, glancing at this man"s appearance.

Why was it that when they were children, this guy was so cute in appearance but when we finally grew up, he turns into such an evil doer?

Habitually, she reach out to pinch this certain childhood friend"s cheeks.

Xi Baixue, noticing this girl"s intention, narrows his eyes. Hum, her acting like this, like nothing really changed, is really... really cute ah.

Swiftly, this man whose thoughts were always about this little girl grasp the hand that is reaching out to him. Pulling Wu Fei closer, he hugged her.


Wu Fei who is being embraced by him, "..." Somehow, this development is quite shocking ah?

Mother Wu and Mother Xi stares, stunned at the sudden turn of events, "..." This boy, did his self control snapped after interacting with that little girl for so long ah?

Gu Susu who was watching the pair interact without blinking. "..." Her gaze turns complicated. These two are childhood sweethearts?

086 who saw this scene, 〘...〙This sudden development, is this a gift ah?

The frangrance of mint and male"s perfume was all Wu Fei can smell as she stood there allowing Xi Baixue to hug her.

"Xiao Fei, it really has been a long time ah." His voice, like a soft caressed, whispered to her ears. Her ears turned red and became numb from the sensation of his lips nearly touching her ears.


Since when had this guy became so skilled in the arts of seduction ah? Really, really hateful!

"You... you..." Speechless a certain hermit who for the year and a half didn"t leave her room couldn"t speak coherently as her mind turns blank from the sudden actions this man made.

"I what?" Smirking, Xi Baixue took a step back and he lets go of this little girl. He couldn"t help but unconsciously frown at the lost of warmth.

"Nothing." Darkly, Wu Fei scowls at the smug look of this guy. Big brothers! Why aren"t you here ah?Baixue went and ate my tofu!!

"Now, now." Mother Xi immediately mediated upon noticing that dark glower from Wu Fei.

After all, the nightmare that they call an aftermath of their fights are always mentally exhausting to watch. It will always end with the little girl in tears and that son of hers would be the victorious one but so angry and furious because he made his precious sweetheart cry that he"ll vent it out when he arrived at home. His little uncle is the one who would always bear the burnt of it ah.

Now that they had became older, she feared that the aftermath would be radically different. She can guess that the little girl would end up victorious in the battles to come... while her son would end up eating loss after loss being angered to death.

ε-( = _ = ;)

What troublesome children they are ah.


"Alright then~ Let"s go and shop everyone." Mother Wu smiles brightly at the sight of the three children in front of her.

It has been a year ah. A year since she had last seen her daughter this happy. A year since she had last seen her so animated.

"Susu~ Let"s have matching outfits~"

Gu Susu, feeling a cold and chilling stare coming from the direction of a certain man who is certainly now eating vinegar, shook her head.

"Feifei ah, our style is really different. I"ll be really hard to find an out fit that can fit and match our temperament and style." She gently denies her.

Wuwuwu Feifei, I am really sorry ah! Gu Susu secretly took a sneak peak of the great G.o.d standing behind her before she stares at the little girl in front of her. It"s just that the enemy is so strong and terrifying!

Wu Fei frowns before she nods her head. "Alright then."

She didn"t push her to agree anymore, knowing that what Gu Susu said was correct. Their styles really vary ah...

Mother Wu and Mother Xi exchange glances. These children, the two of them does not dare to say that they can contain whatever trouble would befall on them. And so, these two women then decided to leave these troublesome children behind!

"You three, go and explore to your hearts content ah." Mother Xi smiles beautifully at the three.

"While we will go and shop for some clothes ah. Xiao Fei, go and buy as many games as you want ah." Mother Wu didn"t forget to add, she couldn"t help but feel apprehensive and anxious in her heart for her daughter.

After all, this little girl had never been in the mall without the presence of her brothers or anyone from their family.

Without waiting for the children to react, the two woman quickly left.

"Mother?" Little student Wu Fei, who was now holding 086 in her arms, could only watch on as the figure of her mother disappear from her line of sight.

She couldn"t help but hug the little ball tighter as she anxiously looks around. Her heart fell into disarray as fragments of her memories of the past continue to play in her mind.



Big brothers!

No... no... no, Wu Fei will be good from now on so please don"t leave-

Her anxious thoughts were cut off when she felt someone"s warm hand patting her head.


『Little Black Box』

She... really didn"t change at all. Still so childish, still so scared. It pains me to see her panicked and scared.

The little doll that I knew is still there, but why is it that she seems so different?

Xiao Fei... Just... What happened to you ah?

- Xi Baixue

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